
=== Wyly7 is now known as Wyly
=== Wyly5 is now known as Wyly
Marzwhat temperature is ubuntu using on the logon message ? it isn't the cpu temp.13:24
sdezielthe body temp of the user logging in? </joke>13:27
patdk-laplogin message? mine shows no tempature13:28
patdk-lapmaybe you installed something else?13:28
tomreynMarz: what are you seeing exactly? maybe use a pastebin or post a screenshot, and provide more environmental information (ubuntu version and variant, relevant customizations you have applied, possibly hardware). if this is not server related, please ask in #ubuntu instead.13:50
Marzthe system info message on ubuntu server logon14:05
tomreynMarz: i don't think this lists any termperatures, thus suggesting you share the output, so it'll be clear what we're talking about (feel free to redact things as needed, indicating where you did) 14:37
patdk-lapseems to come in from landscape-common if you have sensors installed and configured14:42
patdk-lapand then it just picks the *hottest* temperature14:42
Marzthis is with a default install so it comes with it 14:57
Marzi did not configure anything14:57
Marzoh it uses the hottest temp14:57
patdk-lapcannot view, unsafe url :(15:18
patdk-lapdunno about default, never seen that ever on any ubuntu install I have done15:18
patdk-lapdunno what install *template* might install that landscape-common15:19
Marzmaybe because you install in a vm 15:21
patdk-lapheh? I checked bare metal server15:21
Marzthere is no temperature in vm. Or maybe your motherboard not supported15:21
patdk-lapI dunno why you would think I installed in a vm15:21
patdk-lapmothboard is supported15:21
Marzon a new install i always see the temp15:21
patdk-lapbut the script that does it, is in the landscape-common package, that I DO NOT HAVE INSTALLED15:21
Marzyou do minimized install?15:22
patdk-lapI do always use the minimal install option though15:22
Marzok then that's it 15:22
patdk-lapanything else installed way too much unneeded cve's for me15:22
Marzi was thinking about trying minimal15:23
Marzubuntu installs more packages on minimal than debian does on default15:24
patdk-lapjust wish os-prober, multipath and iscsi wasn't installed in minimal15:25
* minimal waves15:25
Marzwhy use ubuntu over debian if you prefer minimal?16:19
patdk-lapcause they are not the same16:22
patdk-lapjust cause I install minimal doesn't mean I dont install ANYTHING else16:23
patdk-lapif debian exists? why use ubuntu?16:24
patdk-lapsince slackware exists, why bother making debian or ubuntu?16:24
Marzi am moving my media server to Ubuntu. If I used Linux on Desktop I would use Ubuntu. But for a server, I am not sure if Ubuntu is a better option. For one it installs so many packages that I don't need. 16:29
patdk-lapas I said above, why I always install minimal *jeos* version16:45
mgedminI like ubuntu's predictable release schedule17:10
=== y0sh- is now known as y0sh_

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