
bluesabreArbitrary, unnecessary requirement bumps 👍03:34
MontresorI suspect there's another breaking change, but don't know what based on the changelog.03:41
Montresor- Remove private sources from the public sources list  I guess maybe...?03:41
knomematrix is disconnected again12:19
knomeis it because my account is on the ubuntu.com matrix server?12:20
knomeeg. is it only that server which is poorly managed or is it a larger issue12:20
-ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Issue 2 in Xubuntu/xubuntu-meta "Create `xubuntu-bug`" [Open]12:20
knomebluesabre, i have silly little permissions in github, can the xubuntu team perms be boosted a bit?12:22
knomelike allow assigning any issues in any xubuntu repo, even to self?12:22
bluesabre  knome: try now?12:30
bluesabreAnd yeah, I think it's specific to the ubuntu.com matrix server. matrix.com rarely went down but it's probably got waaaaay more resources allocated.12:31
bluesabre(people and hardware)12:31
bluesabreI wonder how much pressure is on the folks managing that server since I think all the Canonical folks use it primarily now.12:35
knomedunno, i'm completely switching overy to matrix.org12:37
knomebluesabre, perms look better!12:37
knomehow do you move spaces though 12:38
knomeguess we don't have enough backlog to actually care, but i do vote for moving the space/rooms too, the ubuntu server has been broken on a few days this week already12:47
MontresorI have heard of matrix.org messages being delayed up to 30 minutes still, though.18:44
Montresorbluesabre: We have a bug.18:44
bluesabreUh oh.20:39
MontresorBug 2064846 kinda trying to poke everyone. :P20:41
-ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Bug 2064846 in xfce4-panel (Ubuntu) "xfce4-panel 4.18.4 in noble broken with glibc 2.80" [Medium, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/206484620:41

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