
=== lbeaufils517 is now known as lbeaufils51
xu-irc93wHi can somebody tell me how it's possible that tumblerd is installed and running on xubuntu 24.0413:27
xu-irc93wAnd yet any action with systemctl [blah] tumblerd or tumblerd.service yields this:13:27
xu-irc93wUnit tumblerd.service could not be found.13:28
xu-irc93wThis is driving me nuts13:28
tomreynxu-irc93w: not all processes are backed by / managed as a systemd service13:29
xu-irc93wAh ok so this is normal>13:29
tomreyni would think so.13:29
tomreyntumbler is part of xfce, so it's probably not a system service, but somethiung started by xfce / xfwm13:30
xu-irc93w│ └─4740 grep --color=auto tumblerd13:30
xu-irc93w                 │ ├─tumblerd.service13:30
xu-irc93w                 │ │ └─4533 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/tumbler-1/tumblerd13:30
xu-irc93wThat's the output of systemctl status | grep tumbler13:31
tomreynoh, this suggests it really is a systemd managed service13:31
tomreynit may be a user service, though13:31
tomreynif you run   ps 4533    it should tell you which user the process is owned by13:32
tomreynps u 4533      actually13:32
xu-irc93wwithout u it was this13:33
xu-irc93w4533 ?        SNLsl   0:00 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/tumbler-1/tumblerd13:33
xu-irc93wwith u it's just column headers; not one row13:34
xu-irc93wEugh I don't remember this many headaches in xub 20 :(13:34
tomreyni assume this means the process has exited since13:35
tomreynor you mistyped the id13:35
tomreynsystemctl --user list-units     lists your users' service units, amongst other13:36
xu-irc93wright yeah one sec let me find the pid again13:36
tomreynjournalctl --user -b    shows what was logged for user sessions since the latest reboot.13:41
tomreynhttps://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Systemd/User has much more information13:41
tomreynsystemctl --user status     lists all user processes13:45
tomreynsystemctl --user status tumblerd.service    would probably show you info on this user service.13:46
xu-irc93wRight --user did the trick!14:21
yonathanhola que tal14:27
tomreyn!en | yonathan 14:27
ubottuyonathan: The main Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:27
tomreynyou're welcome xu-irc93w 14:27
xu-help26whello all, I'm having an issue adding/modifying users and permissions.21:30
xu-help26wnamely user management isn't showing in the settings panel like the documentation says it should21:31
xu-help26wthis is a fresh install21:31
tomreynHi xu-help26w. Which version of Xubuntu did you install?21:32
xu-help26w24.04.1 lts21:33
tomreyni don't currently have this version running, but if you like i could install it and then we can both look into it. or you could upload a screenshot of what you're actually seeing and then describe how it differs from the documentation.21:34
MontresorDo you have gnome-system-tools installed?21:36
xu-help26wprobably not... I installed the minimal iso21:37
tomreyni think you just answered your question there21:38
xu-help26wi did not.. installing now. thanks!21:38

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