
=== matttbe5 is now known as matttbe
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kar-karychHi! After updating to 24.04 i found that krank game is now crashing shortly after starting. I fixed this bug and tried to make a patch, but i unable to find a way to achieve that. Is this a right place to find some help? Sorry for my broken English.08:17
kar-karychI followed this guide https://raphaelhertzog.com/2011/07/04/how-to-prepare-patches-for-debian-packages/ but debuild complaining about some missing tarball. With -b parameter it produced .deb, .buildinfo, .changes and .build which i successfuly installed with debi. But there a no .dsc file (i assume it's because of missing tarball).08:23
kar-karychMaybe it's sufficient to send .patch file?08:34
rbasakahasenack_: git ubuntu submit --reviewer defaults to canonical-server-reporter. Maybe that needs to move to a configurable option.09:32
Skiakar-karych: I guess if you open a bug with a patch, it would be easier for anybody to jump on the problem and help you out :-)09:55
kar-karychSkia: OK then? Thanks.10:52
kar-karychI've opened bug with a patch :)10:53
nteodosiokar-karych, thanks for sharing your patch. Regarding the original question, to get the tarball debuild complains about, you can use 'pull-lp-source krank' or even download it directly from Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/krank/0.7+dfsg2-4.12:15
rbasakgeorgiag: I wonder if you could do some triaging on the most recent comments in bug 2046844 please? It may be that they aren't valid or separate issues unrelated to the bug, but it isn't clear to me if they need attention or not. Depending on your findings it might be appropriate to ask reporters to file new bugs, etc.12:40
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2046844 in tor (Ubuntu) "AppArmor user namespace creation restrictions cause many applications to crash with SIGTRAP" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204684412:40
georgiagrbasak: yes, I was just looking into it12:41
georgiagrbasak: I'm trying to comment on the bug but I'm bumping into bug 2083633 :S I don't really know what to do here...12:58
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2083633 in Launchpad itself "Timeout when adding a comment to a (large?) bug" [High, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/208363312:58
ahasenack_maybe replying via email works13:04
ahasenack_georgiag: try replying to 2046844@bugs.launchpad.net13:04
georgiagahasenack_: nice, it went through. thank you!13:13
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