
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
tomreynhi Guest4311:26
tomreynhi Guest1411:27
tomreynyou probably meant to reach #ubuntu, but were forwarded here, to #ubuntu-ops. we have a forward in place for all Guest* users to this channel. if you can register your nickname or just set a different ident, then we can let you in permanently.11:27
tomreynFor information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera . once this is sorted, please leave this channel. thanks!11:28
tomreyn(you're also welcome to ask here rather than in #libera - but we may be slower to respond.)11:29
=== Guest14 is now known as wigglewoggle
wigglewoggledo i have to do some more things after registering to access #ubuntu?13:15
tomreynwigglewoggle: you should probably change your ident, too. It still says "Guest14".14:24
tomreynor "~Guest14" to be precise14:24
tomreynyour client may be calling this your "username"14:27
tomreynthe irc protocol term is IRCUSER14:28
wigglewogglenice, relogin worked ty :)14:44
tomreynThanks for confirming, wigglewoggle15:15
tomreynwigglewoggle: please leave this channel once you're all set19:48

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