=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [11:26] hi Guest43 [11:27] hi Guest14 [11:27] you probably meant to reach #ubuntu, but were forwarded here, to #ubuntu-ops. we have a forward in place for all Guest* users to this channel. if you can register your nickname or just set a different ident, then we can let you in permanently. [11:28] For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera . once this is sorted, please leave this channel. thanks! [11:29] (you're also welcome to ask here rather than in #libera - but we may be slower to respond.) === Guest14 is now known as wigglewoggle [13:15] do i have to do some more things after registering to access #ubuntu? [14:24] wigglewoggle: you should probably change your ident, too. It still says "Guest14". [14:24] or "~Guest14" to be precise [14:27] your client may be calling this your "username" [14:28] the irc protocol term is IRCUSER [14:44] nice, relogin worked ty :) [15:15] Thanks for confirming, wigglewoggle [19:48] wigglewoggle: please leave this channel once you're all set