
Roeyleftyfb: ok, I ran it.  Still I get the same result.00:03
Roeycannot ssh into it from a remote machine00:03
Roeyleftyfb: ^00:03
leftyfbRoey: reboot00:09
Roeyleftyfb: I rebooted and re-tested.  I can ssh into the machine's localhost, but not remotely from another machine00:16
Roeystill same issue00:16
Roeyit's like.. there's something blocking this00:16
leftyfbRoey: sudo iptables -S00:16
Roeyleftyfb: iptables -L -v   showed the wrong port open00:19
Roeyleftyfb: ok, fixed that, and now i can log in.00:20
leftyfbRoey: ok, just to be clear, iptables isn't installed or configured by default. So would have been something you or another admin has implemented00:21
Roeyleftyfb: I configured iptables00:30
Roeya long time ago00:30
Roeyi'll get to the botto mof this then report back.00:30
Roeyleftyfb: I think what happened was (a) configured iptables a long time ago ; (b) had to reconfigure iwth the new ssh port locations under socket.d at a later time, and gave it a different port00:30
Roeyand then couldn't figure ou twhy it owuldn't connect00:31
vortexxtomreyn: yeah that'd help.00:37
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oli_bGood morning06:29
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incesguestHello everyone,09:37
incesguestI am trying to detect and format a usb key, which I cannot see in lsblk.09:37
incesguestI can only see it in lsusb and in df -h .09:37
incesguestHow can I get some kind of identifier that will allow me to format it with say mkfs.ntfs for example?09:37
ravageIt's almost impossible to see it mounted but not in lsblk09:40
ravageFor any mass storage device09:41
incesguestSo what I should I do to see it somewhere and mount it properly09:41
incesguestI can not make sense of the lshw output.09:42
ravageIf df shows it you see the device and it's already mounted09:42
ravagemount also shows you the device name then09:42
ravageYou're welcome?09:45
oli_bHi All...  I am having some power issues with my very old Lenovo ThinkPad11:06
oli_bIt started in summer when I was having Ubuntu Mate 22.04   , but I thought they will disappear if I install a new one11:07
oli_bNow I am having Ubuntu Cinnamon 24.04   , but the problem did not disappear11:07
oli_bI am afraid it is either hardware or BIOS11:07
oli_bThe symptom is:   If I shut down the laptop, the power LED goes off, but the keyboard backlight remains ON and CPU is doing something as the system fan keeps rotating and it is blowing hot air11:08
oli_bThis goes on until the batteries are fully drained then the laptop dies.  Connecting the charger and long pressing the power button it is booting from scratch with 0% battery charge11:08
oli_bFirst I suspected plymouth but did not find any trace that it is unable to shut down properly, and one of the evidences is that the power LED of the laptop goes OFF, so I think plymouth does its job11:09
oli_bhow to investigate further?11:09
oli_balthough sometimes when I have external display attached, even plymouth is unable to shut down the machine, it is blocked at some point, and by unplugging the external display the plymouth goes on and shuts down the computer11:13
DanielI am running a cloud image ubuntu 24.04, and everytime the system starts, on tty0  it tries to automatically login with ubuntu user, altough on getty@tty1.service has no override file, no configuration about any autologin or ubuntu username, practically using default configs, its a ubuntu 24.04 cloud server11:13
DanielI have no idea where is the config for this auto login11:14
DanielI meant tty1 not 011:15
mgedminoli_b: which thinkpad model?11:15
mgedminoli_b: it could be a kernel problem, if it fails to power off the hardware11:15
oli_bmgedmin: 20F5S4C200 ThinkPad X26011:16
oli_bmgedmin: with Ubuntu mate 22.04 I did not have problem for 2 years, but at some point the problem appeared11:17
oli_bmgedmin: I don't remember if it was tied to a kernel update or not11:17
oli_bmgedmin: But now I fresh installed Cinnamon 24.04. Kernel: Linux 6.8.0-47-generic , the same symptom exists11:17
mgedminhmm, you might try your luck asking in ##ibmthinkpad11:18
oli_bmgedmin: "IBM" ThinkPad :-)11:19
mgedminI skipped that generation (had an x220, and now an x390), and I never had issues with any of my thinkpads failing to power off11:19
mgedmintbh I almost never power off mine, I usually suspend11:19
oli_bmgedmin: me neither!  Until this summer.....11:19
mgedminyeah, it's an old channel11:19
mgedminthey have 'lenovo welcome' in /topic, to reassure people11:20
mgedminor used to?11:20
oli_bmgedmin: Oh, I forget to mention the suspend: The reason why I shut down the laptop is that if I suspend, it NEVER wakes up again, by NO means.... So I have to forcingly turn it off and turn it on again, and I am afraid of corrupting the file system doing this killing on a daily basis, so I rather shut down so that the file systems are at least unmounted properly11:21
oli_boh yeah.... that hurts me too11:22
mgedminoh cool lenovo has pushed x260 firmware updates to lvfs: https://fwupd.org/lvfs/devices/com.lenovo.ThinkPadR02ET.firmware11:57
mgedminhave you checked with `fwupdmgr get-updates` whether your firmware needs updating?11:58
mgedminchances that they might fix your suspend/poweroff problems are low, but non-zero11:58
tomreynoli_b: did you inspect kernel warnings, yet?  journalctl -kb0 -p4        pipe it into termbin to share:  |& nc termbin.com 999911:59
tomreynthe x260 firmware version in lvfs is outdated, though, the latest and last one for this model is v1.50 according to https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/thinkpad-x-series-laptops/thinkpad-x260/20f5/downloads/driver-list/component?name=BIOS%2FUEFI&id=5AC6A815-321D-440E-8833-B07A93E0428C12:00
tomreynwhich is a security update over the v1.49 lvfs has https://download.lenovo.com/pccbbs/mobiles/r02uj77w.txt12:01
nteodosiooli_b, what if you disable Plymouth so you can actually see the log as the system shuts down? That could give you a hint. You can actually record it with a camera because after the filesystems are unmounted the messages are gone.12:07
oli_btomreyn: my current FW is 0.1.4912:09
BluesKajHi all12:11
tomreynoli_b: okay, that's the last but one, so you're only missing the security fixes listed in the text file linked above.12:12
oli_btomreyn: https://termbin.com/5low12:26
oli_bBluesKaj: hi12:26
tomreynoli_b: if you're not using the tpm, i suggest disabling it in bios and see whether this helps. also the dmar issues could be related. try looking those up.12:31
BluesKajhi oli_b12:33
oli_bnteodosio: Thanks for the idea, I'll try to play around with Plymouth as well but currently I am using the laptop for work, making phone conference, working in spread sheets, etc, so currently shutting it down is not an option....12:35
oli_btomreyn: to be honest, the tpm was always on, and there were no issues for like 8 years.  Some months ago the laptop started to behave so strange, and I am afraid that it is already hardware related as the machine is from 2015, so after 9 yrs some components might be dead...12:38
tomreynoli_b: sure, it could be this. it could be something else, too. you could also boot with more verbose logging (to screen) which would also provide textual output on screen while shutting down.12:42
ubottuTo show errors during boot and shutdown, edit the kernel command line: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters and replace "quiet splash" by "debug systemd.log_level=info". Disable "Full screen logo" and "Fastboot" options in your BIOS setup, or hit 'Esc' when the logo shows on power up.12:43
tomreynoli_b: since this text will only be readable until the system suspends (obviously), another option may be to login by ssh from another system and run a    dmesg -w   there12:45
tomreynoli_b: yet another option would be to inspect what may be going wrong during suspend (but only while the disk can be written to) is to inspect the last records recovered from the systemd journal before the system entered suspend.    journalctl -eb -1    # but this will certainly be incomplete.12:47
oli_bsystemd[1]: Reached target poweroff.target - System Power Off.12:53
oli_bsystemd[1]: Shutting down.12:53
oli_bit all goes well up to the moment the journal is stopped12:54
oli_bbut added the debug to the kernel boot parameters and once I have a chance to reboot, we'll see....12:55
pycuriouson my asrock taichi 870e motheroboard there is a realtek 5Gbps ethernet port. Ubuntu 24.04LTS server does not recognize it. I tried installing sudo apt install r8168-dkms and modprobe r8168 - but that doesnt show up anything.  dmesg | grep -i eth - does not show anything relevant. Any ideas on how to get ethernet working on this machine?12:55
Slacker9477oli_b, i have the exact same problems as you but im on an asus laptop12:55
Slacker9477down to the suspend issue12:55
oli_bSlacker9477: interesting.....  And did you ALWAYS have these issues, or just since 1...2 months ago?12:56
Slacker9477i noticed it recently but i think its been happening for a long time oli_b12:56
Slacker9477try this: sudo shutdown -h now12:56
Slacker9477this fixes it for me12:56
pycuriousThis —> lsmod | grep r8169 -> r8169  shows               118784  0 - and I dont have any "en*" in "ip a" - only wifi.12:56
oli_bSlacker9477: because for me this is a recent issue12:56
Slacker9477it might be recent for me12:56
oli_bSlacker9477: Tried everything:   init 0  //  shutdown -h   //  shut it down from a menu  // etc12:57
Slacker9477i use my laptop like a desktop. its always in some corner plugged in to external monitors12:57
Slacker9477if you find a fix, lmk12:57
oli_bSlacker9477: I am carrying the laptop between home and work on a daily basis and I close the lid and it goes to suspend, and then it's over12:57
Slacker9477same here. i never put it on suspend because of this12:58
oli_bSlacker9477: the only computer that is on for 24/7 are two Raspberry's , working from a 24V/5V voltage converter from the batteries of a home solar system12:59
Slacker9477woah, that is cool12:59
tomreynpycurious: as far as i know, r8169 is for 10/100/1000 megabit interfaces, have you checked that it supports yours?13:04
tomreynpycurious: what does    lspci -knnv    list it as?13:05
pycurious@tomreyn https://dpaste.org/gcomg - this is what lspci -knnv output shows.13:23
dan52Hey guys, I've just installed Ubuntu on UTM virtualization (I have a M1 Pro – aarch64 CPU) and while I managed to edit /etc/fstab to mount the virtiofs share, and it works. It does not show up in Nautilus. Any ideas, please?13:33
tomreynpycurious: based on your paste, no driver has been found available which can manage this hardware, identified by PCI IDs 1849:8126 (which is something you can search the web for in combination with "linux"). https://linux-hardware.org/?id=pci:10ec-8126-1849-8126 suggests there can be a rather young driver, if not on ubuntu 24.0413:42
tomreynpycurious: bug 207901713:50
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2079017 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu Noble) "Need driver support for Realtek RTL8126A rev.b 5Gbps ethernet [10ec:8126]" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/207901713:50
pycurious@tomreyn Thanks for looking into this- should i just wait for things to get fixed? or perhaps ubuntu has a patch somewhere i can use?14:14
tomreynpycurious: summing up this bug report: you can either (a) upgrade to / install 24.10 (a non LTS release) or (b) manually download https://kernel.ubuntu.com/gitea/kernel/linux-firmware/raw/commit/e7d21bd790bfb6c59f5690e10c01ffbb54ce9dce/rtl_nic/rtl8126a-3.fw and place it in /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/ configure / enable the noble-proposed apt repository with a lower than default priority and then install linux-oem-24.04b from it or (c) wait a minimum14:18
tomreynof ~2 weeks and keep updating your system.14:18
tomreynmy personal preference would be option (b) because i like LTS releases, and would not want to wait for it to become available. BUT, I'd also know how to move back to the default (non OEM) kernel image when both needed parts (kernel patch, firmware) have been made available in default (non "-proposed") 24.04 with an !SRU14:21
=== PasiZ6 is now known as PasiZ
wigglewoggleHey, ive running into a problem when creating a multiarch cross-build environment for arm64. The host arch is amd64. Weve installed build-essential, the crosscompiler and other tools for the native arch and now we try to install e.g. libbz2-dev:arm64. When we do this, apt complains about missing linux-libc-dev:arm64. When we also add this to the14:47
wigglewogglelist of to-install packages, it will collide with some of the tools we require for cross building. See gist https://gist.github.com/dd-alexander/1dc9206323359e7dbd69223881935618. Stuff like that worked fine on our previous cross-build environemnt in 22.04 so im assuming that we are not completely on the wrong track here. any idea? should i create a14:47
wigglewogglebug issue on launchpad?14:47
mgedminso linux-libc-dev:arm64 conflicts with linux-libc-dev:amd64?  I wonder why14:51
mjt0khasn't linux-libc-dev become arch-all?14:51
mjt0kor this change hasn't been completed before 24.0414:52
mjt0kit definitely works on bookworm (which is close to 22.04 - there, it installs several linux-libc-dev:foo) and works on trixie (-to-be, with linux-libc-dev:all)14:57
mjt0kwigglewoggle: also watch for the versions of packages it tries to install: Multi-Arch: same requires exactly the same versions, including +bN suffixes etc15:00
DouglasKUpgrading from Ubuntu 22.04, no third party PPAs / sources, getting a "cannot calculate upgrade" failure.  I did have some packages from Docker, but they've been purged and the sources.list.d reference file removed.  I'm not sure where to go with this one ... even a "RTFM" would help if it's a relevant FM.15:06
DouglasKNote, using do-release-upgrade as this is primarily used as a headless box.15:07
mgedminDouglasK: I think you should report a bug and let ubuntu-bug attach the installer log files where it will explain what it was trying to calculate and why it failed15:07
lotuspsychjeDouglasK: does apt spit out errors, before you upgrade?15:08
mgedminmeanwhile you can look for obsolete packages (apt list '~o'), i.e. those that you have installed but that are not available in the archive15:08
mgedminone of those broke a 20.04 -> 22.04 upgrade spectacularly for me last week15:09
mgedminif you apt remove all of the obsolete packages before you try do-release-upgrade again, the problem might be gone (or it might not be, I'm not promising a panacea here)15:10
DouglasKmgedmin, Sure, I can do that.  It's appreciated.15:10
connstructFollow on question, where are those tilde tags documented? I tried looking through man apt-* and I must have missed it.15:10
mgedminman apt-patterns15:10
connstructHah, knew I missed it.15:10
mgedmin?osolete, ~o15:10
DouglasKYa, there's a few obsolete ones... I think I'll attack it on my lunch break as it appears non-trivial.15:11
DouglasKThanks mgedmin!15:11
mgedminI still have a ~/bin/list-obsolete-packages that uses apt-show-versions|grep 'No available version in archive' because until very recently I didn't know/didn't remember about apt list ~o15:11
DouglasK:) It looks like I have about 12 obsolete packages.15:12
mgedminsome of those (old kernels) should be harmless15:12
DouglasKNo old kernels... I'm good about using autoremove every now and again15:13
mgedminsome (old postgresql packages) are intentionally left so you can upgrade your database clusters, as that requires a dump using the old postgresql binaries and a load using the new ones15:13
DouglasKDo we have a required/recommended pastebin alternative for this channel?  Some channels have banned it in the past, so I ask before breaking rules.15:14
DouglasKI'll post up a list.15:14
connstructpaste.ubuntu.com, but I believe that requires an Ubuntu One login.15:16
connstructWhich seems less convenient.15:16
connstructdpaste.org is fairly lightweight, no JS, etc.15:16
mgedminthe /topic says "Pastes to https://bpa.st"15:16
connstructOh, there you go.15:17
mgedminnobody will be angry if you use dpaste or any other site (other than pastebin dot com, that one is annoying)15:17
DouglasKgot it.  Here's the packages I have... I'll clean 'em up on lunch in an hour and a bit: https://bpa.st/FPRZY15:18
connstructdocker-ce should have an updated repo for the correct release. And python-is-python2... Yeeeeah. Welcome to python3 world. :D15:19
DouglasKLOL... I don't really run much python on that machine anymore... it's moved into a home-assistant virtual machine now.15:20
DouglasKI was using home assistant back near the beginning when it was all local python and manually edited YAML files.15:21
connstructpython2 has been out the door for a good while, now.15:21
ranyahow are you ?15:27
lotuspsychjewelcome ranya15:28
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nolannhi, i want to run un old version of ubuntu15:49
nolannbut it seems that repo doesn't work any more15:49
nolannhow can i install software in this case ?15:49
ioriaenabling //old-releases.ubuntu15:50
nolannversion released in 201315:50
nolannok thanks15:52
DouglasKOk, it's reported as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/+bug/208555115:56
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2085551 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Upgrade fails from 22.04 to 24.10 with no PPAs" [Undecided, New]15:56
connstructnolann: I feel compelled to indicate that that is very unsafe in security terms.15:58
nolannconnstruct: just for testing purpose only16:00
connstructOh, not saying you haven't considered it. I just feel it would be remiss of me not to say it.16:01
tomreynDouglasK: have you run apt-forktracer or similar to identify forign packages and forign package *versions* (of packages which also exist in ubuntu)?16:18
tomreynaccording to your log, do-release-upgrade identified this "obsolete" package:    aftershot3x6416:19
tomreynwhich does not exist in ubuntu16:20
tomreynalso, do-release-upgrade switches to server mode becuase it could not find a desktop meta package installed. which you would have installed when installing using an official desktop installer, i would think.16:21
tomreynoh and this is a WSL, it is always good to point this out.16:23
tomreyni just saw your latest update to the bug report.16:25
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GrandPa-Gusing xubuntu doing a command like  sudo pip3 install paho , I get the long paragraph starting with * × This environment is externally managed ... Why and how do I fix this?16:45
tomreynstep 1: don't use sudo with pip316:46
tomreynand then you will probably want venv or the other thing which i forgot the name of :)16:47
mgedminpipx for command-line tools16:47
mgedminvenv or virtualenv for libraries that you intend to use from your own scripts16:47
GrandPa-Gother than venv, why and how to fix?16:48
mgedminhttps://pypi.org/project/paho/ says there's no such package btw16:49
connstructThere is no "other than." That's the correct fix.16:49
connstructDo not use pip to modify the system's python environment. You will not be happy with the potential impact.16:49
connstructCheck out pyenv for easy python environment management that's usable as an unprivileged user.16:49
mgedminpyenv is for installing a different Python version16:50
connstructIt also provides a separate python environment that a user can work with separate from the system.16:50
connstructI use it all the time for exactly this purpose, even if it's exactly the same version running on the system already.,16:51
GrandPa-Gok, it is paho-mqtt -> still same error.16:51
connstructGrandPa-G: Are you trying to run pip via sudo?16:51
GrandPa-GI have but in past with success on other os but will do what makes it work. I am not going to use venv16:52
connstructYou need to use a virtual environment of some form.16:52
connstructThat is the correct method.16:53
connstructSo your alternatives are possibly (probably) break your system, or use a virtual environment.16:53
GrandPa-Gbe it as it may. The question is about this command16:53
connstructYour question may be that, but the answer you're getting is this.16:53
connstructUse a virtual environment. That is the responsible system administrator solution.16:55
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lotuspsychje!ru | expert17:20
ubottuexpert: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:20
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DouglasKIs pipewire or alsa the current standard for audio in Ubuntu?  I ask as I see components from both causing a conflict... I don't use this box for audio, so I am happy to kill either both or none.18:51
DouglasK(still working on the do-release-upgrade)18:52
DouglasKOn checking another box there's plenty of both, and some pulseaudio to boot.18:55
pycurious@tomreyn Thanks so much for the advice - that was very helpful!19:10
=== Juesto is now known as Juest
pycurious@tomreyn - option b) looks like i cant make work - https://dpaste.org/djTop19:21
tomreynpycurious: Uninstall r8168-dkms19:45
dainoHi i have a big problem and i'm a big newbie in english and in ubuntu. My pc started automatically an upgrade, maybe from 22lts to 24lts, but now it doesnt start. now i'm writing from a try ubuntu live usb. Is there a simple way to downgrade or repair my ubuntu?19:48
LuckyMandaino do you have a backup of your files?19:51
dainoMy only idea is copying important files from old ubuntu to an usb disk, and then reinstall a new ubuntu19:51
LuckyManthats actually a good idea19:52
dainothat's the point, from here i can see important files, but i cant mount usb disk19:52
LuckyManit only takes the time to copy the files and 15 minutes to install fresh Ubuntu19:52
LuckyMando you have gnome or just the terminal?19:53
dainoi mounted one time, i started a copy/paste, i receved an error after 2 minutes, and now i cant remount.19:53
dainoits about 113gb19:53
dainoyes i have the terminal19:53
LuckyManis your external media large enough?19:53
LuckyManWhat I would do: I would restart the computer, boot into live and try to copy files by parts, not the whole thing at once19:54
dainomy usb hdd is dev/sdb1. now i cant mount it19:55
dainoi receve an error failed to  mount19:55
LuckyMandid you doble clicked the disk icon?19:57
LuckyManor are you trying to mount it in the terminal?19:57
DouglasKOk, on that upgrade, both pipeaudio and lubuntu-desktop were no longer present in the repos but were not listed as obsolete by Apt.  Removing them fixed the issue. If I need a desktop down the road I can add one.19:58
dainoright click on the icon-mount- failed to mount. Can you explane me how to mount from terminal, please?19:59
LuckyMandaino if you can't do it from the icon, you probably can't do it from terminal, or it may give errors. Please let the usb in and just shutdown and start again20:02
dainoi tried 10 times, every time i have to reset ubuntu try version. Is this the only way? restart 10 other times until it works?20:03
dainoi have also a windows partition, but from there i see the usb hd but i dont see the ubuntu folder that i want to copy20:04
LuckyMandaino how many usb drives are you using to achieve this?20:05
dainohow many usb hd to paste in it? just one20:06
LuckyManyou need one with the live session, and another to copy the files to20:06
dainoi have. one usb key with ubuntu try version live, and one usb hd to paste20:06
LuckyManyou shouldn't copy files to the bootable live usb20:06
dainoi have two20:07
dainoso i continue to try to restart?20:07
LuckyManalso, if you need it, you can run disks and erase the usb where you are going to copy the files to20:08
LuckyManit may be faulty20:08
dainoi cant do that, the usb hd is not empty20:08
LuckyManthat may be your problem, you may think you have enough space and you don't. Or it may be faulty anyway since it interrupted the copy process.20:10
dainoim pretty sure i have space, something like 300gb free, with something about from 65gb to 100gb to paste20:11
dainoi can go to verify it from windows20:12
LuckyManis it a NTFS usb?20:12
LuckyManthat may be your problem20:13
LuckyManthere was recently a problem on the kernel recognizing ntfs20:13
dainomaybe. but i have always used that usb hd with ubuntu 2220:13
LuckyManit would be better if the external disk was FAT32 or even Ext4, but windows can't read the second one20:15
dainodont know. let me go to windows to check free space, and retry20:16
LuckyManWhen I want a disk compatible with all systems I always go FAT3220:16
LuckyManno need to go to windows20:16
LuckyManjust open Disks20:16
dainono way. i cant mount my usb hd on this 24 live. in 22 it worked20:33
LuckyManits probably because it's NTFS20:36
dainoso i need a usb hd fat3220:36
LuckyManyes but formated in Ubuntu, because you problem might also be an old FAT file system in the disk20:39
LuckyManthe new format solves many problems20:40
MaNa2kanyone got experience with Ngrok when hosting stuff on your local ubuntu server and exposing it to external network ?20:40
dainohow to format in fat32 from ubuntu live a usb hd that i founded just now?20:42
=== fabian is now known as MonsieurBon
dainoare we sure that usb ports can work in ubuntu live 24? because i cant format it20:52
LuckyMandaino, open disks, then you just unmount it and erase the partition21:00
LuckyManif it's mounted you can't do it21:00
LuckyManbut the disk my also be not ok21:01
MonsieurBonI'm running Ubuntu and Windows 11 in dualboot. For some reason I cannot boot into Windows anymore from grub. When I try to do so, I get error: cannot load image. Booting directly into Windows by selecting that disk from the boot menu works. I already tried "sudo update-grub" and "sudo grub-install" with no success. How can I fix that?21:01
LuckyManMonsieurBon, I don't know how to solve your problem, but if I were you I would use windows in a virtual machine inside Ubuntu. You can even have several windows versions in VM21:06
LuckyManmuch better than dual booting21:07
MonsieurBonLuckyMan, I'm using windows for gaming, so that is absolutely no option! :-)21:07
LuckyManMonsieurBon, I see. But I actually game from Linux. You can do it with steam and proton21:07
LuckyManyou can check online protondb (a database of use cases for windows games on Linux)21:10
LuckyManthe only games where you get trouble are the ones with kernel anti-cheat21:12
dainook now i have a usb hd that i can use for my backup. how format it correctly?21:19
dainocompatible with modern systems and hard disks > 2TB (GPT) ?21:28
=== Juesto is now known as Juest
GrandPa-GUsing xubunt, xrdp. Any ideas why paste from my local machine will not work on to desktop? The paste menu option is not enabled.21:45
=== h4x0r-skraito is now known as l33t-0day

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