
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
astraljavaHey all, long time no see. 08:39
diogenesnHey, how long?08:40
astraljavaAnyone know if there's a setting with which screen would dim for a bit or gradually right before power saving kicks in?08:40
astraljavaWay too long. :D08:40
diogenesnNot sure about the settings you're looking for but afaik you can set a desired brightness level when the system goes idle and then you can set additional time to turn off the screen completely.08:43
astraljavaThanks, I thought about that, but it's only got 120 seconds at most, and I like to keep my power saving starting at 15 minutes or so. There's a bit of a gap there.08:46
diogenesnThen I guess you need some script for that.08:48
astraljavaYeah, might be.08:48

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