
guivercjust noting... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPCg0NcQICQ     "Ubuntu Summit 2024 | Day One"  (we may [hopefully] have a number of links)01:09
Bashing-omguiverc: Yeah - Summit links I also expect lots more - maybe best, in that event, we bullet them. 01:12
* guiverc pasting02:24
* guiverc out02:29
Bashing-omHold the presses - Discourse in 503 :(02:45
Bashing-omRoll em :P03:15
guivercwe may want to move Ubuntu Summit to 'top' of the audio/video section04:37
* guiverc pasting one anyway04:37
* guiverc out04:39
Bashing-omguiverc: While the more noteable - our senior editor prefers things listed in chronological order.04:44
* guiverc pasting05:08
* guiverc ouyt05:09
Bashing-omguiverc: Discourse not loading for me :(05:22
guivercbe patient I guess is all we can do...  we've still got time  (late or getting late your local time... tomorrow ..)05:24
Bashing-omguiverc: Yeah - meds kicked in -- me beddy bye; there are 2 new post on Discourse that bears looking into // I catch back up on a few hours.05:26
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::ubuntuonair:: Mir Office Hours 3rd October 2024 @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf-NPyRtNMk08:14
* guiverc adding day 2 youtube stream 21:20
* guiverc out21:25
Bashing-omUWN: Opening 863 shortly for Saturday ops - No additional summaries. 21:36
Bashing-omUWN: Ops may be a while - Discourse not loading for me :(21:50
* guiverc fighting with ubuntu-mate's discsourse (flagged post..) and local machine (thrashing it feels like; oops firefox was just oom killed..)21:53
krytarikBashing-om: I know issue 863 is still WIP, but I just had a look at it wrt amending the summary script, and while the "Meeting Reports" is fine please make sure to make the "Other Meeting Reports" header style-wise one too and lose the trailing colon at it.21:56
Bashing-omguiverc: In Addition my daily Browser is crashing - attempting to limp along with FireFox :(  Will trouble shoot my Slimjet browser at a later time.21:57
Bashing-omkrytarik: Will make that so too :D21:58
krytarikBashing-om: https://git.launchpad.net/uwn/commit/?id=579d6a537d3cb4388c2d2e541f582ad52d833ec4 - you can now locally do "git checkout master" and "git pull"22:13
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- Commit 579d6a5 in uwn "Summary: Add handling of promoted Meeting Reports section. HEAD master"22:13
Bashing-omkrytarik: "git pull' to update my UWN scripts ?22:24
krytarikYep, and the first command is to flip you back on the 'master' branch.22:26
Bashing-omkrytarik: trying now :P22:27
Bashing-omkrytarik: Do not know what I am looking at --- result "Already up to date." and I do not see any file to be changed.22:31
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::uwncommits:: Update scripts for Discourse migration. @ http://git.launchpad.net/uwn/commit/?id=5515e286d0fdac780dbb8d28e7f298eb71ebc3e422:31
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::uwncommits:: Summary: Add handling of promoted Meeting Reports section. @ http://git.launchpad.net/uwn/commit/?id=579d6a537d3cb4388c2d2e541f582ad52d833ec422:31
krytarikguiverc: Btw, since Ubuntu's Discourse instance has been updated to allow direct linking to headers sometime since we looked at this last, and I think I've figured a pattern what characters it uses for these links (looks like only letters and numbers), we could technically try and re-introduce direct linking from the Fridge post - but the question is whether that was such a good idea to begin22:33
krytarikwith and whether we actually want to do it.22:33
krytarikBashing-om: Did you do "git checkout master" first like I said?22:34
guivercI personally like the direct links that fridge used to have, but yeah it is adding minimal extra functionality (saving only a few page.downs or search)22:36
Bashing-omkrytarik: My tunnel vision strikes again - not reading up :(22:42
krytarikguiverc: I feel like the issue summary has become a rather long list as of recently, and that it won't look very good on the Fridge to have all of them underlined and made a link. :322:43
guivercyou're probably right there (won't look good!)22:45
Bashing-omguiverc: Getting impatient - Discourse still not loading for me - can you confirm is not local to me ?22:48
guiverci can view diffs on page, and enter edit without issue here (currently anyway...)22:49
guivercopening page (new private window/firefox) works too... not super fast, but working regardless22:50
Bashing-omguiverc: Yukkie on me --- lemme try and reboot - but same same on 2 differnt browsers :(22:51
guivercdiscourse issues have been common of late... (why I added 'currently anyway')22:52
Bashing-omkrytarik: Ouch "fatal: Need to specify how to reconcile divergent branches." Run " git config pull.rebase true " to resolve ?23:00
krytarikBashing-om: No idea what you did to your local copy of the repo since you pulled last, but I think it'd be easier to just start over with a fresh clone of it.23:03
Bashing-omkrytarik: Ack - however - I have not made any local changes since your last admonition to that effect.23:10
Bashing-omguiverc: Rebooting - see if I can get a browser to load Discourse.23:41

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