[00:16] yes, but that's a gentoo-specific problem [09:53] ... and I nearly fell of a chair when I found it. [09:53] *off [09:54] * dilfridge is preparing official bootable gentoo cloud images [09:54] (just on the slow path right now since too many projects) [12:01] dilfridge: yes cloud-init does not require systemd, I run cloud-init on Alpine which is OpenRC-based [12:20] but I want to use it on Gentoo with systemd :) [12:20] never mind, I'll look at it and fix things eventually, just takes time to get to it === esv_ is now known as esv [14:26] dilfridge: happy to help upstream if you get some patches together [14:27] dilfridge: iirc when i started looking into it I noticed that the two software stacks have a lot of differences [14:27] yes [14:27] on the upside, systemd is pretty much vanilla [14:28] True [14:28] so just using whatever other distros based on systemd do should be a good starting point [14:28] (and just specialcasing openrc) [14:29] Id suggest inheriting from some other systemd class, override the obvious stuff (package manager) and see what else is broken [14:30] Much cleaner to use inheritance in cloud-init rather than conditionals [14:30] I'm a bit stuck helping with gcc-14 stabilization and the gazillion of c99 related bugs right now, but once that is on the way I'll come back to the cloud images [14:30] dilfridge: feel free to ping if you have questions [14:30] thanks, will do [15:10] dilfridge: an issue with non-systemd is that ds-identify basically relies on systemd-detect-virt, which non-systemd systems won't have [15:12] yes, I can look up how this is already solved (there is a non-systemd provider for Gentoo) [15:12] mostly I'm interested in providing a solution for systemd Gentoo [15:13] https://www.gentoo.org/downloads/ we have it all [15:13] and my personal guess is that systemd-based install is nowadays more cloud-friendly [15:14] dilfridge: for Alpine I added support for virt-what to ds-identify [15:14] but virt-what is more limited than systemd-detect-virt [15:14] * dilfridge considers openrc legacy ... but don't tell (some) of my gentoo colleagues [15:15] why would systemd-based be more cloud-friendly? [15:15] just plainly closer to what nearly everyone else is using... [15:16] true, but that doesn't specifically make it "cloud friendly" [15:16] not including alpine of course, but systemd+musl doesn't really work well yet [15:17] yeah... let's settle on "friendly" instead :o)