
=== pikapika_lunar is now known as militantorc
TooManyHats96just constant issues with docker00:22
TooManyHats96I RLLY wish fedora would work with my hardware00:22
TooManyHats96so much smoother for development00:22
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TooManyHats96damnit i hate linux right now00:46
oerheksplease keep the language in this channel family friendly, thanks.00:51
TooManyHats96as I figured its related to permissions00:52
morgan-u33 tabs in chrome: 9 yt and 24 other. Chrome freezes.. then dies.  Something is really wrong. I dont believe that this happens for eveyone.01:31
tomreynhow much ram, how much swap?01:31
tomreyn9 tabs of youtube can be around 5 GB RAM, since it preloads the videos.01:33
tomreynthe part where it freezes can be an attempt to swap01:34
tomreynor a crash being analyzed.01:34
tomreynbut chrome is not in ubuntu anyways.01:34
Bashing-ommorgan-u: What build of Chrome - Chromium 126.0.6478.17 ?01:34
oerheks130.0.6723.69 for google chrome ..01:41
XliffHello, I am having two serious issues with 2024.10 - first one is that that nvidia-dkms-560 is broken on my 4090 and I can't figure out why. glxgears works, but anything else with 3D acceleration is slow as crap. It's as if the acceleration is disabled.01:44
XliffThe second issue is that my TTY consoles are broken. When I reach the bottom of the screen, they do not scroll up when you hit return like you would expect. I've tried resetting console-setup as well as messing with some grub settings to no effect. Does anyone else have any ideas?01:45
iconoclastherodid canonical ever release a desktop ubuntu core 24?01:54
iconoclastheroi was looking at this: https://www.zdnet.com/article/theres-a-new-ubuntu-linux-desktop-on-its-way/01:56
iconoclastheroand am interested in a desktop immutable ubuntu 24.0401:56
iconoclastherocan i just drop ubuntu-core-24-amd64.img.xz on a windows laptop?01:58
iconoclastheroand have a DE?01:58
oerheksno, dropping ubuntu-core-24-amd64.img.xz on windows does not work02:00
rboxyou have to drop it like its hot02:00
oerheksi have no clue where to find desktop-core ..yet02:01
oerheksubuntu core, exists, for embedded devices02:02
iconoclastheroyeah, i saw that and for VMs02:02
iconoclastheroi didn't know if i could just try dual booting it on a windows machine.02:03
iconoclastheroerr, either of them.02:03
iconoclastheroi offered someone with a windows 10 problem to save their laptop with some simple linux.02:04
leftyfbjust install ubuntu desktop02:04
iconoclastherolo and behold there should? be an ubuntu one.02:04
oerheksinstall ubuntu next to it, side-by-side02:04
iconoclastheroi'm leaning towards vanilla02:05
iconoclastheroi need a browser and she already uses libreoffice on windows.02:05
leftyfbiconoclasthero: https://releases.ubuntu.com/24.04.1/ubuntu-24.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso02:05
leftyfbgood luck02:05
oerheksjups, have fun02:06
iconoclastheroyeah, i'll probably need it.  trying to support this seems like a really bad idea.02:06
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osseHow can I make right ctrl or right shift alone act as ctrl + shift ? As a combined modifier, not as a standalone keypress.10:25
BluesKajHi all12:24
Hitman_47Good afternoon12:28
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deadromhi. how much disk space do I need for a full 24.04 mirror?13:24
tomreyndeadrom: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors#Mirror_Guidelines13:30
tomreynthere is also #ubuntu-mirrors13:30
tomreyni'm not sure how much you'd need for just 24.0413:31
tomreynbut you can probably extrapolate from the numbers given in the "Release Statistics" section13:32
tomreynoh wait, that's iso's, not archives, so that wouldn't make sense.13:32
tomreynbut seeing how archive.ubuntu.com currently hosts 10 releases, i guess it could be ~10-15% of 2.6TB13:35
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tomreynGuest53terere: no spam here13:51
Guest24suck my balls13:52
deadromtomreyn, the existing mirrors here on the server I'm looking at host bionic and focal, with all main, backports etc, there's 13GB "dists" and 761GB "pool" - pool contains packages of both distros?13:55
leftyfbdeadrom: bionic is End of Life13:55
deadromI know.13:55
tomreyndeadrom: yes, pool contains packages of multiple distros.13:56
deadromok, then I can reasonably expect to be ok with another 500GB for 24.04.13:57
ghosteauHi!  Does Ubuntu still use Gdebi as the graphical installer for .deb packages, or has it moved to something else?14:44
* ghosteau just installed Xubuntu and that's what he gets, but isn't sure if this is for Xubuntu specifically or Ubuntu in general14:44
sixwheeledbeastgdebi is available I don't believe it comes as default now tho.14:50
ghosteauok... well I found a potential bug in it that will make it crash in future Python versions (and right now it throws a warning) so I'll try to get it fixed14:58
ghosteauWhich program is used by default when you double-click a .deb, if not gdebi?14:58
jedorfHello ! I have a question about Ubuntu 24.04, before on any Ubuntu, I was able to see the "system boot" just by pressing a key, in Ubuntu 24.04 I can't do that anymore... someone know how can I restore this option (switching between plymouth and system boot log)15:11
oerheksjust hit tab, or remove quiet in fstab15:12
sixwheeledbeastjedorf: its probably grub menu you would see before. You can switch this back on in /etc/default/grub15:32
Strom222ich hab Probleme mit Installation16:08
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ravage!de | Strom22216:09
ubottuStrom222: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!16:09
jedorfoerheks > not working16:19
realivanjxanyone else here cannot use ctrl+c and ctrl+v to upload multiple files from nautilus to firefox? affecting both discord and telegram web17:24
lotuspsychj3welcome Guest5517:33
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neachdainnWhere would I get updates on if/when package signing keys change?21:31
neachdainnI've got a Docker image/container that is suddenly no longer able to `apt update`. One second it was working, the next I'm getting invalid signature issues21:32
oerhekspackage signing keys usually do not change. maybe the repository changes/upgrades keys from sha1 to something better.21:33
leftyfbneachdainn: please pastebin the error messages21:34
neachdainnleftyfb: https://bpa.st/QV7Q21:35
leftyfbneachdainn: and the output of "date"21:35
neachdainnleftyfb: `Mon Oct 28 21:36:36 UTC 2024`21:36
leftyfbneachdainn: disable the ROS repo and try again21:37
neachdainnleftyfb: https://bpa.st/IJQQ21:38
neachdainnThe underlying Docker image was built three years ago, which is why I'm thinking a key might have changed21:40
neachdainn(`ros:noetic`, if you want to try yourself)21:40
Bashing-omneachdainn: Confirms ROS is no longer supported: http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu/dists/ .21:41
leftyfbit's not a ROS issue21:41
leftyfbneachdainn: check disk space within the docker image21:41
neachdainnleftyfb: Oh, that might be it. 100% in use.21:42
neachdainnNo idea why but I've got something to debug now21:42
leftyfbneachdainn: docker image prune -f21:42
neachdainnZero bytes reclaimed21:43
neachdainnBut this seems to be clearly a Docker issue now, so no need to be off-topic here. Thanks!21:43
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BardonHello, I am on ubuntu 24.10 and `sudo ubuntu-drivers list` doesn't list my GPU whereas `lspci` says "01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK107M [GeForce GT 640M LE] (rev a1)"23:00
BardonIs it normal? How can I install the proper driver for my GPU23:00
ravageI don't think that GPU is supported by the proprietary driver anymore23:03
ravageSo the driver you use now should be okay23:03
BardonI have no nvidia driver at the moment23:03
pycurious1I've around 10 machines that I built in the past, and I'm looking to find a portable monitor/keyboard/mouse combination that is easy to carry around, connect to my ubuntu boxes (all my machines are linux), and then start debugging things like bios/boots/OS etc. Any recommendations?23:03
BardonNo driver at all for my GPU I believe23:03
ravageBardon: the nouveau driver should be active23:04
BardonAh ok23:04
ravageThat the open source driver for nvidia23:04
BardonHow can I check if it is installed?23:06
WaVBardon: lspci -k | grep -EA3 'VGA|3D'23:19
WaVLook for "Kernel driver in use"23:20

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