
=== catties is now known as CatGPT
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hosts-allowClient: HexChat 2.16.2 • OS: LinuxMint "wilma" 22 • CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1035T Processor (2,00GHz) • Memory: Physical: 18,1 GiB Total (14,8 GiB Free) Swap: 54,6 GiB Total (54,6 GiB Free) • Storage: 86,7 GB / 377,9 GB (291,2 GB Free) • VGA: NVIDIA Corporation GK107 [GeForce GT 640] @ Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 10h Processor Miscellaneous Control • Uptime: 1h 25m04:27
mybalzitchthats an outrageous amount of swap.04:37
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blahdeblahAlso an off-topic amount of Mint. :-D04:59
* blahdeblah blushes at his nearly 50 GB of swap05:01
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glacierinstalled my first distro of linux the other day08:49
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mhk76waht is this10:39
ducassehosts-allow: please don't post your system specs like that unless you're asked for them11:11
BluesKajHi all12:29
pepecchao a tutti12:31
leftyfb!it | pepec12:33
ubottupepec: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi «/join #ubuntu-it» senza virgolette)12:33
deadromis apt-mirror still the tool of choice?12:34
Guest19Hi Zelensky, would you let me lick your chest?13:34
Guest19Hi Zelensky, would you let me lick your chest?13:35
Guest19Hi Zelensky, would you let me lick your chest?13:35
Guest19Hi Zelensky, would you let me lick your chest?13:35
spinningCatwho is this dipshit?13:36
x_xdon't comment on spam13:36
=== Guest19 is now known as SuckMyDick
Versua7Wake up! Internet is UNDER TOTAL CONTROL by similar OSI protocol control tcp/ip by an hybrid human and AI running in supercomputers and other machines that recover data scanning your head and your voice, then when you think words compare the scan, that let him know your thoughts.13:38
namdomnauHello everyone14:05
namdomnauI have problem with imunify360 stand-alone installation on ubuntu@22.0(TLS)14:06
namdomnauI already download imunify36014:06
namdomnaubut I can't access imunify360 UI14:07
namdomnauMaybe I done some mistake on nginx configuration idk14:07
oerheksit needs a registration key, and is not in our repos.. https://docs.imunify360.com/installation/14:07
oerheksno clue there14:08
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namdomnauthx I just trying my changes anyways.14:08
namdomnauIs #ubuntu just what exactly about?14:08
namdomnauUbuntu general?14:09
oerheksit needs a non-supported panel? https://docs.imunify360.com/14:09
namdomnauYes I forget the say that I flow that guide14:09
oerheksyes, all ubuntu versions, though there are dedicated #kubuntu #xubuntu channels too14:09
namdomnauBut my problem is not installation I know that *is* installed just don't know how to access UI from where or do I configure right?14:10
oerheksi cannot find an irc channel for their support14:13
namdomnauYeah me neither14:13
namdomnauIts seems I sticking with their blog14:13
namdomnauanyways thx for your time oerheks14:13
oerheksgood luck!14:15
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dunkydunk1how do I delete ubuntu from my computer and install the GOAT Windows 11 ?14:33
dunkydunk1j/k :P14:33
dunkydunk1dead room14:35
dunkydunk1hey dragon14:36
dunkydunk1hey peirk14:36
dunkydunk1hey fat14:37
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dunkydunk1maybe i am invisible14:37
Versua7not maybe... you probably use OSI and are a system agent or a dreamer waiting a libre-intel technology14:38
lotuspsychjeyou have an ubuntu support question dunkydunk1 ?14:38
dunkydunk1not really14:38
dunkydunk1wow a serious bunch then :P14:38
dunkydunk1where's the casual chat at then ?14:39
NoImNotNineVoltpresumably in #ubuntu-offtopic or something like that.14:40
dunkydunk1ok then my only ubuntu question would be what's a good irc chat client for ubuntu14:40
* fat_rat dunkydunk1 is now on your shit list!14:40
dunkydunk1that's not as serious as this14:41
dunkydunk1could care less fat14:41
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:41
NoImNotNineVoltdunkydunk1: irssi is a timeless classic.14:41
lotuspsychjeuse this channel for ubuntu support questions only please14:42
dunkydunk1irssi let me check14:42
dunkydunk1thanks lotuspysche14:42
dunkydunk1just didnt know where to head to coz i am not using a very good client for ubuntu14:42
dunkydunk1let me check the other one thanks ninevolt14:42
dunkydunk1is weechat any good or are you going to laugh in my face ?14:44
* fat_rat LOL14:44
dunkydunk1laugh in my face it is then ok goodbye :p14:45
kk1234dunkydunk1: it's fine, actually more than fine, it's purfect14:45
fat_ratyou just can't be serious bro... who are you? what is your purpose?14:48
dunkydunk1me ?14:49
srgI prefer to use telnet as my IRC client14:49
srgBut weechat is the second best one14:49
dunkydunk1it's been a while since I used irc so no clue14:50
fat_ratgoogle is your friend ;)14:50
dunkydunk1i've forgotten  servers and forgotten the times i have said google is your friend when i was on yahoo chat lol14:51
dunkydunk1been quite a while14:51
fat_ratsounds like an excuse to me14:52
dunkydunk1excuse to what ?14:53
fat_ratright ok i got no time for this ;#14:53
Guest76Does anyone know anything about trading options contracts?14:54
dunkydunk1you are in the right place guest14:55
tomreyndunkydunk1: this channel is for ubuntu support - exclusively. not chat. see also the guidelines on /topic. there won't be another warning.14:56
dunkydunk1i know tomreyn14:56
dunkydunk1i just said that as a joke14:56
Guest76I currently hold BTC and ETH for options contract trading14:57
tomreyn!ot | Guest7614:58
ubottuGuest76: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:58
Guest76Have you earned your rocket fuel yet?14:59
mewtsince there's at least a bit more activity, i'll try my question again15:22
mewti've got an ubuntu host here where gpsfake -> gpxlogger over :3000 simply doesn't work. After aa-teardown, it will "connect" to gpsfake, but immediately exits and no data is saved in the gpx. Same commands work fine on every other flavor of linux I've tried15:23
mewt"gpsfake -1 -P 3000 myfile.ubx", "gpxlogger -e sockets -f myfile.gpx :3000"15:25
mewtis there something beyond apparmor or ufw blocking localhost port 3000?15:26
srgmewt: selinux?15:29
Versua7selinux only gives control to redhat15:29
Versua7and system...15:29
Versua7sorry... I go to silence...15:30
srgmewt: Can you see the process listening on localhost:3000 using `ss` or `netstat`?15:30
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Versua7if the true will be expanded probably we comming to experiment global network problems16:28
Versua7but it is the truth...16:28
Versua7good luck!16:28
lotuspsychjewelcome mrJack17:57
ash_worksiso, you're welcome to call me an idiot, but I cant seem to figure out (at least, on the version I was tring to install) how to install ubunut from a live usb drive without formatting the data on the target hard drive17:58
ash_worksiI guess the lastest live disc I put in there was 22.0417:58
oerheksyou need some free space.17:59
ash_worksiI mean the latest live boot USB17:59
ash_worksioerheks: I mean, I am pretty confident there's plent of room17:59
oerheksor start the installer and let it use the old install, you might get an option to do so17:59
ash_worksibut the dialog doesn't really present me with a non-format option17:59
oerhekselse advanced option, select free space17:59
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap17:59
ash_worksioerheks: the "old" install is broken... idk what it was18:00
oerhekswhatever you choose, you will get a summary, then confrm or cancel18:00
ash_worksiI'll look at those links, thanks lotuspsychje18:00
ravageso maybe just backup that data and do a fresh installation18:00
JanCthat factoid should be updated to point to Gnome Disks also18:00
ash_worksioerheks: well, I couldn't find where to manually do it, but w/e I'm sure those links will help18:00
ash_worksiif not, I'll report back18:00
lotuspsychjeJanC: yeah, there was a plan to migrate all wiki's to discourse but...18:01
lotuspsychjenot sure at wich stage the plan currently is18:01
JanCI mean the factoid probably should recommend Gnome Disks first now, then GParted &c.18:02
lotuspsychjegood idea18:03
JanCthe !partitioning factoid18:03
=== Someguy96 is now known as TooManyHats96
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Numline1Hey guys, I'm trying to fix DNS on my Ubuntu Server (22.04). I feel like the whole stack is a mess with each update. In my case, /etc/resolv.conf points to /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf which does not exist. There's also something in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf which has Cloudflare DNS configured and a Netplan, which has DHCP disabled and22:27
Numline1specifies nameservers (Cloudflare too). Yet DNS is not working, domains are not resolved. Any tips please? Thank you22:27
Numline1dig is trying to use
leftyfbNumline1: please pastebin or screenshot:   systemctl status systemd-resolved22:29
leftyfband remove anything you've added to /etc/systemd/resolved.conf22:30
leftyfbonce we get your system back to stock, I will go over how this works and how you can check for the configured resolver22:30
Numline1leftyfb sorry, small update, please lmk if I might've done something in a clunky way - I pointed /etc/resolv.conf to /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf. It seems the systemd-resolved is running, resolvectl shows now, and everything seems to be working now lol :) Here's an output22:32
leftyfbplease stop making your own changes22:33
Numline1this just proves stuff gets fixed as soon as you ask a question :) But thank you very much for your help22:33
leftyfbyour system is currently misconfigured22:33
Numline1leftyfb I'm open to suggestions <322:33
leftyfboh wait, no, that's right22:33
leftyfbok, going forward, run: resolvectl status22:34
Numline1yeah it seems to be working. It appears as if  /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf was removed at some point in a major update22:34
leftyfbto see which nameserver is configured22:34
leftyfbyour system uses systemd-resolved as a local DNS caching resolver22:34
leftyfbso /etc/resolv.conf will point to localhost which systemd-resolved is listening on22:35
Numline1leftyfb I think it migh've been part of the output on privatebin above, but that was just resolvectl, here's resolvectl status :) https://privatebin.net/?8def0425408d5c69#HZM33r8p9WQyG3meAvEh378vjxfVqEyvYHEMjAFjjHkc22:35
leftyfbwhich then points to your configured nameserver22:35
TooManyHats96Is the docker engine basically the same thing as the "docker daemon" ?22:35
Numline1leftyfb thank you. Do you know which config has priority? I assume it's not netplan, but /etc/systemd/resolved.conf  ?22:35
leftyfbNumline1: config for what? I assume it's getting this from DHCP22:36
Numline1leftyfb not in this case, I'm not using DHCP on this machine. Netplan has nameservers defined, but it doesn't seem to be applied. I've added DNS to `/etc/systemd/resolved.conf` and once I fixed the /etc/resolv.conf, it seems to be working22:37
Numline1I'm just confused as to why there's a double DNS definition22:37
leftyfbok, then netplan22:37
leftyfbdon't touch /etc/systemd/resolved.conf22:37
Numline1okay, let me try commenting it out again in resolved.conf22:37
leftyfblet netplan do it for you22:37
leftyfbmake sure netplan is correct, remove the lines from resolved.conf and run: sudo netplan apply22:38
Numline1leftyfb all done now. I reckon the problem was two-fold - 1) resolv.conf was not properly configured to use the stub resolver 2) I assumed netplan will deal with the magic and do the resolving, but it apparently just configures resolved to properly proxy the stub cache requests22:39
Numline1either way, I can ping google, life's great and once again, thank you very much :))22:40
TooManyHats96Cannot connect to the docker daemon at unix://home/username/.docker/desktop/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running??22:43
TooManyHats96sudo docker run hello-world22:43
TooManyHats96 is a success22:43
TooManyHats96Active: active (running)22:44
TooManyHats96I bet if I run as root it would go fine...22:44
TooManyHats96I could try22:44
leftyfbTooManyHats96: I think you might be better served in #docker22:45
TooManyHats96oh wow, wrong channel22:45
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Numline1leftyfb uhhh so... I've ran apt upgrade and now `/run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf` doesn't exist anymore23:44
Numline1what the heck23:44
Numline1even /run/systemd/resolve is gone23:44
Numline1Failed to get global data: Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.resolve1.service not found. :(23:45
Numline1oh okay, apparently systemd-resolved is disabled :(23:46
Numline1systemctl enable systemd-resolved should do the trick. Sorry to bother you23:47
=== JanC is now known as Guest4724

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