
rbasakCould someone moderate ubuntu-devel@ for a post from Mohamed please, on the MySQL/MariaDB thread? I can't reach the moderator password right now.10:32
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cjwatsonrbasak: done16:02
=== bandali_ is now known as bandali
mkukriwe shipped broken bpftrace in oracular...19:26
mkukrilocutusofborg ^^19:26
mkukriit core dumps on startup19:27
LocutusOfBorgmkukri, I guess also on plucky? cann you please check?19:27
mkukrii think plucky works, it has a green test suite19:27
mkukrioracular test suite is red19:27
mkukribut it migrated due to migration-reference/0 being also broken19:28
LocutusOfBorgmkukri, it migrated due to sync and tests disabled19:28
LocutusOfBorg 0.21.2-2ubuntu1 has them again19:28
mkukrioracular has 0.21.2-1ubuntu119:28
mkukrihmm but your 0.21.2-1ubuntu1,  originally passed in july https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/results/autopkgtest-oracular/oracular/amd64/b/bpftrace/20240726_201605_3a195@/log.gz19:31
mkukrithem some dependency update probably broke it19:31
sudiptested now and I can confirm plucky works, oracular coredumps19:33
mkukridid you test the borked sync in plucky or the mere in plucky-proposed?19:42
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Issue 1855 in bpftrace/bpftrace "Abort on startup: `CommandLine Error: Option ... registered more than once!`" [Open]19:42
sudiphmm.. it installed 0.21.2-219:44
mkukriit somehow got synced despite the ubuntu delta19:45
mkukribut there is a new merge in plucky-proposed that didnt migrate yet19:45
mkukrino change rebuild still coredumps,  fun19:52
sudipthe passing autopkgtest in July used libclang 1:18.1.8-1 but now its 1:18.1.8-11, looking at the changelog my first guess the problem started from 1:18.1.8-3.19:57
LocutusOfBorgmkukri, I syncd it to check the llvm-19 stuff before merging20:04
sudipmkukri: bpftrace_0.21.2-2 built for oracular is working. so, some of the change in 0.21.2-2 has fixed the issue. should be easy to find and SRU21:29

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