
mpianoebarretto: hello, seems like OVAL generation has been stuck again for a few days09:47
ebarrettompiano: yep, I'm on it. The USN feed is up-to-date, but CVE and PKG feeds are silently failing09:51
mpianoack, thanks for the confirmation09:51
ebarrettompiano: the new files are there now, I will keep monitoring what's going on 13:34
mpianoperfect, thanks again13:35
=== sam__ is now known as sam_
Odd_Blokeo/ Hey folks, I know you most likely aren't responsible for this directly, but figured I'd let you know that USN search is returning 500s (so I've filed https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu.com/issues/14454).18:12
-ubottu:#ubuntu-security- Issue 14454 in canonical/ubuntu.com "'500: Server Error' when searching USNs" [Open]18:12
oerheksseems like an CVE, not USN ?18:49
-ubottu:#ubuntu-security- An issue was discovered in libgig 4.1.0. There is an out-of-bounds read in the function RIFF::Chunk::Read in RIFF.cpp. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2018-14454>18:49
oerhekslatest one was in 2023 USN-6262-1 https://ubuntu.com/security/notices?order=newest&release=&details=wireshark18:50
=== Juesto is now known as Juest

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