[01:24] A move that takes 6 weeks? Is there an ETA for when the service will be restored? [09:09] and more [10:29] \o [10:29] o/ [10:29] o/ [10:29] o/ [10:29] o/ [10:31] o/ [10:31] o/ [10:33] hi [10:33] hello [10:33] o/ [10:34] o/ [10:34] o/ [10:35] o/ [10:35] o/ [10:35] o/ [10:35] hi [10:35] ~o~ [10:36] Today we have an adhoc meeting of the Ubuntu Kernel Team to consider applications for upload rights. [10:37] First up ... Mehmet Basaran https://wiki.ubuntu.com/mehmetbasaran/KernelUploadRightsApplication [10:37] Hi all, I have joined Canonical 6 months ago. Since then I have been cranking kernels. Occasionally, I help others finish off old cycles and help out with TNT tooling. [10:38] Sponsors [10:38] Mehmet had an incredibly fast on-boarding and he was able to catch up with the majority of the work in the stable team in a record time. He's curious, reliable and always asks for help when needed. Moreoever, he's been actively working on improving the team, most notably by taking up the task of changing the RT interface, a task that has been [10:38] notoriously postponed for years. I am extremely happy to have Mehmet in our team and I am sure he will continue to deliver amazing results in the future. [10:38] I have reviewed some of Mehmet's kernels and have been impressed. Everything has been prepared properly. I trust Mehmet with upload rights and am sure he will continue to deliver great work! [10:38] I have sponsored a few kernel package uploads that were prepared by mehmetbasaran and never found any issues. The packages were always prepared properly and with care. +1 [10:38] I am also quite happy with the work Mehmet produces. [10:40] Sounds good, calling a formal vote from the existing uploaders... [10:40] +1 [10:40] +1 [10:40] +1 [10:40] +1 [10:40] +1 [10:40] +1 [10:40] +1 [10:40] +1 [10:40] +1 [10:40] +1 [10:40] +1 [10:40] +1 [10:40] +1 [10:40] +1 [10:40] +1 [10:40] +1 [10:41] That looks to be unanimous, your application is approved. Congratulations. [10:41] mehmetbasaran, congrats [10:41] congrats! [10:41] Thanks! [10:41] congrats! [10:41] gg [10:41] Congrats mehmetbasaran! [10:41] congrats! [10:42] Congrats mehmetbasaran! [10:42] congrats [10:42] congrats! [10:42] Congrats! [10:42] Next up .. Jian Hui Lee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/jianhuilee/KernelUploadRightsApplication [10:42] Hi all, My name is Jian Hui Lee, and I joined Ubuntu Kernel Team since January 2022. I've helped maintaining Intel IoTG kernel and currently working on Ubuntu kernel on MediaTek Genio boards. [10:43] I've sponsored a fair portion of Jian Hui's Intel iotg kernels, both main derivative's and backport kernels. His preparation was always of high quality, and reviews were quite straightforward. Jian Hui has prepared a great variety of kernels over the course of his time at Canonical, and I give him my full endorsements for upload rights. [10:43] I'm really happy with the work Jian Hui has been doing with kernel preparation and the SRU cycle. He's careful and his uploads are really good. [10:44] I have worked with Jian Hui a lot, and sponsored a fair amount of his packages. I endorse him and trust him to crank kernels without issue, and to do the correct things. His uploads are very well done. [10:44] Sponsors :) [10:45] Votes please: [10:45] +1 [10:45] +1 [10:45] +1 [10:45] +1 [10:45] +1 [10:45] +1 [10:45] +1 [10:45] +1 [10:45] +1 [10:45] +1 [10:45] +1 [10:45] +1 [10:45] +1 [10:45] +1 [10:45] +1 [10:46] Looks good: application approved. [10:46] Congrats! [10:46] congrats! [10:46] gg [10:46] Congrats! [10:46] \o/ [10:46] Congrats jianhuilee ! [10:46] Congrats jianhuilee! [10:46] gg [10:47] thanks. [10:47] congrats! [10:48] Next up ... Masahiro Yamada https://wiki.ubuntu.com/myamada/KernelUploadRightsApplication [10:48] Hi! My name is Masahiro Yamada, and I have been a member of the Ubuntu Kernel Team since October 2022. [10:48] During my time at Canonical, I have worked on hardware enablement for several IoT projects, where I port vendor patches and fix bugs on various chips and customer boards. [10:48] I also occasionally assist with the Stable Release Updates cycle. [10:49] Sponsors (for realz) [10:49] Masahiro has been doing a very consistent work on the sru cycles. I do not remember any mistakes to be honest. You could definitely see he applies what he's been doing for the hwe development work to the stable work. Keep up the good work! [10:49] I reviewed kernels for Masahiro for some time. All were well-prepared, and I don't believe that I had any notes or actionable feedback for him at the time. Masahiro is very methodical, and I trust him to continue to prepare and upload kernels with care. He has my full endorsement. [10:51] Nice .... votes: [10:51] +1 [10:51] +1 [10:51] +1 [10:51] +1 [10:51] +1 [10:51] +1 [10:51] +1 [10:51] +1 [10:51] +1 [10:51] +1 [10:51] +1 [10:51] +1 [10:51] +1 [10:51] +1 [10:51] +1 [10:51] +1 [10:51] Great: application approved. [10:51] congrats! [10:51] ggwp [10:51] congrats! [10:51] Thank you! [10:52] congrats! [10:52] Congrats myamada ! [10:52] congratulations! [10:52] Congrats myamada-san [10:53] Next up: Roger Knecht -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/rogerknecht/KernelUploadsApplication [10:53] Hi, I am Roger Knecht, I joined Canonical in January 2024 and I am part of the Ubuntu Kernel team. I have been involved since then in the SRU process of preparing various Ubuntu kernel packages. [10:53] I reviewed many kernels prepared by Roger and they all were done with care and attention to detail. If a mistake was made, he quickly solved it. Roger is also very proactive when it comes to things he's not sure about. This shows he cares a lot about the quality of his work. I fully believe Roger will make proper use of his upload rights. [10:53] I uploaded kernels from Roger and all of them were looking good. There was some issues in the beginning but we worked together to fix them before upload. Roger has been proactive in asking questions about the cranking process and I am sure questions will be asked again if necessary in the future. As such, I believe Roger will make good use of their upload rights. [10:53] I've been reviewing Roger's kernels for some time now. They've always been carefully prepared, and I especially appreciated that he worked with me on making sure some DKMS changes made it into a backport kernel that he was working on. He's been very responsive and has my full endorsement. [10:54] * apw looks grumpily at the sponsors ... :) [10:54] +1 [10:54] +1 [10:54] Votes? [10:54] +1 [10:54] +1 [10:54] +1 [10:54] +1 [10:54] +1 [10:54] +1 [10:54] +1 [10:54] +1 [10:54] +1 [10:54] +1 [10:54] +1 [10:54] +1 [10:55] +1 [10:55] +1 [10:55] +1 [10:56] Great: application approved [10:56] * agherzan congratulates rogerknecht. [10:56] congrats! [10:56] gg [10:56] congrats! [10:56] Congrats! [10:56] Congrats rogerknecht ! [10:56] congrats! [10:56] thanks everyone! [10:58] Next up: Hui Wang -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HuiWang/KernelUploadRightsApplication [10:58] Hi, My name is Hui Wang, It is my 11th year in Canonical, before last year, I majorly worked on audio stack bugs and IoT private kernels, so there was no need to apply upload-right at that period of time. From last year, I started cranking stable kernels and I am gona crank the jammy:linux-ein in the near future, If I could get the upload-right, it will make cranking more efficient. [10:58] Sponsors? [10:58] Hui has been doing a stellar job in the sru cycle. All the kernels were prepared with care, and I don't honestly remember one situation where I had to ask for modifications. I fully trust him with upload rights! [10:58] (i seem to be getting a wiki error "page too big" :)) [10:58] Reviewed Hui crank of j:gkeop which was correctly prepared. Also worked saw his work on other occasions which lead me to trust him with upload rights. [10:59] Votes ? [10:59] I've sponsored some kernels prepared by Hui. They were always prepared correctly and with care. For these reasons I trust Hui with upload rights. [10:59] +1 [10:59] +1 [10:59] +1 [10:59] +1 [10:59] +1 [10:59] +1 [10:59] +1 [10:59] +1 [10:59] +1 [10:59] +1 [10:59] +1 [10:59] +1 [11:00] +1 [11:00] +1 [11:00] +1 [11:01] Looks great: approved [11:01] Congrats! [11:01] Congrats! [11:01] gg [11:01] congrats! [11:02] Congrats hwang4 ! [11:02] Next up: Kuan-Ying Lee -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/kyyc0426/KernelUploadRightsApplication [11:02] thanks. [11:02] Congrats hwang4 [11:02] My name is Kuan-Ying Lee, and I joined Canonical 6 months ago. [11:02] I am currently responsible for tasks such as OEM kernel release, Gitea patch review, and OEM staging kernel release. [11:03] Sponsors? [11:03] I've reviewed Kuan-Ying's cranks of oem kernels. They have all been wtthout issue. Kuan-Ying is quick to ask question on topics he doesn't understand and I trust that he will not upload things he does not understand. I trust him with upload rights. I reviewed the oem-6.5 kernel cranks when 6.5 was being EOL'd and There were lots of complications that he handled very well. I also onboarded Kuan-Ying and worked with him on his init [11:03] al kernel cranks. He was very thorough and quick to clarify topics that were not clear. [11:03] I've sponsored a bunch of oem kernel updates for KY over the last four months, and the kernels have been generally spotless after the rather steep learning curve in the beginning. I trust KY to continue doing great uploads on his own [11:04] ^.o [11:05] votes? [11:05] +1 [11:05] +1 [11:05] +1 [11:05] +1 [11:05] +1 [11:05] +1 [11:05] +1 [11:05] +1 [11:05] +1 [11:05] +1 [11:05] +1 [11:05] +1 [11:05] +1 [11:05] +1 [11:06] Looks good: approved. [11:06] Congrats! [11:06] Thanks! [11:06] congrats KY! [11:06] Congrats KYLee ! [11:06] Congrats! [11:06] gg [11:07] Congrats KYLee! [11:07] Last up: Kuan-Ying Lee -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/kyyc0426/KernelUploadRightsApplication [11:07] ^.o [11:08] Do I need to be reviewed second time? [11:08] -3 [11:08] Last again up: Wen-chien Jesse Sung -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/wenchien/KernelUploadRightsApplication [11:08] Hi, my name is Jesse Sung and I'm a member of Ubuntu kernel team since August 2011. I've worked on several derivative kernels including kernels for Intel IoTG, Mediatek, Xilinx, and some project ones. [11:10] Sponsors? [11:10] I looked at a bunch of kernels from him. And other work too. Getting bored now. He has my full endorsement. [11:10] Jesse has been cranking kernels for many years and I have reviewed a number of his kernels during this time. Jesse has always shown to be mindful of the rules and the processes and to always be looking at understanding why things are done the way they are. On top of that, Jesse has great kernel experience in general, therefore I am confident that Jesse will continue to produce high quality kernels and will consult with the rest of the team [11:10] when unsure of something. I'm +1 on granting Jesse per-package upload rights to all kernel packages. [11:10] The kernel packages I've reviewed for Jesse have all been well-prepared with no issues. I fully trust Jesse with kernel package upload rights. [11:10] Votes? [11:10] +1 [11:10] +1 [11:10] +1 [11:10] +1 [11:10] +1 [11:11] +1 [11:11] +1 [11:11] +1 [11:11] +1 [11:11] +1 [11:11] +1 [11:11] +1 [11:11] +1 [11:12] Looks good. Application approved. [11:12] gg [11:12] \o/ [11:12] congrats [11:12] Thank you! [11:12] Congrats jesse-sung ! [11:12] Congrats! [11:12] Congrats jesse-sung, you earned it finally! [11:12] Congrats [11:12] Any other business. [11:13] congrats everyone! [11:13] Congrats, all [11:13] apw is tasked with reporting this up the chain. [11:13] thank everyone. [11:13] bye [11:39] TimurTabi: i (another user, like you) understand that mainline builds are, as the page you point to says, "not supported and [..] not appropriate for production use" and "do not receive any security updates". in other words, the kernel team will most likely not want to subject themselves to any service availability policies regarding them. and you and i should not start to grow expectations on service availability. [11:46] some of the infra is still not up or set up adequately for the mainline builds, so it'll take some time still [12:13] We're slowly working through infrastructure and upgrade issues but mainline builds are an unsupported debug offering so it's not our highest priority. [15:57] tomreyn: there's a huge difference between "expectations on service availability" and "not doing it at all". And besides, what's actually wrong with "expecting" something that's been around for years to continue working? [16:02] that's what happens when dc's move across nation borders [16:05] TimurTabi: i'm sure you're free to expect whatever you like to, it's just that this won't necessarily make it more likely to happen. i could quote more warnings about service availability from that page, but i understand you already read them. === matttbe3 is now known as matttbe