[00:15] Hey [00:15] Anyone here [00:18] 775-293-4427 [00:18] I am bored as hell any single guys here 775-293-4427 [00:28] Guest54: you're also very much off-topic. please read the /topic [00:29] fedora 41 came out yesterday. disaster. my bluetooth didn't connect to my pc speakers, there was a bunch of errors trying to update, and a bunch of other things broke. so after a full day of messing with it i lost a whole day of work. i was so pissed i downloaded the latest LTS and so yeah. i looked on fedora discussion and there was a huge amount of people who were having major problems with the upgrade. [00:29] gaelheart: do you have an ubuntu support question, though? [00:31] yeah i do. just a minor minor minor annoyance [00:31] i downloaded gnome tweaks and changed the default yaru icons to adwaita. as soon as i go to change the wallpaper the icons go back to yaru. [00:32] /window [00:35] i wonder why the icons change back. i'm thinking it has something to do with the accent color chooser [00:42] Guest54: please reduce your channel joins/parts, thanks. [00:46] i found it on bugs.launchpad nothing i can do about it unless i avoid appearance altogether. i guess i'll stick with yaru. not a big deal [00:48] what if i install gnome-session? [00:48] i'm gonna try it [00:48] bbl [00:49] Hello everyone... is there a webinterface solution for managing and backup and restore kvm qcow2 virtual machines ? I see cockpit as a nice solution -but it does not seem to have a backup solution [00:50] that did it, baby [00:51] thank god i got my computer back [00:54] HELLO [00:54] hello jeronimo [00:55] WHAT´S THAT? [00:57] jeronimo: please don't use CAPS LOCK, that's considered shouting. if you have any questions on where you are, what this is, type !irc and read the channel /topic [01:02] when i installed gnome-session it said recommend desktop-base. should i install that? [01:03] QUE ES ESTO??? [01:03] lowercase Desarroll.... [01:04] una disculpa [01:04] :( [01:04] !es | DESARROLLADORJ_O [01:04] DESARROLLADORJ_O: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. [01:04] sounds good [01:05] :( [01:05] entonces que es esto?? [01:05] !irc | DESARROLLADORJ_O [01:05] DESARROLLADORJ_O: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !Libera channels, see !Alis - See also !Guidelines [01:06] !support [01:06] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [01:08] gaelheart: desktop-base: Only a maybe to install - see: ' apt show desktop-base ' in terminal; then you can decide. [01:08] ah thanks! [01:10] ok yeah i don't need that. thanks Bashing-om [01:11] gaelheart: :D Glad-2-help. [01:12] :) i'm a former dnf guy [01:13] gaelheart: Though a learning curve to apt - will not take you long to pick up on apt. [01:13] ok === ItsAGeekThing7 is now known as ItsAGeekThing === Undae is now known as feniks === feniks is now known as Feniks [03:18] i need microsoft fonts for ubuntu libreoffice. how do i get them? [03:18] contact microsoft? [03:19] rbox funny [03:19] pretty sure their fonts aren't free [03:19] ah gotcha [03:23] the installer is in multiverse. nm [03:24] gaelheart: MS True Type fonts ? see " apt show ttf-mscorefonts-installer " . [03:25] Bashing-om: yes. i installed them and then did sudo fc-cache -f -v [03:26] i needed Times New Roman specifically. now i have it. [03:28] I just upgraded to 24.10, and whenever I open Thunderbird, the AppArmor popup says it wants to create a user namespace. Do I want to allow that? [03:29] i have to part and rejoin. i just changed my client background color [03:29] that's better === remy_ is now known as remy === Dieu is now known as yuta === terminaldweller_ is now known as terminaldweller [06:45] aplay -l shows -"card 1: CODEC [USB Audio CODEC], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0" [06:46] how do I reference it to aplay a file? aplay sound.wav -d /dev/??? [06:55] using what I get from aplay -L ... aplay -D usbstream:CARD=CODEC sound.wav no help [06:55] aplay: main:831: audio open error: No such file or directory [07:33] pixshare.de/q798B0 [07:33] 01:07 < lina19> * lina19 hat ein https://pixshare.de/q7HByU [07:33] 01:10 < hannes> * hannes hat ein https://pixshare.de/q7HVEX [07:33] 01:17 < hannes> * hannes hat ein https://pixshare.de/q7YKia [07:33] crap, I'm sorry [07:33] please don't open those links! === mrpond5 is now known as mrpond [07:52] After kernal update my ubuntu won't boots [07:53] How to resolve this kernal panic problem [07:57] hariharan: select an older kernel in grub when booting [08:21] Hye, when I connect my dock I get both 'USB Audio Headphones' and 'USB Audio Line Out' appear as two extra options in the 'Output' tab of 'Sound Preferences'. However when I've only got something plugged into the "line out" (on the back of the dock) and nothing plugged into the headphoens (at the front of the dock)... then it's annoying that when the dock is connected to the laptop, it ALWAYS defaults [08:21] to 'USB Audio Headphones' resulting in silence... can this default be changed to 'USB Audio Line Out'?? [09:06] zaggynl: Thanks for your suggestion i have resolved the kernal panic problem using live usb and updating the latest kernel [09:06] Now booting normally === kuddukan99 is now known as kuddukan9 [09:43] hariharan: welcome, good to hear you were able to resolve it === chuanshi_ is now known as chuanshi === EriC^^ is now known as Guest2027 [12:31] a [12:36] Hi all [14:00] Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be logged into your NickServ account [14:00] How to fix this issue [14:02] !register | Nnnn80 [14:02] Nnnn80: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera [14:02] Nnnn80: mind you, your issue is unrelated to ubuntu support === ciro is now known as Guest8856 [14:04] I have problem my clients are able to ping but are not able to ping google.com and no internet in browser but they are able to ping public ips how to fix this issue [14:06] Nnnn80: resolvectl status [14:06] what's the ip of your "Current DNS server" or "DNS servers" [14:06] root@terminalserver-OptiPlex-Micro-7020:/# resolvectl status [14:06] Global [14:07]        Protocols: -LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported [14:07] resolv.conf mode: stub [14:07] Link 2 (enp0s31f6) [14:07]     Current Scopes: DNS [14:07] please don't paste the output here [14:07] now you'll have to wait to post again [14:08] resolvectl status [14:09] https://bpa.st/C7NXE [14:09] this is from server do I need run from client ? [14:09] are you having the same issue with your server? [14:09] no on server all fine [14:10] on client i get on client I have message failed to get global data ... [14:10] Nnnn80: when you run "resolvectl status" on your client you get the error message "failed to get global data"? [14:10] yes [14:11] Nnnn80: what linux distro are you running on the client? [14:11] linux mint [14:11] !mint | Nnnn80 [14:11] Nnnn80: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/ === wodiouscafe is now known as wodiouscafevil [14:41] I' have an ubuntu host running 5.15.0-124-generic kernel, and and want to install an older kernel -- part of debugging an application -- and I find with a `apt-cache search` that there is, for example, a `-105` kernel. I installed it (linux-image-5.15.0-105, and headers and modules package as well) then I ran an update-initramfs for the kernel and [14:41] rebooted. I'm dropped to initramfs busybox shell because the root lvm vg is not found, and if I look at /dev/ I do not appear to find the disks. So I guess the initramfs is incomplete (also the lsinitramfs on the -105 and the -124 differs *alot*). How can I generate a proper initramfs, like the working -124 one also for -105 (or any other kernel I [14:41] want to try)? [14:52] webchat16: can you run: (lsb_release -ds; cat /proc/version; apt list --installed linux* ) |& nc termbin.com 9999 [14:54] webchat16: actually make that: (lsb_release -ds; cat /proc/{version,cmdline}; apt list --installed linux* ) |& nc termbin.com 9999 [15:04] tomreyn the netcat locked up for me, but here is the output: https://bpa.st/7D7VI [15:05] is it the missing modules-extra perhaps? [15:06] I keep getting logged out... I was webchat16. [15:06] webchat90: you could install a proper irc client, that would maybe work better. [15:07] webchat90: and yes, you're missing modules + tools for -105 [15:07] OK, I will try with those as well. thanks [15:08] webchat90: i should also point out that any but the latest kernel images for vanilla and HWE (and oem, or cloud, if you use them) kernels are unsupported, may well be subject to security vulnerabilities [15:08] are you trying to debug something? [15:09] Noted, thanks. Yes, this is just for debugging. [15:12] tomreyn It worked! Thanks a lot! [15:12] nice :) [16:20] hi [16:22] I have issues with ubuntu. Gnome does not start with the desssktop. After being prompted for the encryption password, the system boots into a command line interface. there is no GUI [16:22] I have ran a stupid ocmmand before that: 'apt purge emacs*' [16:23] does `sudo service gdm start` do anything? or is it gdm3 [16:23] I will try and come back here [16:25] nope, 'sudo service gdm3 start' does nothing [16:26] does anyone know how to debug gnome's dessssktop ? [16:28] are packages ubuntu-desktop or ubuntu-desktop-minimal installed? [16:29] I will have to check [16:29] how about ubuntu-session? [16:29] I do not get hte gui interface to chose a user / session [16:29] that would be gdm [16:29] it has dependencies [16:30] ok [16:30] I will check this, so I have to disconnect. [16:30] the packages i listed also have many dependencies, which should ensure you'll have all the packages installed to run a gnome desktop [16:30] you can also inspect the files in /var/log/apt/ to see which actions you have carried out and what happened when you did [16:30] thanks [16:30] (in terms of apt) [16:31] I just installed emacs and then ran 'apt remove emacs*'. the wildcard maaay have done wrong [16:31] yep [16:32] It would have shown you a list of what was being removed and asked you to say yes/no. [16:32] Removing emacs* shouldn't affect your desktop tho. [16:34] I don't know what could go wrong [16:34] I will try to install ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop-minimal [16:34] i just ran 'apt purge -s emacs*' on my desktop (debian 12, though) and it would indeed have removed gdm3 [16:35] how to install gdm3 ? [16:35] sudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop [16:35] apt install gdm3? [16:35] nope, with the caret (^) [16:35] how do you mean ? [16:35] Hmmm earlier I asked them to try starting gdm3, they didn't get the error about no service files/etc so I assumed gdm3 was installed.... === wolfdale8334 is now known as wolfdale833 [16:36] itai, sudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop^ [16:36] nothing happened when I ran the command to start gdm3 [16:36] ioria: thank you [16:36] will be a long run [16:36] itai: sudo apt install --reinstall apturl aspell aspell-en chrome-gnome-shell dictionaries-common emacsen-common enchant-2 evince evolution evolution-data-server evolution-ews evolution-plugin-bogofilter evolution-plugin-pstimport evolution-plugins gdm3 gedit gir1.2-webkit2-4.0 gnome-calendar gnome-control-center gnome-initial-setup gnome-online-accounts gnome-shell gnome-shell-extension-appindicator gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng [16:36] gnome-shell-extension-prefs gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock gnome-shell-extensions gnome-todo gnome-user-docs hunspell-en-us hyphen-en-us inkscape libedataserverui-1.2-3 libenchant-2-2 libevolution libevview3-3 libgoa-backend-1.0-1 libgspell-1-2 libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37 libwebkit2gtk-4.1-0 libyelp0 mythes-en-us nautilus-share rhythmbox-plugins shotwell ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-desktop-minimal ubuntu-docs ubuntu-release-upgrader-gtk ubuntu-session [16:36] update-manager update-notifier wbritish yelp zenity [16:36] What does the caret do ioria? [16:37] that should install all the packages that removing emacs* removed [16:37] it would also set a lot of packages to manually installed that should not be [16:37] enigma9o7, ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage; if you want all the pkgs you need the caret [16:38] tomreyn: true, though it's an unlikely case where that would cause a problem [16:38] ioria: I will run your command to see how it works [16:38] I didn't know about carrot at the end of the meta package [16:38] shoul dI try that? [16:38] that's nifty if it works [16:39] I iwll be back later [16:39] leftyfb: you have ubuntu-desktop + ubuntu-desktop-minimal on this list, i assume that (and even just one of those) would have been enough [16:40] or maybe the apt task, as ioria suggested [16:43] that helped 'apt install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop', without the carret [16:43] I have my desktop running [17:05] it works. I would like to know if the installation and removal of emacs hasn't altered my architecture, packages... [17:06] I do not have a gdm / gdm3 service - it is unecognized. [17:07] itai: what release of ubuntu? === remote_host is now known as peer [17:08] how to check this? [17:09] itai: cat /etc/os-release [17:09] itai: cat /etc/os-release | nc termbin.com 9999 [17:09] Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS [17:09] wow that's recent [17:09] I ran this lsb_release -a [17:09] it is recent [17:10] why is it a wow thing? [17:10] itai: apt-cache policy gdm3 [17:13] https://pastebin.com/NDP3EBwj [17:13] it is there [17:13] I guess, it is all fine. I would not know how to troubleshoot. [17:16] itai: sudo systemctl status gdm3 [17:18] leftyfb: https://pastebin.com/VHbMS0MN [17:18] it's running [17:19] there is an error, but it may be a benign one [17:19] thank you very much for your help ;) [17:20] well that bit about the dead children doesn't sound necessarily good [17:21] enigma9o7: what? [17:21] I don't know what that means. [17:21] the last line in the paste [17:21] oh [17:23] I will leave this running as it does. thanks ;) [17:28] what is the reason for loops as snaps ? Do you plese suggest me a documentation ? [17:29] hwpplayer1: loops? [17:30] mounted as loop device .. sure, it is a program mounted as a filesystem, with dependencies included on its own [17:30] something about snaps being loop mount filesystem [17:31] ah right [17:31] yes [17:31] hwpplayer1: snaps are a squash filesystem [17:31] hwpplayer1: you need to mount that filesystem [17:31] read-only, which makes it safer. [17:31] is it default read only [17:32] or We configure ? [17:32] I forgot [17:32] always readonly, settings are in your home folder [17:32] hwpplayer1: why? [17:32] for what is the question "why" leftyfb ? [17:33] Okay oerheks [17:33] Thanks all friends [17:33] hwpplayer1: it's a read-only filesystem. No need to change it to read-write [17:33] yes [17:33] hwpplayer1: https://linuxconfig.org/why-are-there-so-many-loop-partitions-in-my-ubuntu-linux-system [17:33] Thanks [17:33] Thanks again for the website [17:34] https://snapcraft.io/docs [17:34] okay [17:34] Thanks === dob1_ is now known as dob1 [18:02] Posted the message then realized I was disconnected, here is the message again: [18:02] Hi, On Ubuntu 24.04 some unknown process/app attempts to mount my Windows 11 boot partition which is in another drive. I get this warning/error as a notification: [18:02] """ [18:02] Unknown App [18:02] UDisks showexec issue [18:02] Applications cannot run from /media/root/460B-B2B4. [18:48] new linux-firmware update === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon === cyrinux6 is now known as cyrinux [19:09] Hi, On Ubuntu 24.04 some unknown process/app attempts to mount my Windows 11 boot partition which is in another drive. I get this warning/error as a notification: [19:09] """ [19:09] Unknown App [19:09] UDisks showexec issue [19:09] Applications cannot run from /media/root/460B-B2B4. [19:09] See https: //github.com/storaged-project/udisks/issues/707 [19:09] !paste | webchat85 [19:09] webchat85: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [19:11] Hi, On Ubuntu 24.04 some unknown process/app attempts to mount my Windows 11 boot partition which is in another drive. Here's a link to the details https://bpa.st/JI77K [19:11] that post says " execute my bash script and ELF executables from there" .. from fat32? [19:11] it is not posix [19:15] I tried to disable automount in the dconf editor but whatever it is that's attempting to mount the Windows boot partition is not respecting the dconf settings either [19:15] did you put it in fstab? [19:15] !fstab [19:15] The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.pclosmag.com/html/Issues/200709/page07.html and !Partitions [19:18] I didn't, I'm trying to figure out what process is attempting the mount. At first I thought it was a UDisks but and created an issue there (https://github.com/storaged-project/udisks/issues/1328) [19:18] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 1328 in storaged-project/udisks "UDisks tries to automount Windows boot partition" [Closed] [19:19] The conclusion after inspecting the UDisks dump was that all the properties look sane and correct for EFI System Partition, something else is ignoring these hints and performs automounting [19:20] This is the warning/error notification I get that started the whole thing https://postimg.cc/w7gr3HYD [19:20] if that partition is on the sidebar, it does not mean mounted, just available [19:21] I know that, the mount attempt are clear when inspecting "journalctl -u udisks2.service" [19:22] "Oct 30 19:54:35 bull udisksd[1459]: Mounted /dev/nvme0n1p1 at /media/root/460B-B2B4 on behalf of uid 0" [19:22] and that partition is fat32, like your url? [19:22] "nvme0n1" is my Windows drive and "nvme0n1p1" is its boot partition [19:22] Yes [19:22] applications cannot run from non-posix filesystems. [19:23] so remove the link to those, and place them on ext3.4 [19:23] I'm not running applications from non-posix filesystems [19:24] What gave you that impression? [19:24] the error says so? [19:24] The error is from some process that is attempting to do that [19:25] I'm trying to find that process [19:25] I get that error shortly after booting into ubuntu even if I leave the dektop idle after logging in [20:55] alias please='sudo' [20:56] :D [20:57] i want that on a t-shirt [21:20] I assume by "Windows boot partition" they meant the EFI partition? [23:29] One of the issue i notice with gnome is that for an example i open a steam game on second workspace and its loading shaders, i change workspace to do whatever in the meantime, but when its done loading shaders the game pops up in my face in workspace 1 , i would like it to always stay in workspace 2 [23:30] It would be nice if each workspace acted completely independent from eachother