
Bashing-omUWN: Opening 864 for my Friday's update.00:24
Bashing-omSaved and out - moving onto other things.00:38
* guiverc pasting first 01:59
* guiverc out (that general news item was no-where near others..)02:01
* guiverc pasting02:09
* guiverc out02:10
* guiverc pasting02:32
* guiverc out02:36
guiverci'm wondering if the tuxedo os4 should just be listed (further down) & not given summary...04:47
* guiverc pasting 04:47
* guiverc is out... but discourse page hasn't redrawn...04:53
Bashing-omguiverc: Same thought - however while one can move up an item - can not move them down - the source is Bloggo - :(04:53
guivercif we can't list is other news, I'd vote drop.04:54
* guiverc screen is showing only dots... assuming save worked.. but i have copies of summaries here; only my comment about tuxedo wasn't copied from mousepad04:54
Bashing-omguiverc: Wonders what is going on with Discourse lately --- under some form of attack ?04:57
guiverci doubt attack; I think the environment/machine(s) it runs on lack resources or something like that..  but I don't know04:58
guiverci can view the page on chromium, just not on firefox.. so maybe local issue... either way I'll look at it again after birb feed (which is approaching fast..)05:04
Bashing-omguiverc: These Discourse issues have been a plauge to me also - waiing seems to be the best we can do :(05:06
guiverci killed firefox & then restarted it... page is working again in firefox.. so my issue I suspect is local... 05:07
guivercI run `firefox` from terminal (allowing me to easily kill, but also note problems if they occur) using ` snap run firefox --enable-logging=stderr --v=1`   but nothing had appeared on that terminal ... but often it can take awhile...05:08
Bashing-omguiverc: Good thought :D05:10
* guiverc just switches to that term & keys in ^C ... no direct kill command issue... as I always have terminal (or two) open, just one tab reserved for firefox execution..05:12
Bashing-omguiverc: Good minds do think alike - I have 3 terminals open - with 4 work spaces, Sometimes have 2 browsers opened. 2 gigs of ram opens up whole new worlds of opportunities :P05:22
Bashing-omguiverc: On a more positive note here - looks like I have my prefered chronmium-like browser working now - even YT vidoes run, but Mastodon graphics are glitchy.05:49
guivercthough mastodon graphics ain't good, but some graphics on that site are low-quality from my experience... (low-res pictures blown up larger I've assumed.. .. but never explored)05:52
* guiverc opens my mastodon page.. two graphics from the.guardian appear near top & no idea as to what pictures are for without reading the text..05:53
Bashing-omsame - I have work-a-rounds when I want to see on Mastodon :D05:54
* guiverc scrolls down and a nixcraft comic is clear; but all guardian pics are yuk... 05:54
guivercyeah if I right-click open the blurry image is clear, but also tiny in the browser  (low-quality image being blown up in feed)...05:55
Bashing-omguiverc: FireFox renders perectly fine on Mastodon - must be someting in my Slimjet codecs not happening :(05:58
guivercI have no idea sorry... :(06:00
Bashing-omno biggy - but have gone round and round with Slimjet codecs for the longest - 'bout ready to try a different spin.06:03
* guiverc pasting06:17
* guiverc out06:19
guiverctsimonq2, if (when?) you have a change; if you can peruse the summary for the DMB meeting in current issue.. you'll need to view RAW to see my comment & ~my concern..06:20
Bashing-omChecking out - will catch up in a few hours.06:54
tsimonq2> <!-- COMMENT:  I don't mention 25.04, that isn't required is it?? -->07:12
tsimonq2Definitely not *necessary*, but I always put e.g. "what will become 25.04" for clarity07:12
guivercwhere is 25.04?  sorry I'm not sure which summary you're referring to..07:13
tsimonq2Re: Qt 5 porting, it's a lot less of a hope, it's more of a "this is our goal and we'd like to meet it, but there are clear blockers and we're working on it" - if that makes sense07:13
tsimonq2Sorry, I'm jumping around :) the 25.04 one is in reference to Paride's post07:13
tsimonq2Okay, so about the DMB stuff, a few things worth noting...07:15
guivercremoving qt5 will happen, the 'hope' i was trying to express relates to 'before 26.04'07:15
tsimonq2 - Lena is not a member of the DMB, but she spectated, alongsize Mattia Rizzolo and David Mohammed07:16
tsimonq2 - Arriving late is a usual enough thing where I might not mention it07:16
tsimonq2I'd say it's worth noting that this was a special DMB meeting, since we normally do not do it in person07:16
tsimonq2Generally speaking, besides what's noted and those elements, I'd say it's fine :)07:16
tsimonq2guiverc: True - I just see the word "hope" floating around WRT this and I never said that :P07:17
guivercI didn't even catch Mattia & David..    the held live i felt indicated special..07:17
guivercif you want to tweak dmb one, please do...   otherwise I can based on ^07:17
tsimonq2It's 2 AM here, thus my writing skills might not be the best ;) but thank you for poking me. You'll likely get to the tweaks before I can07:19
guivercack & thanks tsimonq2 ...   i'll edit shortly, you can re-read if you like when awake/alert (if you have time).  Thanks Simon.07:20
* guiverc notices Hope mentioned in the phoronix article now... yeah my use of 'hope' does reinforce I'd not noticed before... 07:38
* guiverc editing uwn 86407:46
* guiverc out07:55
Bashing-omUWN: Opening 864 for Sarurday ops - one summary to add additionally.23:35

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