
IrcsomeBot<rcpp85> I used it aeons ago when I tried Open SUSE. I had a few issues I don't recall which, but the problem could be a lot of things between the filesystem and my hardware from there. (re @mehdiMj_ir: Guys what is your opinion on Kubuntu with BTRFS, I'm using in and I had no problem.02:07
IrcsomeBot<rcpp85> More distros using this filesystem by default.02:07
IrcsomeBot<rcpp85> https://linuxiac.com/kde-announced-its-kde-linux-distro/)02:07
IrcsomeBot<rcpp85> Since then, I don't fuzz with my computer anymore. I will stick with whatever is the default filesystem the distribution offers me.02:08
IrcsomeBot<outeremush> Thats pretty much the only reason id change filesystem format and i seem to be getting 8-15gb every time02:42
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IrcsomeBot<berg731> i have been away from kde ecosystem for a while, wondering what happened to amarok? is it dead? what is elisa? amarok was nice, why it didn't got maintained?11:09
IrcsomeBot<janual57> Was it not replaced by Clementine? I use that one, it is pretty good11:10
IrcsomeBot<TwoSwissCats> Wrong, Clementine is a spin-off of an older version. Amarok suffered the fate of many projects: brain drain11:16
IrcsomeBot<berg731> so which one has most active development nowadays? clementine looks more active to me but amarok is doing some catchup. i don't want to get into situation like "apache openoffice / libreoffice" and go with amarok because "i know the name from past"11:22
IrcsomeBot<berg731> wow tested both definetely clementine has much more features/well maintained11:26
BluesKajHi all12:11
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=== JakeSays_ is now known as JakeSays
IrcsomeBot<mykell6> Konsole used to have a setting where everytime u open it, there's a different text color21:15
IrcsomeBot<mykell6> Can someone show me how to do it?21:15
bpromptmykell:   I don't recall it, nor have I ever  used it, nor do I find it useful :|, however  you can always make a few "profiles" and switch them as you wish21:25
IrcsomeBot<mykell6> Its all the answer I see, I used to use it in 22.04, all of a sudden its no longer there21:26
bpromptmykell6:   what you can do is, set up a shortcut to your profiles, and use that to open a new instance with that profile, check in Konsole under Settings > Manage Profiles, it will show the profiles you have, of course you can make more with whichever colors you wish, then on the profile window, it has to columns, [Name] and [Shortcut], if you double-click on the [Shortcut] column for that profile, you can tell it what to use to switch to it21:37
bpromptso you can say, set Ctrl-r for "reddish colors", or Ctrl-g for "greenish" and so on21:38
=== akira is now known as JHNHLMSMTHRFCKER

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