
tewardhey was aarch64 ever a built architecture for 20.04?  I ask because the testers group on Telegram was asking if firefox is intentionally out of date for aarch64 for ubuntu 20.04 as we approach EOL.  (Note it FTBFS currently on everything except amd64 right now on non-amd64)00:37
tewardseb TIL but they're not here afaict so it's a general question00:38
tumbleweedyes, arm64 was supported since 14.0400:48
tumbleweedadded as a port architecture in 13.1000:48
tewardtumbleweed: aarch64 == arm64?00:51
tewardthanks for the clarify00:51
tumbleweedaarch64 is what ARM calls it00:51
tewardmy brain always had aarch64 as != arm64.  Guess that's confusion on my part00:51
tewardthat explains my clarification xD00:52
tumbleweedlike intel calling amd64 x86_6400:52
tewards/clarification/lack of knowledge/00:52
tewardtumbleweed: it FTBFS for arm64 and everything except amd64 right now so that explains why it's "out of date" in 20.0400:52
tewardCBA to go backwards and see when it *last* successfully built but i'm guessing the last that succeeded was 129 per what is reported in testing and stuff00:53
tewards/and stuff/channel on Telegram00:53
tumbleweedI have to assume that only amd64 is being supported for Firefox on focal00:56
tumbleweedbandali: ^^01:04
tewardthat's my assumption01:28
amurrayfyi I think seb128 has been handling firefox lately - bandali left Canonical just recently02:55
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paride@pilot in13:43
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Final Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Oracular | Patch Pilots: paride
parideslightly groggy pilot today, not feeling 100%13:44
sudipparide: the sponsoring-reports has not been working for last few days. do you have the powers to fix that please..14:27
paridesudip, hi, you mean http://sponsoring-reports.ubuntu.com/general.html ?14:44
parideI see this line: Last updated at: Tue, 05 Nov 2024 14:43:16 -000014:44
parideand the most recent entry is from yesterday14:44
sudipparide: ohh.. its not opening for me even.. I will clear my browser cache and try again, thanks for checking14:55
paridesudip, looks like it's an http-only service14:56
parideyour browser may be trying hard to use https14:56
sudipohhh.. right...14:57
sudipyes, it opened now14:57
sudipthanks paride14:57
parideyw, and we should fix that.14:58
tewardamurray: yeah i saw seb was last to touch it but they aren't in here. if you want to follow up that'd be great16:06
tewardotherwise i'll have  to just drop a hammer :P16:06
tewardparide: there's a *lot* of things that should be HTTPS'd but alas the world hates us so :p16:07
tewardparide: jet lag or other things for the grogginess?  *slides a coffee over*16:13
parideteward, not an UbuFlu, bug a solid UbuCold. Coffee always welcome :)16:15
tewardparide: at least it's not the UbuVid-19.16:16
* genii twitches16:16
tewardgenii: go make a pot of coffee, give it to paride16:16
* genii throws on a pot of Kicking Horse16:18
tewardwell my primary driver is now 24.04 though it's probably missing about a trillion packages xD16:21
tewardso at least there's that.16:21
tewardparide: do you know if seb is alive/around?  And if they're keeping after firefox in 20.04 until EOL?16:21
teward(i'm excluding ESM Infra / ESM Apps where Security might out of band patch stuff for Pro)16:22
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paridewgrant, o/ ping about ubuntuwire.com, are you still the point of contact to add new releases there?16:40
paride@pilot out17:32
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Final Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Oracular | Patch Pilots: N/A

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