
=== Juesto is now known as Juest
tewardmdeslaur_: other than the random piece of toilet paper on your foot, can you prod IS / Web and tell them they have some major HTTP 500 errors on the CVE search page16:24
mdeslaur_teward: I prodded them a year when those errors started16:28
tewardwell they're back,.16:28
tewardmaking CVE searching unusable.  Do you know if this is an API level outage or something else?16:29
mdeslaur_no idea, sorry16:29
tewardno worries.  You might want to remove that toilet paper ;)  *hands you your original nick back*16:29
mdeslaur_the search here? https://ubuntu.com/security/notices16:30
=== mdeslaur_ is now known as mdeslaur
mdeslaurheh, was wondering what you were talking about :)16:30
mdeslaurkind of looks like it's working for me now...16:31
mdeslaurat least it didn't explode when I typed in firefox16:31
* mdeslaur -> lunch16:32
tewardheh firefox must be a hot topic lately 'cause i kept mentioning it in -devel xD  16:33
tewardhmm you're right it looks like its working *now*.  IS must be breaking things16:34
JanCthe packages.u.c site often gets 500 errors too, I wonder if that's related...17:00
tewardJanC: wouldn't be surprised17:07
mdeslaurah, it's broken now17:11
* mdeslaur screams swear words while mashing retry button like a maniac17:11
=== Someguy96 is now known as TooManyHats96
Odd_BlokeI reported 500s in here on the 30th too, for reference, and filed https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu.com/issues/14454 at the same time.19:50
-ubottu:#ubuntu-security- Issue 14454 in canonical/ubuntu.com "'500: Server Error' when searching USNs" [Open]19:50
Odd_BlokeAnd, yeah, the failures were intermittent for me also.19:52
Odd_Bloke(Can't believe Marc hasn't already attended to this personally ;.; /s)19:53
* mdeslaur pulls out his "web crap for dummies" book19:53
mdeslaurhuh, says here the "Information Superhighway" is going to change how business is done19:54
Odd_BlokeI would simply not write a 500 status code to the response stream, it would be easy for me.19:55
mdeslaurunfortunately, the screaming I did earlier didn't help at all, but now I need to figure out where the cat is hiding19:55
mdeslaurOdd_Bloke: hehe19:56
Odd_BlokeI hear there's a handy Cat Venue Explorer search box on ubuntu.com, that'll probably help19:58
mdeslauroh, it says 500! that's my cat's name!19:59
mdeslaurhehe *sigh*19:59

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