
=== antonispgs5 is now known as antonispgs
sybaritenhey hey02:39
sybaritenWhere could i download the .bashrc that is distributed with a current release? In other words, where do i go looking for that file specifically, in some online repo or something02:39
rboxin the bash deb02:40
Bashing-omsybariten: Or something > ubuntu provides a backup file in the /etc/skel/ directory.02:47
sybaritenBashing-om: ah, thanks... thats also a good place to start then02:49
sybaritenrbox: do you know where that could be found? someone sent a link some days ago but i cant really find it now02:49
rboxon the ubuntu mirrors02:50
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liberohow to make a tg account without phone number on linux?05:53
portoTheres anyone here05:56
portosorry my english05:57
liberodont worri05:57
portowhats HexChat is about05:57
liberoi dont know05:57
liberowhat are u searchin05:57
portojust talking room05:58
portoor talk foruns05:58
portojust talking with some people05:58
portoabout computer or internet stuff05:58
portoeveryone here is using some linux05:59
liberobut windows is good too06:00
liberomac too06:00
portoi'm some nerd teen using linux, i'm learning about networking, do you have some recomendation06:00
liberono i use linux because my pc is bad06:01
liberoi use the graphical interface06:01
portoi never had a good pc06:01
liberoinstall sl06:02
liberoapt install sl if you're using linux ubuntu,debian..06:02
portoi know it's a train06:02
portoin ascii06:03
portoit's cool06:03
portobuts theres something more cool06:03
portofiglet text's06:03
liberoi know figlet :)06:03
porto _ _ _          _   _     _06:03
porto| (_) | _____  | |_| |__ (_)___06:03
porto| | | |/ / _ \ | __| '_ \| / __|06:03
porto| | |   <  __/ | |_| | | | \__ \06:03
porto|_|_|_|\_\___|  \__|_| |_|_|___/06:03
porto                                06:03
liberolike that06:04
portosorry for that i'm going to sleep by06:05
=== mrpond4 is now known as mrpond
causativetomreyn, this is the menu system for bash commands I made https://github.com/bparkis/hint08:07
masberhi, I found this issue related to libcamera draining the battery life https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/1em8biv/psa_pipewire_has_been_halving_your_battery_life/ I was wondering if ubuntu is affected by this? how can I check if ubuntu is using `libcamera`?08:20
glacierhi there09:25
tomreyncausative: doh, you spent a lot of effort on this, nice.09:38
hiyosilverHi, morning, yesterday I configured 2 crontab task properly and appear every time logging on /var/loig/syslog but, after turn off laptop, today after turn on it, no task is running since yesterday, any reason?10:05
hiyosilverCron is running, path and env is ok, don't know why tasks is not be executed by cron.10:05
hiyosilvermama mia! question was easy :) will solve by myself, here late a lot10:12
hiyosilverIf you are offline, why u stay connected to irc? xD10:17
glacierI just noticed a bug but not sure if it's a skill issue since I'm new to Linux. I'm on Ubuntu using nano for a text editor where I have some links. If I Ctrl+Click to follow the links, the one that appears in Firefox is cut off where the terminal window cuts off. But if I expand the window to include more of the link, it will work properly. Is this a bug or by design?10:26
glacieralso hiyosilver, I know nothing about crontab otherwise I would try to help sorry10:28
zaggynlI guess that's because of word wrap glacier10:29
frostschutzglacier, basically the link clicking is provided by the terminal, not related to nano. but if nano does not display the whole link, then it wont work. so I guess it's by design10:31
glacierThat would make sense. What do the shortcuts M-S and things like that mean in the manual?10:35
glacierBecause one of those supposedly toggles line wrapping.10:36
glacierM-S means short wrapping10:36
glaciersoft wrapping*10:36
glacierokay apparently the M meant Esc on my keyboard, good to know, I have line wrapping now (smile)10:40
glacierit's still cutting off links when they wrap though10:40
frostschutzglacier, if your terminal allows adjusting the font size on the fly. set it to a small size so the link fits. can also be done with zoom/scaling feature of your WM/DE if you set 0.5 as the scale factor. otherwise just cat the file in the terminal w/o involving nano, that should keep the links whole without any newlines inserted10:42
frostschutzor open it up in a graphical editor that does the link highlighting by itself10:43
glacierI just ended up loading it in LibreOffice so all good10:47
=== Josephur_ is now known as Josephur
masberhi, gnome/ubuntu toolbar has an option to toggle the bluetooth, which command should I use in order to do the same?11:06
masberwhen the bluetooth is disabled, it won't even list the device in the `lsusb` list11:19
nteodosiomasber, maybe 'rfkill block bluetooth'.11:20
nteodosioand unblock11:20
masber`rfkill block bluetooth` will stop the bluetooth device but how can I start it?11:24
neteduwassup guys11:24
glacierI downloaded Lynx browser today to try and I am surprised a lot of websites work on it but also the way it deals with cookie requests is a little tedious11:25
glacierdo you want this cookie? (me: no) what about this one? (me: no) and this one? (me: NEVER)11:26
BluesKajHi all12:44
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tesseracthello everyone. there is a media sharing setting in ubuntu 24.04. does it use samba for that? can i access it over network using SMB protocol?14:06
tesseractah ok. document says "ou can browse, search and play the media on your computer using a UPnP or DLNA enabled device such as a phone, TV or game console. "14:08
=== cna| is now known as blang
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lotuspsychjetesseract: share your endgoal if you like, so volunteers can think along for a solution14:20
tesseractlotuspsychje: it ok. i learnt what it is14:20
lotuspsychjeok have fun!14:20
=== Ahnberg_ is now known as Ahnberg
tesseractguys, i enabled sharing Video, Music folders in ubuntu share to stream music and video to my android phone. android vlc and android nova player both can discover network share, i can see folders and mp3 and jpg files in vlc, but i can't see mp4 video files. what do you think the problem is?15:22
oerheksyou might miss some codecs15:24
oerheksgstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly15:24
oerheksalso you might need the dvd stuff15:25
oerhekssudo apt-get install libdvdnav4 libdvdread7 gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly libdvd-pkg15:25
tesseractoerheks: let me try15:26
oerheksthat install pops up same dialog, to enable dvd playback15:26
tesseractoerheks: i don't play dvd15:26
tesseracti have local mp4 video files15:27
oerheksstill needed, some mp4 are encrypted15:27
tesseractoerheks: dude, those combination wants to install automake gcc etc15:29
tesseractfor building stuff15:29
oerheksyes, to build some package, is that an issue?15:30
tesseracti think so15:30
tesseracti was thinking i was gonna install prebuild packages15:31
tesseractok lemme try some of them15:32
tesseractoerheks: the problem was file names :|16:08
tesseracti changed filename and it sees now16:09
tesseractwhat a suxky issue16:09
=== mrbutthead11 is now known as mrbutthead1
VoolooI updated my ubuntu VPS and now it wont boot anymore it says "no init found".16:15
oerheksVooloo, maybe your VPS control panel can roll back?16:23
oerhekselse seek their support?16:23
VoolooI managed to change disk profile via their control panel16:27
VoolooI guess grub didn't update or something16:27
mgedmin'no init found' might mean a bad initramfs16:27
mgedminor the VPS is using an externally-supplied kernel, which some VPS providers (used to?) do16:28
ElliriaHey there. Are there any formiko users in here?16:33
lotuspsychjeElliria: the volunteers will usualy focus on ubuntu issues mostly, whats your issue exactly?16:36
ElliriaFormiko is a package in the Ubuntu repository and I use it to view Markdown files. If I click a link in my Markdown document, it opens in the right pane of Formiko instead of my browser. That's fine, but I can't figure out how to close the opened page and go back to previewing the rendered document in Markdown, which is what the right pane usually does.16:37
ElliriaThere are two panes. The left pane has the raw Markdown code in an editor that you can use to change the document and the right pane has the rendered Markdown document to show you what it will look like. That's the state I'm trying to restore and haven't figured out.16:38
mgedminsounds interesting16:41
* mgedmin goes to install16:41
mgedminfirst impression is not great: I open formiko README.md and it thinks this is ReStructuredText16:42
ElliriaWell, I've figured out a hack. If you click a link, it opens in the right pane and there's no obvious way to close the page that opened and go back to the rendered document. If you then make any kind of a change in the left pane (like adding a space), the page closes and the rendered page is restored to the right pane.16:43
mgedminhmm, for me links open in my real browser16:43
ElliriaI opened an .md file with it.16:43
ElliriaInteresting. I wonder why it's different for me.16:44
mgedminthe CSS used for the markdown preview is very not-great16:45
mgedmingrey background for code blocks with zero padding16:45
mgedminthe synchronized scrolling is pretty impressive16:45
ElliriaYeah. None of them are. It's also picky about your syntax. Where other viewers don't care about blank lines between objects, it does, for instance.16:45
ElliriaYeah, I like that.16:45
ElliriaThere are very few Markdown previewing programs for us to choose from, so for me, this is worth having even if it's a bit awkward.16:46
ElliriaThe rendering is also instant when you make a change on the left.16:46
mgedminI've used livedown in the browser while editing in vim, but livedown is pretty buggy (stops autoreloading after a while, sometimes truncates the output)16:47
mgedminbtw I'm on ubuntu 24.1016:47
mgedminit's possible that I'm using a different version of formiko16:47
ElliriaIf you like vim, did you notice the Formiko Vim shortcut that got put into your menu in addition to the Formiko shortcut? I don't use vim, but you might like to try that.16:47
ElliriaAh. Mine is: 1.3.0-216:48
mgedminI didn't, but I did notice formiko-vim in the list of files installed by the package16:48
ElliriaAnd I'm on Kubuntu 22.04 LTS.16:48
mgedminso, it's possible that opening links inside the embedded webkit browser widget was a bug that got fixed in a newer version16:49
ElliriaYep. The formiko-vim command should run it.16:49
mgedminformiko is a Python app, it might be installable via pipx or something16:49
ElliriaI'll be updating to 24.04 at some point.16:49
* mgedmin tries to uv tool install formiko and discovers that it didn't declare a dependency on python-gobject, so it doesn't work16:50
ElliriaWhat is a uv tool install?16:51
mgedminuv is a new python development tool ("cargo for python") that I've been trying out lately16:52
=== mrbutthead19 is now known as mrbutthead1
mgedminok, formiko really doesn't want to work when installed using python tools ("icon not found" and then a segfault)16:54
Guest22hi all16:55
Guest22what does the switch channel command do? I thought there was only the command to install/uninstall/open16:55
ravagesnap supports channels16:56
mgedminit's when you want to, e.g. try out beta versions16:56
ravagethe default is usually stable. others can be defined. for example a beta channel16:56
ElliriaAh, okay. Very cool.16:56
ElliriaACK! Gotta run! Be back later.16:56
rud0lfyou mena FIN!16:57
Guest22i don't understand..... what are snap supports channels?16:58
Guest22after i click "switch channel, i got thunderbird anyway16:59
oerheksstable / classic / candidate /  beta / edge / insider17:00
oerhekssome have a reason to want the newest17:01
Guest22ok, but it didn't show me any other option17:01
Guest22what is snap? I read article on wikipedia but it's not clear for non-expert users17:03
leftyfbGuest22: https://ubuntu.com/core/services/guide/snaps-intro17:04
Guest22not found17:04
ravagethe link works17:04
Guest22404: Page not found17:05
Guest22The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.17:05
oerheksindeed 40417:05
ravageno 404 here?17:05
leftyfbit's working for me17:05
oerhekssnaps are like appimage and flatpak, complete software with all dependencies17:06
leftyfbany better?17:06
oerheksmope leftyfb ..17:06
Guest22oerheks ok but i don't know what is appimpage and flatpak i just wanna understa by a simple example o explanation just to understand what i'm doing when i found it written somewhere and to avoid to be errors using them17:08
leftyfbGuest22: it's a package type. Similar to .exe or .msi files on Windows17:08
ravagejust install it like any other software. the difference is that it can offer multiple versions of the same software17:09
oerheks" complete software with all dependencies"17:09
ravagewhen in doubt just stick to the default "stable"17:09
oerhekshow hard can it be, or read the urls i gave you17:09
Guest22oerheks ok but there are more techinical terms and they are long pages17:11
Guest22difficult for basic users17:11
happymeal`so dont use the software if you dont want to read a long page17:12
happymeal`because the path to knowledge isnt a shortcut17:12
Guest22expecially for non english users and for who come from windows17:12
ravageit is like the microsoft store then17:12
oerheksshorter than " complete software with all dependencies " is not possible17:12
webchat83Is there anyone in here who can help me with an Ubuntu 24.04 boot issue? I have a Dell and ubuntu won't boot, it fails on Nvidia driver loading, I get a cursor that goes away then I see a mouse icon and the touchpad doesn't work. 6.8.0-47 kernel works and it uses wayland, but 6.8.0-48 doesn't not. Not sure where to go from here.17:31
kutwebchat83: is this a new install?17:32
webchat83No has been running fine until the latest kernel17:33
kutI think you need to reinstall the nvidia drivers, I have to do it each time there's a kernel upgrade on my desktop17:33
webchat83I appreciate that, I have tried is there a way you know of to find out what specific drivers I might need for this particular machine?17:34
webchat83Or is it generic?17:34
kutsudo ubuntu-drivers list17:35
kutI think17:36
kutthen use sudo ubuntu-drivers install X ?17:36
webchat83Thanks I will try it now17:38
kutdo you know how to get to a terminal ? I think it's ctrl+alt+f317:38
webchat83yes I am there and installing the latest drivers now17:38
webchat83So I installed nvidia-dkms-550 and now I see a black screen with a gray box and nothing else.17:48
kutis that the one that was installed before?17:49
webchat83We think it might be 535 before17:49
oerhekson what nvidia chipset??17:51
webchat83NVIDIA AD107GLM [RTX 500 Ada Generation Laptop GPU]17:51
oerheks535 is available in ubuntu-drivers, no?17:56
tomreynhave you checked which driver series nvidia recommends?17:56
oerheksnvidia says 550/560, maybe the driver ppa is any help https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=noble17:59
tomreynhttps://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/ recommends 550 for RTX 500 Ada Generation17:59
tomreynAD107GLM seems to be RTX 2000 Ada Generation, though?18:00
tomreynhmm, apparently both exists18:00
tomreynthat or the linux pci device description has been updated over time18:01
webchat83Yes, tried 535 as well and same symptoms. I am trying to find out but google is letting me down. Interesting tried autoinstall for nvidia which it appears to have installed 550 again but now I am back to a black screen with a mouse cursor18:04
tomreyncheck release notes for known issues, check for existing bug reports, file one if there is none18:12
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:12
ubottuUbuntu 24.04 (Noble Numbat) release notes can be found at https://ubottu.com/y/noble18:12
webchat83Curiously, ubuntu-drivers devices lists the 550 and 535 versions, and I have tried both but neither of them work. The issue is 100% driver related, so anyone have any other ideas?18:21
webchat83Do I just try installing all the drivers?18:21
oerheksmaybe the driver ppa is any help https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=noble it gives a newer 550 or 560 for your card18:24
webchat83Thanks we just tried that.18:24
=== neocharlesalt is now known as neocharles
webchat83Well for anyone interested, 6.8.0-47 works so we are just going to use that kernel for now and submit this issue as a bug, because it has to be. Thakns for all the help.18:51
oerhekshave fun!18:52
developer-mermutis anyone online ?19:33
bpromptkinda, yes19:34
bprompt!ask | developer-mermut19:34
ubottudeveloper-mermut: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:34
developer-mermutsorry mate i'm new around here. Whats the m ain purpose of this app ?19:34
oerhekssee topic?19:34
=== Joan is now known as Guest3246
bmasonis it normal when using the liveboot install media for 24.04 desktop, the text spash screen to turn red and complain about fd0 not being accessable?20:29
bmasonsomething I/O error with fd0 - is that the floppy disk20:30
oerheksmaybe it is enabled in the bios, but not connected?20:30
bmasonits not connected and is disabled in the bios20:31
oerheksor as an boot option available20:31
bmasonim using a usb to boot, there is no floppy drive20:32
bmasona usb flash drive not a usb floppy drive20:34
oerheksit can be an option, in boot section20:35
oerhekswell, it is just a message, not a disaster20:35
bmasonit also never makes it to the installer and I am not able to alt F2 to another tty20:37
Xetawhen i run wsl (ubuntu) i need to type " eval $(ssh-agent) " and add key each time to authenticate. is there a way to make this happen automatically20:41
ravagebmason: you can try to add "modprobe.blacklist=floppy" to the grub parameters20:46
ravageXeta: you can try to add something like this to your ~/.bashrc : https://p.haxxors.com/agent1.sh20:49
bmasonravage: is that in the kernel cmdline section I can try to add this20:51
bmasonafter quiet20:51
ravageshould be something like "linux /casper/vmlinuz ... quiet splash modprobe.blacklist=floppy --"20:52
ravageand then boot with F1020:52
=== NightMonkey_ is now known as NightMonkey
andrew_run ubuntu21:28

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