
VanUnamedhow do i get power management to ignore what firefox is playing@?00:53
IrcsomeBot<nomaddin> hey @plutorocks hows your experience with Synaptic? Tried Apper and Aptitude, not my cup of tea. cheers (re @plutorocks: thanks man felt stupid i could easily search this package on synaptic pck manager)01:34
=== wodencafe is now known as wodencaguyfawkes
IrcsomeBot<mehdiMj_ir> From System Settings -> Power management -> set evertyng as Do nothing (re @IrcsomeBot: <VanUnamed> how do i get power management to ignore what firefox is playing@?)04:38
VanUnamedbut, everything is not just firefox.04:39
IrcsomeBot<mehdiMj_ir> Firfox is life 🫶 (re @IrcsomeBot: <VanUnamed> but, everything is not just firefox.)04:42
VanUnamedscreen doesnt dim when firefox is on.04:43
VanUnamedand its very annoying04:43
=== wodencaguyfawkes is now known as wodencafe
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
scottnI think if you click on power management in the system tray, it tells what application is blocking the sleeping and from there you blacklist firefox to not block. I had the same issue and I fixed it, but can't remember the exact steps I did...09:17
IrcsomeBot<plutorocks> Straight as it seems it is. You search the package and install right away. But I prefer gdebi but wish it had developments for QT and thereby rely less on chunk gnome dependencies. (re @nomaddin: hey @plutorocks hows your experience with Synaptic? Tried Apper and Aptitude, not my cup of tea. cheers)11:37
BluesKajHi all12:34
IrcsomeBot<plutorocks> Straight as it seems it is. You search the package and install right away. But I prefer gdebi but wish it had developments for QT and thereby rely less on chunk gnome dependencies. (re @nomaddin: hey @plutorocks hows your experience with Synaptic? Tried Apper and Aptitude, not my cup of tea. cheers)13:00
IrcsomeBot<profmissmani> Any solution to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/195149114:50
-ubottu:#kubuntu- Launchpad bug 1951491 in snapd (Ubuntu) "Can't run snaps: .slice/session-1.scope is not a snap cgroup" [High, Incomplete]14:50
IrcsomeBot<profmissmani> It cripples kubuntu LTS 24.04...latest14:51
=== SirLouen4 is now known as SirLouen

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