
=== dale is now known as monk
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Guest390whats this00:41
Bashing-omGuest2101: "whats this" > in what context do you refer ?00:47
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xetaty ravage agent1.ph and editing bashrc fixed it01:31
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raddyHello Friends05:17
raddyIs it possible to skip a repo in apt ?05:17
raddyI cannot fiddle with the configuration files as I have manage many VMs.05:18
raddyI want to skip/exclude a repo in apt.05:19
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scześc co tam u cb08:35
szkolau mn gt08:35
sgdzie jestes08:35
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szkolaSHA-256 checksum for /home/szkola/Pulpit/Doom.sh (remote): 8b6ddb0c72d1849c593ee9b51e65d69991bea905ef2b1564917385dbf1c95fbf08:36
LordDoskiasi'm having sound issues after updating from 22.04 to 24.04. I'm using a WH-1000XM5 headset and if there's no sound for a bit the sound would turn off and then won't turn on. Currently the sound is off and this is the state of the sink: https://pastebin.com/nSJ4Ktf2 The way to fix this is to either reconnect via bluetooth, or cycle audio output devices08:39
spinningCatis there a program ubuntu tto read odf file?12:32
oerheksodf is supported by Libre Office,standard installed12:33
oerheksOpen Document Format12:33
BluesKajHi all12:34
oerheksheya BluesKaj12:34
BluesKajhey oerheks12:35
=== aryan20 is now known as aryan_
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webchat52I recently updated Ubuntu from 24.04 LTS to 24.10 on a Dell 5680. Now the speakers no longer produce sound. I can still get sound from a bluetooth device and from the audio jack. Any thoughts?16:11
kuka_liewebchat52: sound card drivers?16:50
pragmaticenigmakuka_lie: can you elaborate more on your idea?16:52
webchat52I checked Dell for updated drivers and can't find any.16:52
AxtypitosHi to all16:53
webchat52If I didn't do the update I would have just thought the speakers went bad because the sounds still can be heard using other means.16:54
pragmaticenigmaI would check your sound settings to make sure the speaker output isn't muted somewhere. Another option is to boot with a Live image of Ubuntu and see if audio works there. That would help narrow down if the issues is hardware versus software.16:55
pragmaticenigmawebchat52: it's possible during the update that another sound device took priority of sound. My HDMI connected monitors often cause that to happen, even though they do not have sound capability.16:56
kuka_liewebchat52: i think ubuntu has drivers app17:23
georgecan yall see my msgs17:27
pragmaticenigmakuka_lie: the "drivers app" is primarily for finding closed sourced drivers for, in most cases, video cards. Most sound chipsets are supported directly in the kernel17:38
=== NewtonPumpkin is now known as NewtonTrendy
puffGood afternoon.  I decided to go back to xubuntu for a while. I installed xubuntu-desktop, rebooted, and used the cogwheel menu in the lower right corner to select xubuntu with xorg.  However, the desktop looks the same.  How do I check this?18:03
puffAlso, since I'm in the middle of updating things, I'm thinking about upgrading from 22.04 LTS to 24.04 LTS, but the last time I did an upgrade, a few libraries broke.18:03
oerhekswhy would libraries brake again?18:04
oerheksnot sure what you mean with " desktop looks the same", what was your previous desktop?18:04
puffoerheks: Why'd they break the last time?18:06
puffoerheks: To be specific, what happened was I upgraded from 20.04 to 22.04 and OpenSSL libraries changed in a way that broke other thinsg.18:06
puffoerheks: I used xubuntu for 5-10 years, then a few years back I upgraded my hardware with a new SSD drive and reinstalled from scratch, to 20.04.   I decided to try vanilla ubuntu for a while, just to see (and also a little so I'd be familiar with vanilla Ubuntu UI), and ended up sticking with it, more out of inertia than anything else.18:07
puffoerheks: However, lately I've been annoyed by some things in vanilla ubuntu, so I'm moving back to specifically a) I make heavy use of virtual desktops, but I also have an external monitor I use at my desk.  Every time I unplug/replug the monitor, it moves all the windows to the current virtual desktop.18:09
puffb) I tried to fix that with a shell script using xdotool or wmctrl but snaps use a security model that breaks those.18:09
oerheksecho $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP # shows what desktop you use now18:10
oerheksnot sure why openssl broke things. no need to fear it happens again18:11
puffSays ubuntu:GNOME.18:11
oerheksif you instaled a custom dock,  and kept your background, yes it looks the same18:12
oerheksi would install fresh, no cruft from previous desktop like apps18:13
puffShould be XFCE right?18:13
puffYeah, blah, don't really have the time and energy for that today.18:13
puffHm, going to reboot and try again, on the off chance that I didn't select xubuntu like I thought I did.18:13
puffBack in a few.18:14
oerheksnot reboot, logout, change session, login18:14
puffAha, so the cogwheel select was just "Ubuntu on Xorg", not "Xubuntu on Xorg" as I thought.  There was no option I could find on the login screen for choosing xubuntu.18:16
puffAlthough on both the logout/shutdown screen and the startup there's an xubuntu logo.18:16
mgedminwas there any option mentioning XFCE?18:17
puffHm, and I just did "sudo apt install xubuntu-desktop" and now it's installing  a whole ton of stuff.  DOne.18:17
puffI'd *swear* that I did "sudo dpkg -l | fgrep xubuntu" yesterday and it showed xubuntu-desktop was instaleld.18:17
puffOkay, apt is done installing xubuntu-desktop, going to log out and try again.18:17
puffBack in a few.18:18
puffOkay, so that worked, the cogwheel now has: Ubuntu, Ubuntu on Xorg, XFCE, Xubuntu.18:21
oerhekshave fun18:22
puffI selected Xubuntu and it logged me in, but I have an empty desktop, no menus (autohidden or otherwise) or launcher/dock, etc.  Right-click menu works, I opened a shell and started emacs to connect to here.18:22
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puffI'm beginning to subscribe more to your "reinstall from scratch" suggestion :-).18:22
enigma9o7You may want to make a new user for your xubuntu session.18:22
puffBlah, unless there's a quick fix, for now I'm going to go back to Ubuntu, but at least I can use Ubuntu on Xorg.18:23
oerheksif xubuntu uses lightdm: sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm18:23
puffHow would I check?18:23
bpromptpuff: different sessions may have different desktop manager and thus different desktop layout and icons and menus18:23
puffbprompt: Yeah, that's sort of the point, but unless Xubuntu changed radically in the past few years, I'm pretty sure there's supposed to be *some* sort of menu bar, etc.18:24
mgedminI don't think the choice of login manager can influence whether a desktop session gets launchers/docks/etc18:24
puffWhat does dpkg-reconfigure lightdm do in this context?18:25
mgedminthis smells more like more missing packages or something to do with user-level configuration18:25
puffHm, dpkg-reconfigure is offerming me a choice of gdm3 or lightdm.18:25
mgedmindpkg-reconfigure lightdm should give you a selection of which login manager you want to use from those you have installed (gdm or lightdm)18:25
enigma9o7Shouldn't matter which you use tho.18:26
mgedminif you want the Xubuntu experience you'll likely want the same login manager18:26
bpromptmgedmin: different session means different DM usually and may be different WM as well, thus different layout from others DM18:26
mgedminnote, that if you want to use gnome (or ubuntu sessions), you have to use gdm, or some features will not work (screen locking)18:26
enigma9o7Try logging into xfce as new user before giving up.18:26
oerhekssystemctl status display-manager # gives a PID with the DM xubuntu uses18:26
oerheksi bet lightdm18:26
* mgedmin seconds enigma9o7's suggestion18:27
oerheksother way around for gnome > https://www.simplified.guide/ubuntu/switch-to-gdm18:27
mgedminby testing with a new user account you can figure out if you're missing packages, or if there's something configured in your home directory that prevents xfce panels from showing up18:27
=== Guest89 is now known as Victoria11
Victoria11¡Soy una chica caliente y sexy!18:29
puffoerheks: systemctl status display-manager output says gdm.service - GNOME Display Manager18:29
Victoria11Nos masturbamos juntos ahora?18:30
bprompt!es | Victoria1118:30
ubottuVictoria11: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:30
Victoria11Busco hombres madurcos y comprometidos.18:30
Victoria11Hola amor Tienes una foto???18:30
oerheks!coc | Victoria1118:30
ubottuVictoria11: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv18:30
Victoria11Eres un satanista18:30
Victoria11en bragas chatear por cámara?18:30
bpromptVictoria11:  not a pickup channel =P18:30
oerhekswrong chanel, dude, and wrong network18:30
puffHm, do I need to sudo adduser to create the new user account before logging out and trying to log in as the new user?18:30
Victoria11en bragas chatear por cámara?18:31
puffI guess yes, okay, created, back in a few.18:31
puffOkay, did adduser xfcetest, tried logging in as xfcetest with Xubuntu session, and as xfcetest with XFCE.  Both got the same result as logging in with my regular user, an empty desktop, no menubar or launcher, etc.18:44
puffI did get a popup about "Ubuntu experienced an internal failure", but clicknig the "Details" button just got me a single line about IIRC lightlocker and a spinner that just kept spinning.18:44
puffAlso, I got a popup offering to upgrade to 24.  Ubuntu keeps prompting me18:45
puff24.04.01 LTS... been getting that at every login, actually.18:45
puffThe software on this computer is up to date.\n However, Ubunt 24.04.1 LTS is now available (you have 22.04).18:46
puffI guess I'll take a break from this for a few days, I'm logged via Ubuntu with Xorg, see if that works better.18:46
oerheksgo into software update, and set ask for  to 'never'18:47
puffOh, I didn't try dpkg-reconfigure lightdm, maybe I should try that?  I'm still not entirely clear what the risks are there.18:47
puffXubuntu default is lightdm, so I guess I should try changing to that in dpkg-reconfigure lightdm?18:48
puffoerheks: I'm okay with it prompting me to update/upgrade, I'd probably never get around to it otherwise :-).18:49
houssxmhey guys18:57
=== HugoH4 is now known as HugoH
kuka_liedamm my screen is full of joining and quiting messages but there is no questions19:39
kutI ignore those now19:40
oerhekseasy evening indeed19:40
kutjust hot chats for me19:40
oerheks>> /ignore -except #foo,#bar * JOINS PARTS QUITS19:41
oerheksor check your client for this19:42
bpromptkut: yeap, your IRC client will have options to skip those from the screen, or not, mine does, the activity is colored so I know what's what, I have them ON by choice19:43
kuka_lieoerheks: nice19:43
bprompthmmm woops  s/kut/kuka_lie/19:44
oerheks>> /ignore -except #foo,#bar * JOINS PARTS QUITS oerheks19:44
kutyah I just do /ignore #chan JOIN PART QUIT19:45
kutare you suggesting to ignore oerheks ?19:45
bpromptwell, -except19:47
kutwhat's that for?19:50
kut-except: Negates the ignore. ??19:50
bpromptseems like yes19:51
pragmaticenigmaignore everything execpt oerheks' Joins, Parts and quits19:51
kutis he our new god?19:51
oerhekssee topic in #ubuntu-offtopic > Oracular oerheks19:53
kutisn't that just for offtopic stuff?19:54
kuthello there20:18
io_please tell me how to set up a permanent VPN connection in Yubuntu?20:18
kuka_liewhat vpn you have20:19
io_VPN connection periodically disconnects and then is not restored20:19
kuka_liehow about your internet connection20:20
io_Internet connection is quite stable20:20
io_I asked for the article, thanks, maybe I need to use something other than networkmanager20:24
io_I read*20:24
oerheksIf there isn’t a NetworkManager package for your type of VPN, yes20:26
andrew_hi bro22:26
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