
znfwhat's needed on Ubuntu 22.04 to get an Intel ARC GPU working?00:14
znfI'm on 6.8 (-hwe) kernel already00:14
znfintel_gpu_top seems to report there's a GPU, but it doesn't show the name, it only shows the PCI ID00:14
patdk-lapall I did to make it work00:26
patdk-lapbut to make it *stable*, that has been impossible00:26
znfI feel you left out a key point of what you did!00:30
patdk-lapI installed the intel gpu stuff00:30
patdk-lapthen when 6.5? or was it 6.8, I uninstalled all that to use the kernel built in driver00:31
patdk-laphmm, I still have the intel libdrm-intel1 and xserver-xorg-video-intel stuff install though00:32
patdk-lapbut that is for desktop, not server00:32
znfpatdk-lap, sorry, was away -- which "intel gpu stuff"? :)01:51
patdk-lapI listed them above01:53
patdk-lapdirectly from intels gpu webpage01:53
znfThat just tells you to go to https://dgpu-docs.intel.com/driver/client/overview.html 02:09
patdk-lapnot sure what you want02:10
patdk-lapif your going install hardware, you should consult the manual for that hardware02:10
znftl;dr: stuff seems to work, but `intel_gpu_top` doesn't even report the GPU name02:13
znfall I'm getting is02:13
znfintel-gpu-top: 8086:56a5 @ /dev/dri/card1 -    0/   0 MHz; 100% RC6;        0 irqs/s02:13
znfI'm assuming there should be some newer tools/packages/driver/something that can actually show me the correct GPU name, amongst others 02:14
patdk-lap hmm, the name it will only report is the pci id02:15
patdk-lapmaybe ask intel to add a name mapping table to intel-gpu-top?02:15
patdk-lapwell, if you read the page I posted it tell you how02:16
patdk-lapclinfo | grep "Device Name"02:16
patdk-lap  Device Name                                     Intel(R) Arc(TM) A580 Graphics02:16
znfI know the clinfo tool reports it02:16
patdk-lapwell, intel-gpu-top doesn't support that02:17
znfit *did* on a 12th Gen iGPU when I last used it02:17
znffor example: intel-gpu-top: Intel Alderlake_s (Gen12) @ /dev/dri/card0 -    0/   0 MHz; 100% RC6;  0.00/20.69 W;        0 irqs/s02:18
patdk-lapthat is really old02:18
znfI'm kinda bummed out that neither nvtop and neither intel_gpu_top report the actual vram used by my ffmpeg processes 02:19
patdk-lapno, you have to use the nv smi tool to see memory usage02:22
patdk-lapalways been a limit for me, constantly running out of gpu memory02:22
patdk-lapxpu-smi stats works02:26
znfweird, my system froze while transcoding 02:33
znfno kernel dump, no nothing02:33
patdk-lapya, that kept happening to me, after 2 transcodes02:33
patdk-lapso I stopped using that02:33
patdk-lapas I said, intel arc wasn't very stable for me at all02:33
znfI've seen that *before* on a different system (the one with 12th Gen), and I blamed it on the crappy iGPU 02:33
patdk-lapnever used the built in cpu gpu, only the arc cards02:34
znfdidn't think ARC would suffer from the same issue 02:34
patdk-lapbuilt in gpu with 4 4k monitors is never very happy02:34
znfthank f* I have Intel AMT on that device, and I was able to hit a reset, because my BliKVM is not connected to the ATX pins02:35
patdk-lapthis workstation has ipmi :)02:35
znfthis one doesn't :(02:35
znfit's an old ThinkStation 510 (P510?)02:35
znfyeah, P510 02:36
znfglad to know I'm not the only one seeing random freezes02:37
znflol, crashed again 02:37
patdk-lapya, using ffmpeg transcodes, it always happened02:38
patdk-lapwithout that, just normal desktop usage, screensaver would cause it to happen02:38
patdk-lapI would get artifacts on screen, things would act odd, after a day or two02:38
patdk-lapthen a few more days later, the gpu would lockup02:38
patdk-lapcan still ssh in and do stuff, but video was no good02:39
patdk-lapless screensaver activations, the longer it would last, it seems02:39
znfwell, this is wild02:41
znfI was hoping to replace the small 1050 Ti I have in there02:41
znfwith the ARC, which has more VRAM and a more modern encoder, I'd assume02:41
patdk-lapvram isn't really an issue for ffmpeg02:42
patdk-lapit will never exceed 2gigs02:42
znfI do02:42
patdk-lapodd, a310 works well in windows using ffmpeg02:43
znfI run about ~15 concurrent transcodes, so it eats it up 02:43
patdk-lapbeen really happy with the cards on windows machines02:43
patdk-laphmm, the arc only supports 2 streams02:44
znfuhm, why would it support only 2 streams? as far as I know it shouldn't be limited to anything...?02:44
patdk-lapthere are only two video encode/decode chips02:45
patdk-lapsame deal on nvidia cards02:45
znfthat's not the issue, I'm not running the encoder/decoder at full speed, you can initiate much more many sessions02:46
znfTesla P4 02:46
znfGTX 1070: https://123.456.ro/share/2024/11/kitty-
znfetc. 02:48
patdk-lapdunno, I am just never liked using gpu for video, transcodes sure02:49
patdk-lapbut I rarely transcode02:49
znfit's pretty the #1 reason I use GPUs under linux servers :D02:51
patdk-lapya, I only use it for my desktop, and not liking it, but nvidia has become such a pain02:52
patdk-lapdo use nvidia in servers, cause the ai software requires it02:52
znfI don't really use linux much on desktops, but at least on server-side, I had the _least_ troubles with nvidia02:54
znfintel always gives me headaches, amd too 02:54
patdk-lapamd drivers are kindof hard, but that got fixed lately when they went into the kernel02:55
patdk-lapbut I opted to try intel instead of a more powerful amd card this last time02:55
patdk-lapI dont need a powerful gpu, I just need the vram02:55
znfit's mostly why I also wanted to give ARC a try 02:56
znfeverything after the GTX 10 series is pretty damn expensive to use just for video transcoding 02:57
znfthe gtx 1080 is also kinda weird02:57
znfthe 1050/1070 have a single nvenc unit 02:57
znfthe 1080 has 2 02:57
patdk-lapI could use a tesla series, but that wouldnt last much for future use for me :(02:57
patdk-lappascal is too old to even use :(02:58
znfsame ffmpeg command would use about ~20% more VRAM on the 1080 due to the nvenc/nvdec count02:58
znfwhich is weird as hell 02:58
znfI would have loved AV1 encode support that the ARC supports/provides :(03:00
znfWe use those Tesla P4's, but they're a bit tricky03:00
znfDue to lower clocks, the encoder gets 100% busy with much less streams than on a 1070 03:00
znfhelps a bit to raise the frequency with nvidia-smi (not like yuo can much, it just has 2 settings lol)03:01
patdk-lapmy stuff doesn't matter how long it takes, but it has 24gigs of ai data to load :(03:01
patdk-lapand to start doing two ai jobs on the same file now, so that is going be 50gigs of ram needed :(03:01
patdk-lapor have to deal with using two cards03:01
znfnow, WTF do I do about this ARC...03:02
patdk-lapmy daughter has loved it in windows :)03:03
znfI was like 100% sure it would work just "fine" 03:03
patdk-lapthe amd I had in her system, failed, and it's worked well03:03
znf...I could dist-upgrade to ubuntu 24.04, maybe...03:03
patdk-lapit might, but ya, not currently03:03
patdk-lapwonder when intel will release updates for linux03:03
patdk-lapmaybe, I havent wanted to deal with that on my desktop yet03:04
patdk-lapso I cannot speak to what it would do with 24.0403:04
patdk-laphave upgraded many servers, but, well, desktop upgrades are so much more finicky03:05
znfI have BliKVM, I have Intel AMD, can't break it!03:05
patdk-lapya, breaking isn't my problem03:05
patdk-laphow long till it works enough nicely, so I can do work, is :)03:06
patdk-lapprobably clone my laptop, upgrade it, and see how it goes, then try this system03:06
znfoh, the XPU-stuff is for data-center cards only03:48
patdk-laphmm? works on my card just fine03:48
patdk-lapxpu-smi stats -d 003:49
znfintel-gpu-top: Intel Dg2 (Gen12) @ /dev/dri/card1 - 1613/2455 MHz;   0% RC6;     3945 irqs/s03:49
patdk-lapmaybe only works on pcie based cards (arc)03:49
patdk-lapworks on my a580 and a31003:49
patdk-lapneither are datacenter, dont have an a40 yet :(03:50
znfthis is from xpumanager, correct?03:52
patdk-lapatleast from the git project03:53
patdk-lapI just did apt-get install xpu-smi03:53
znflet me see, the 24.04 upgrade is done03:53
znfmaybe it's in their ppa again03:53
znfnope, it's not in "https://repositories.intel.com/gpu/ubuntu noble client" 03:54
znfAre you on 24.10?03:55
znfand using kobuk-team/intel-graphics-testing ?03:55
patdk-lap https://repositories.intel.com/gpu/ubuntu jammy client03:56
znfyou sure? what does apt show xpu-smi show ?03:56
patdk-laphmm, that command doesn't say03:58
znfshould say repo?03:58
znfie: APT-Sources03:58
patdk-lapAPT-Sources: https://repositories.intel.com/gpu/ubuntu jammy/client amd64 Packages03:59
patdk-laplike I said03:59
znf...shit crashed again03:59
znfworked for about ~15 minutes with 14 transcodes04:00
znfand crashed again https://123.456.ro/share/2024/11/kitty-
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