=== ghostbusters2 is now known as ghostbuster [01:18] how come seemingly randomly my resolver has stopped working on my vps? upstream issue or what? resolv.conf is: nameserver options edns0 trust-ad search . [01:18] Looks like systemd-resolved. [01:19] otr: What does `resolvectl status` show? [01:20] (Don't paste here, use a pastebin) [01:20] https://pastebin.com/iCrZjE0T [01:53] otr: if you posted something, and didn't remove it, the site you posted to did remove it. Look at the room topic for suggested pastebins. [01:54] oh it timed out [01:54] https://bpa.st/ROT5A here we go [01:56] doesnt seem to have a dns listed [01:59] correct, it is not configured, or (if configured) the machine is not receiving the DNS servers from a DHCP lease [02:00] *if configured for Dynamic IP assignement [02:02] if it was working and stopped, my first thought would be to reboot [02:02] the only thing i can think of is i upgraded from 24.04 lts to 24.04.1 maybe a file got replaced with the default one [02:02] its static ip [02:03] that's pretty rare, but possible if there was an update to resolved that issued a prompt to keep or overwrite with the maintainers copy of the configuration file [02:06] otr: usually custom configurations would be placed in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/ to avoid being overwritten by system updates. [02:09] i dont even have a /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/ [02:15] not usually by default, but in the documentation resolved knows to look their for configuration files [02:16] otr: if your curious `man resolved.conf` [02:18] thanks i think thats what i should read now [03:34] Hi does anyone know is if it's possible to launch an Appimage file from the terminal. E.g. to launch firefox from the terminal I just write firefox, but if I want to load something like Krita which is an appimage by writing krita in the terminal how could I do it? (I have Krita as a launcher on the desktop) [03:37] glacier: if the file is already executable, you should be able to launch from the terminal by adding `./` in front of the binary/executable. so if the appimage name is krita, you'd execute `./krita`. Assuming the file is in the current directory. [03:37] #> whereis krita [03:38] anon143: that only works for package installed applications, or applications that are in known path locations. [03:39] chmod a+x ./kritta && ./kritta [03:40] chmod a+x ~/Desktop/kritta and .~/Desktop/kritta ? [03:41] The ./krita method worked if I included the whole filename [03:42] it doesn't work unless I use the .appimage extension though. It'd be nice if I could just write "krita" - is there a way to make a command link to a longer file name so even when the appimage updates and changes the name I can still call krita as long as it's pointed at the file (or something similar) [03:42] alias? [03:43] glacier: you can rename the file to anything you like. Linux does not care about extensions [03:44] alias in bashrc or profile, symbolic link, a shortcut, and a script file that calls the program are all I can think of. [03:44] glacier: if it was me. I'd place the appimage in /opt/krita/krita.appimage, then create a symlink there from my user account's bin folder [03:45] I'm still new at Linux so I'll read about aliases and symlinks, thank you [03:45] #> ln -s /opt/foo /usr/bin/bar [03:46] #> man ln [03:47] glacier: I'd avoid aliases... it's very easy to forget about them, and accidentally create something you don't remember where it's from [03:48] I agree with pragmaticenigma. Also if your alias update in the shell script fails, you run the risk of the remainder of the script not executing and it can mess up your terminal prompt. [03:50] If it was me. Put krita appimage in /opt. Then as anon143 suggested (with a small tweak), make a symlink to it by calling `ln -s /opt/krita/krita.appimage /usr/local/bin` [03:51] err [03:51] i made an error [03:51] make a symlink to it by calling `ln -s /opt/krita/krita.appimage /usr/local/bin/krita` [03:52] /usr/local/bin should be used for apps you add yourself. /usr/bin should be left for the package manager installed applications [03:55] Are symlinks a bit like shortcuts on Windows (the soft kind, anyway)? Based on what I'm reading it sounds like the same idea [03:56] glacier: similar, yes [03:57] glacier: unlike windows though, symlinks are a filesystem based pointer. Windows short cuts are more like the .desktop files that Gnome/KDE use to launch applications. [03:59] Window's NTFS supports symlink files as well, though usually not usable directly from the file explorer [04:04] glacier: I have to part the channel for now. hopefully you've got things working. welcome to the Ubuntu and Linux communities, this is a great place to ask questions and learn more. :) [04:10] So is the best place to put appimage and other .deb and other program files is /home/Containers or something similar? [04:11] At the moment they're all still in Downloads which isn't ideal (clown emote) [04:11] then I can put symbolic links in /usr/local/bin to point to the files in Containers then I can call them from the terminal by their name in /usr/local/bin? [04:22] h [04:35] So I moved the appimage files to /home/Containers then renamed the appimage files as the name I want to call them by in the terminal (e.g. krita) then made a symbolic link in /usr/loca/bin and now I can call the program from the terminal - this is so cool! [04:38] pragmaticenigma, anon143: thank you for the help (smiles) [06:34] dw [06:34] how do I zero all files in a directory? [06:34] like how u can do it with `dd` for a drive [06:34] zeroing all files so that the data is unrecoverable [06:34] as opposed to just `rm` [06:34] how do u do that? [06:39] alright thank you for the answers everyone [06:39] hello, this is IRC, people will not immediately respond [06:39] i need them to though [06:39] shred is a utility that might do what you want [06:39] oh [06:39] ill try that [06:41] there was GNU shred for things like this [06:42] might be overkill: it first writes random data to the file, and _then_ overwrites with zeros if you ask for -z [06:42] I dunno if you can ask it to skip the random overwrite part [06:43] oh and I see you've already been given this answer [06:43] that'll teach me to react to perceived urgency and start answering before I've finished reading the entire backlog [07:54] Hello === seanh1 is now known as seanh === fling_ is now known as fling [12:06] https://www.internethalloffame.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Richard-Stallman-Hall-of-Fame-Acceptance-Speech-2013.ogv [12:28] Hi all [12:40] aloha [12:43] is it okay that when in the morning having 100% battery on wire I am choosing "shut down" and unplug the wire from the grid, and then in the next morning I plug the wire back in and turn my laptop on, and it loads and shows 86% ?? [12:43] where goes the energy when it's shat off [12:45] in user interface, it is written so : "Power Off..." that means no more power to suck [12:49] hi, I have an active VPN connection, and I'm sure certain dns queries are resolved via that VPN connection. but I suspect not all. considering this how do I query the current dns settings? what dns servers are used? etc. thank you in advance [12:50] imi: try running resolvectl [12:53] only 2 dns servers are mentioned, which belong to my ISP, nthing for the VPN connection. however if I disconnect the VPN certain domains don't resolve (and when I have the vPN connected they resolve to 192.168.x.y) [12:56] how to find out which service is swallowing my memory [13:53] hi, i am unable to change permissions even with a sudoer user. What else can i try [13:53] even chown does not work [13:53] gebbione: change permission on what? [13:58] on a file owned by root [13:59] gebbione: where is the file located? Please pastebin the permissions and the error you're getting [13:59] even if i sudo su and then try to chown www-data:www-data file ... still yields operation not permitted [13:59] the file is under www folder of apache [14:00] i think i know why [14:00] gebbione: ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ; ls -l /path/to/file ; sudo chown www-data.www-data /path/to/file ) | nc termbin.com 9999 [14:02] that gets stuck [14:02] i think because of the . [14:02] . [14:03] maybe nc to termbin is blocked network wise [14:03] i ll use a regular paste bin [14:06] here it is https://bpa.st/6W7Z6 [14:10] gebbione: you need to upgrade your OS to one that isn't End of Life [14:11] not mine, i m just trying to help in a situation where replatforming is not possible ATM [14:12] any ideas specific to the permission issue? [14:12] it's been almost 5 years since it went EOL. They've had plenty of time [14:19] PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 24.10" <-- what's pretty in this name? [14:20] VERSION="24.10 (Oracular Oriole)" <-- this one looks much prettier [14:23] hello, how to install luit on 24.04? [14:25] sevenever: luit is only available on ubuntu 24.10 [14:27] leftyfb: thanks, just downloaded deb and installed successfully on 24.04 [15:15] How is everyone's day? [15:31] Any recent blog articles about any Ubuntu content? [15:34] !ot | elmetah6 [15:34] elmetah6: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [15:35] You're welcome, also thank you [16:04] hi all, how could we update a particular package from an old Ubuntu image for a docker build? [16:06] ESphynx, basicly a bad idea, but if you have a reason to do so: download the package from launchpad, or better, get the source code and build it yourself [16:07] ESphynx: time to update the docker image [16:07] ./make ./build would be best [16:07] oerheks no easy way like tweaking the sources.list to include updates or something? [16:07] certainly not [16:08] I use an older image on purpose so that whatever we build works on very old distros. [16:08] ESphynx: what would be very bad. Mind you, the "old ubuntu image" is probably EOL and unsupported regardless [16:09] it sure is, but it allows to build very compatible binaries [16:09] good luck, you are on your own with that. [16:10] ESphynx: it is highly recommended to upgrade your docker image to a supported ubuntu release [16:11] oerheks: can I ask why tweaking the sources.list would "certainly not" work if the package I'm trying to update does have the needed updates? (something I'm not even sure or whether even they're still retrievable being EOL) [16:11] ESphynx: file bugs if something doesnt work on a newer ubuntu release? [16:12] lotuspsychje: it's not about things not working on newer release, it's about taking binaries built with newer libc not working when trying to run them on older libc. [16:12] releases/packages yeah... [16:13] mixing libc versions.. the horror [16:13] ESphynx: good luck. You are on your own [16:14] * oerheks is not even asking what package [16:14] ESphynx: what exactly are you trying to do? [16:14] ESphynx: like, what problem is this supposed to solve? [16:15] yeah im also curious what this endgoal would be [16:16] seems like perhaps installing package from Debian is the easiest way ? [16:16] ESphynx: it's unsupported. Good luck [16:17] yes OK thanks. [16:18] when you need newer packages on an old distro version it's probably best to use a private archive with that package in it... [16:22] Hello. 22.04 chrome dies with only about 20 tabs, 5 of which were opened in the background so they are quiet or whatever chrome calls inactive tabs. Why does this happen she asked for the Manyeth Time in the last 4 years. (deep sigh) on a dell and an acer. Is there SOME WAY of figuring out what is happening -- my best guess is memory. (it all sort of freezes, turns black and useless except I still see hexchat, waits a while [16:22] then the desktop comes back (yay a change in the middle of 22.04's reign.) ---signed, broken record. [16:23] 20 tabs.. on how much ram? [16:23] morgan-u: try chromium [16:23] if you don't have a lot of RAM, chrome could be killed when RAM is almost full [16:24] or /RAM/memory/ [16:24] each in their private sandbox... [16:25] leftyfb, I am going to "try opera" but... hold that thought. [16:26] morgan-u: how much RAM & swap do you have available? [16:26] morgan-u: sudo snap install opera [16:26] snap doesn't exactly help to reduce memory usage... [16:27] it's the only supported method of installing opera here [16:27] and isn't opera just a different UI for chrome/chromium nowadays? [16:28] JanC, and oerheks, so the sandbox takes MORE? ram. I thought it was going to be paged out to protect ram and make each tab more stable. --- and I remember long ago when it was all wonderful... lol. I have 8G of ram and another 8 (from the dead dell) to be installed "one of these days". [16:28] install the extra 8GB and stop worrying then [16:28] 8 GiB isn't much these days [16:29] AH WAID How do I control the swap? Or find out how much swap I have. I have not done that. Yes, I want to try that. [16:29] certainly worth adding extra RAM & see if the problem persists [16:29] 20 tabs and preloading youtube and such.. [16:29] swapon [16:29] morgan-u: add the additional memory. If you're relying on swap, you've already lost [16:30] ((My computer dous not cost much either. Good alley. Sorry that business went under. Not sorry.)) [16:30] my old laptop has 8GB of ram too. runs fine wirh firefox. but i just dont open that many tabs i guess [16:30] Firefox doesn't use as much RAM [16:31] I am a tabs-whore. It's my gonna read/listen to this too. Intellectually promiscuous.) [16:31] or at least it was better than Chrome/Chromium about many tabs & memory usage in the past [16:31] try a notes app or bookmarks maybe 🙂 [16:32] Firefox dies too. I "just dont like FF as much. On my phone though, the DDG browser is clean. [16:32] to use. [16:32] I have probably about 1000 tabs open in one of my Firefox instances--not all loaded though ;) === LanDi1 is now known as LanDi [16:32] i moved most of my notes and things i want to check to a self hosted trilium instance [16:33] cleared up the pile of txt files i used to have 😄 [16:34] janC wow. I like that though I am "reallyinterested" in the Opera tab arranging. But if Chrome (or other) would let me "put the group I have made into one new-or-old folder in my bookmarks and bookmark them all-at-once then I would llike that very well.) [16:35] aren't there some very popular addons for you tab horders? [16:35] * morgan-u looks up trillium [16:35] if you just want to test trillium i made a .. SNAP 😛 [16:36] chrome lets you should tabs and will remove them from memory after a period of time [16:36] sorry, lets you GROUP tabs [16:36] https://snapcraft.io/trilium [16:36] Firefox can bookmark groups of tabs if you want [16:36] as can chrome [16:36] oh its Trilium btw. sorry for the typo [16:36] looks handy ravage [16:36] i like it a lot 🙂 [16:37] but its not the same as open tabs. just keeps things organized in general [16:37] I use Zim for note-taking mostly [16:37] lefty, I know that chrome lets you group tabs and I use it all the time. I wanted to be able to bookmark a group (as I said) to let me close the entire group and have fewer tabs. -- but... [16:38] trillium is a google cloud AI product? [16:38] no its open source [16:38] morgan-u: chrome lets you do that [16:38] and you can host it yourself if you want to access it everywhere [16:38] (as a server) [16:39] lefty, I have not figured that out -how chrome lets you bookmark a group in a new (or old) folder. Since you said that I will look it up again. [16:40] morgan-u: sorry, it's an extension: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/bookmark-tab-group/jlngjglcdgjbadccclgcgkjnhebgeghm?hl=en [16:41] BUT what I want to do NOW is to learn how to see how much SWAP I have ne learn how to increases it. -- Is it static or dynamic? How is the amount of swap set? --> I am especially interested because I am going to soon kill my partition and reinstall with 24.04 - BUTAGAIN can I change the swap I have now without reinstalling 22.04?? [16:41] morgan-u: "free" [16:42] ok leftyfb I will ceck out your link and learn. BBL [16:42] morgan-u: add the 8GB of memory you said you have. Do not rely on swap. swap != memory [16:42] morgan-u: "swapon" will show swap info [16:42] check [16:42] morgan-u: swap is a last resort for your system, not additional memory [16:42] NAME TYPE SIZE USED PRIO [16:42] !paste | morgan-u [16:42] morgan-u: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [16:43] sorry line started with / [16:43] - - /swapfile file 2G 277.7M -2 [16:44] 2GB of swap is fine. It's a last resort. Add more physical memory [16:45] I want to play before I do. How do I ? Can I? increase the swap now? [16:45] sure see the swap howto [16:45] while more swap might prevent killing, it will probably make things slow... [16:45] !swap [16:45] swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info [16:46] morgan-u: swap is not more memory [16:47] isnt swap page out virual ram? leftyfb [16:47] yes [16:47] it's a last resort to prevent crasghes [16:47] crashes* [16:48] it's a partition or file writing data to your storage device which is much slower than memory [16:48] personally I use zram (swap in compressed memory) & swapspace (will create extra swap files if needed), but swap might not be too useful on web pages that have scripts running in the background... [16:49] OK so if swap fixes it I know it is ram. - even if slow. OH REALLY I just found a bunch of ubuntu tutorials for beginner. [16:49] as the script will pull the memory used by such a tab back into RAM [16:49] Thanks oh mighty brains for the help today. [16:50] oh janc I just saw that. oh Is there a way to tell if a webpage has "scripts running in the bakcground"? I do use an adblock (that starts with u...) [16:51] adding swap doesn't fix a lack of memory. It reduces the symptoms [16:51] blocking ads would help, but many other sites will do that too (e.g. news tickers, etc.) [16:52] or anything that has animation [16:53] but really, if you have extra RAM, just put it in [16:53] I can use this all to learn about how some programs use ram (before I back up, install memory, and 24.04) [16:53] (and a graphics card - cost me $16 so it is old) [16:54] you can always learn about the other stuff _with_ the extra RAM installed :) [16:54] thanks you all again. [16:55] til the free command. [17:15] almost immediately chrome (opening up all the tabs) takes 2.7G of memory. (I will keep watching it. This is so cool. -- I wish there was s meter "Widget" for me to have a continual watch on RAM. [17:17] This is not uncommon [17:17] morgan-u: there is ram widgets in kde [17:18] and cpu dick and others [17:18] disck [17:18] morgan-u: run in a terminal: htop [17:19] morgan-u: also, please lookup the difference between used and allocated === ubuntu_4321 is now known as ubuntu4321 [17:25] hi [17:26] did a version upgrade from 2304 to 23.10, after being asked if i wanted to keep the local grub config i said yes. but now grub does not load anymore? system is a laptop, drive contains 2 partitions, both ubuntu systems. after reboot the system goes straight to bios....how did the upgrade remove the grub code loader? [17:26] welcome dontyouloveshort [17:27] i just donwloaded the ubuntu iso to create a bootable usb stick, than i can start a live system and hopefully fix this....but how? [17:31] dontyouloveshort: 23.10 is end of life by now, better install a supported ubuntu release (from our topic) [17:31] you upgraded from an end of life release to another EOL release 🙂 [17:32] yes [17:32] i would recommend to just backup your files from a 24.04 live USB and install that LTS release [17:32] you cant upgrade to the newest release [17:32] with Ubuntu Pro you get support until Apr 2034 with that [17:32] !pro | dontyouloveshort [17:32] dontyouloveshort: Ubuntu Pro is a service offered by Canonical for expanded CVE patching, ten-years security maintenance and optional support. Anyone can use Ubuntu Pro for free for personal use on up to 5 machines. For details please see https://ubuntu.com/pro and https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-pro-faq [17:33] you can upgrade through EOL reloases but it sounds like for you a fresh LTS installation is better [17:33] you seem to be lazy about upgrades 🙂 [17:33] yes [17:33] brb [17:38] for now i just need to restore grub [17:38] havent repaired grub in the last 10 years, so let me google that [17:39] !fixgrub | dontyouloveshort [17:39] dontyouloveshort: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 [17:40] ah nice, let me get a usb stick [18:45] hi [18:49] The only reason I am not using the firefox snap is because of issues with my password manager (when I log into the app on my desktop it does not unlock my web extension). I have never found a way to make snap and other apps work correctly like that so I tried to use the mozillateam ppa. After installing that and installing the .deb version I have noticed there are several new cve's on my machine. Is there a better or more [18:49] updated repo that might be less vulnerable [18:50] tacomaster: you'll have to reach out to Mozilla for support [18:50] https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/install-firefox-linux#w_install-firefox-deb-package-for-debian-based-distributions [18:50] tacomaster: we can only support the snap package in ubuntu [18:52] tacomaster: the mozillateam ppa is the latest version there is also a mozilla repo. I'm not sure what new cve's on your machine means or how you are checking this [18:53] hol [18:53] tacomaster: hmmm unlock web extension? [19:09] bprompt yes in a non snap version of firefox the 1password extension will be unlocked if the 1password app on my desktop is unlocked [19:10] tacomaster: why not just use another extension? shouldn't matter too much [19:11] I mean, I don't use one, and most webbrowsers these days have a built-in password manager anyway [19:11] bprompt: Because it is the password manager I use and I do not like keepass or others. Built in password managers are terrible for security [19:11] i dont think an extension is more secure really but you do you 🙂 [19:14] tacomaster: hmmm mind you that extensions are basically "signed javascript code", usually requiring an ID registration to the webbrowser in order to gain extra access, so I'd think a built-in code would be either more secure or less leaky [19:18] hi [19:18] !ask | robin_ [19:18] robin_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [19:19] can anyone send a download for a web browser [19:19] sudo snap install firefox [19:19] ? [19:20] Ubuntu comes with Firefox preinstalled. no need to download one [19:20] robin_: hmmm you don't have one? [19:20] robin_: Ubuntu comes with Firefox installed [19:22] so can anyone send a link pls [19:23] robin__: what version of ubuntu are you running? [19:23] how do i know [19:24] im on hewchat [19:24] hex* [19:24] robin__: grep VERSION= /etc/os-release [19:24] or check Settings > About > OS Name [19:25] sometimes you just know, like it's in your brain already [19:25] thats how it works for me anyway [19:25] enigma9o7: can we help you with something? [19:26] robin__: as pointed out, Ubuntu already has one installed, check the menus yet? [19:26] im on hexchat [19:26] robin__: so am I [19:26] robin__: are you running ubuntu? [19:26] i think [19:26] robin__: open a terminal [19:27] CTRL+ALT+T [19:27] and then type: cat /etc/issue [19:27] what do you get? [19:27] robin__: go to the terminal and type in -> lsb_release -a <--- what does it say? [19:28] no such file [19:28] to leftyfb [19:28] right [19:28] robin__: feel free to ask for help in #linux as you're probably not running ubuntu [19:28] i might be on linux [19:29] good luck [19:29] robin__: tried lsb_release -a yet? [19:29] no [19:30] Also I am seeing 4 different cve's detected for libldb2. If I do not have any windows devices in my network and this is related to samba can i just remove it? [19:31] tacomaster: did you look up those CVE's for the Ubuntu package to see if they've already been patched? [19:31] so thats the version right === marcje34 is now known as mtb-rc2 [19:32] robin_: ? [19:32] robin_: yes === mtb-rc2 is now known as mtbrc2 === mtbrc2 is now known as mtb-rc2 [19:32] you asked for the version earlyer [19:32] robin_: what did it say? [19:32] 20.04.6 [19:32] robin_: but in short, doesn't matter with *buntu version you have installed, they all come with a webbrowser pre-installed [19:32] tacomaster: libldb2 is one of the default packages in ubuntu. I would not recommend removing it [19:33] yes but firefox got removed for some reason [19:33] robin_: as you were told already: sudo snap install firefox [19:34] where do i tap that [19:34] in a terminal [19:34] leftyfb: would the bugs.lauchpad.net be the best place to look for that? [19:34] robin_: in the terminal, mind you that 20.04.6 is hmmmm a bit old though [19:34] tacomaster: google the CVE with "ubuntu" [19:34] ah [19:34] Ok [19:35] im not the admin thats why [19:35] not in the sudoers file [19:35] robin_: you don't have to be, just need to be a sudoer [19:35] im not [19:36] robin_: is this someone elses machine? [19:36] yes my teacher has the pc [19:36] its a chalenge [19:37] robin_: then you are not authorized to make changes. Ask your teacher for support [19:37] robin_: if this is a "challenge" as you say, then it's for you to figure out, not for us to give you the answer [19:37] i realy cant make it without it [19:38] robin_: good luck [19:38] aaah [19:38] leftyfb: so I landed on a page ubuntu.com/security and found it is fixed in 4.17.5 but I am on version 2.8.0. The normal apt update && apt upgrade -y does not try to bring in libldb2 with any newer version [19:38] tacomaster: then you aren't looking at the correct ubuntu release [19:38] you can look for the CVE on that page [19:38] https://ubuntu.com/security/cves [19:38] tacomaster: which CVE are you referring to? [19:38] it will show you the fixed package versions [19:38] there is always w3m as a browser :) [19:38] how? I am on ubuntu 24.04 and it says status ubuntu relase 24.04 [19:39] tacomaster: which CVE are you concerned about and why are you concerned about it? [19:41] I am trying to figure out if this is a pattern issue that needs to be brough up with the developers or if it is something that really is vulnerable to my machine. Seeing as this was reported and said to be fixed I see no reason in not fixing it. cve-2022-38023 [19:41] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Netlogon RPC Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability [19:41] JanC: if you're using Mandrake 7, yes =P [19:41] because my samba version which I think this is talking about is already above the version say here of 4.19.5 [19:41] w3m is installed by default on Ubuntu :) [19:41] tacomaster: https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2022-38023 [19:42] tacomaster: it's been fixed in ubuntu 24.04. You do not need to worry about it [19:45] it was patched 3 months ago [19:47] hello? [19:47] Guest87: hello. What can we help you with? [19:48] where are the guidlines for this irc channel? [19:48] !guidelines | Guest87 [19:48] Guest87: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [19:49] thank you:) [19:50] !topic | Guest87 [19:50] Guest87: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic [20:00] time for some coffee [20:29] how long does ubuntu live take to boot on a laptop <1 year old? [20:30] dontyouloveshort: depends on a lot of variables [20:30] not long [20:30] at least not with a usb drive that is about the same age [20:31] right, apparently normal boot mode doesnt work. grub2 does it [20:31] It also depends on the specs of the laptop [20:31] dontyouloveshort: ubuntu uses grub2 by default [20:31] sounds like ventoy [20:32] ventoy [20:32] try writing the iso normally to a flash drive [20:32] nah, it stasrted === gschanuel5378356 is now known as gschanuel [20:45] I installed and removed emacs using apt. Since then I cannot get rid of emacsen-common [20:48] this is what happens when I try to remove it. https://bpa.st/PHQMA [20:48] lots of packages are set to be removed [20:49] itai: leave it [20:49] leftyfb: why ? it does not seem to belong to ubuntu... [20:49] it's an emacs dependency [20:50] itai: https://releases.ubuntu.com/noble/ubuntu-24.04.1-desktop-amd64.manifest [20:50] it's part of the default install [20:50] leave it [20:50] thank you so much for this ;) [20:55] why is there no Boot-Repair in the 24.04 Live usb stick? [20:57] no, but... [20:57] !bootrepair [20:57] Boot-Repair is a simple tool to repair frequent boot issues you may encounter in Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair for more info. [21:09] ok thx [21:10] it failed :( im gonna reboot the livesystem and backup my data before reinstall === root is now known as Guest2617 [22:25] is there an iso f ubuntu that comes loaded with more recent updates? [22:27] of [22:32] JoeLlama, yes [22:32] https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20240421/ [22:33] https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/ [22:52] thanks oerheks :) [22:53] have fun! [22:55] oerheks is that still LTS? [22:57] yes [23:00] sweet... why I don't already know this? Okay thanks. [23:09] * JoeLlama burns flash [23:09] mmm smell the flash (: [23:50] Does anyone know a good note-taking app for ubuntu-jammy ? [23:51] how about gedit? [23:52] Axtypitos: https://www.giuspen.net/cherrytree/ === papadoi1 is now known as Axtypitos [23:56] Thanks