
snakehello, my kubuntu has been starting up slowly. it used to also have problems with network connection until i reboot. i think i resolved that but the bootup is still really slow.00:16
snakethe only thing i can think that might have caused it to slow down is when I added my hard drives to be mounted automatically using systemd00:16
oerheksrun  systemd-analyze blame  # to see what takes up time00:20
oerheksyou can be right adding extra mounts00:21
snakethis is the result: 4.960s systemd-udev-settle.service 4.526s NetworkManager-wait-online.service 2.496s fwupd-refresh.service 914ms fwupd.service00:22
snakeoh i didnt disable the mounts before.. i actually just ran the enable command again >.>00:25
snakeguess i'll just try to use fstab instead?00:25
oerheksauto mounts belong in fstab, yes00:28
=== Barry is now known as rwrv
causativeis it possible to make it so when I press ctrl+uparrow, it sends a page up?01:06
causativemy kbd has page up and page down in inconvenient places01:06
xanguacausative: did you try with keyboard shortcut settings?01:14
causativewell I would need a "command" that does pageup01:19
causativeI don't know if that can be done01:19
DeihmosDoesn’t Ubuntu lts only offer security updates? I’m seeing non-security updates01:21
DeihmosNever mind01:28
anon143causative: sudo apt-get update && sudo sudo apt install xdotool -f -y;01:32
anon143causative: Step 2: Create a Custom Shortcut in Ubuntu01:33
anon143    Open the Settings application.01:33
anon143    In the Settings window, navigate to Keyboard and then go to the Shortcuts tab.01:33
anon143    Scroll down to the bottom and click on + (Add Custom Shortcut).01:33
anon143    In the Name field, give your shortcut a name, like "Page Up Shortcut".01:33
anon143caustative: or just build your own key faker:... #include <X11/Xlib.h>01:35
anon143#include <X11/extensions/XTest.h>01:35
anon143#include <unistd.h>01:35
anon143int main() {01:35
anon143    // Open a connection to the X server01:35
anon143    Display *display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);01:35
tomreynanon143: please stop pasting to this channel. thank you.01:37
causativewell  I took his idea and tried making a shortcut for xdootool key 81 to pageup01:41
causativebut it doesn't work01:41
tomreynchances are you aren't running Xorg01:46
causativeno, I am01:46
causativexdotool key 81 does have the effect of a page up when I run it from the cmd line01:47
causativebut it doesn't work as a shortcut01:48
causativeit does do *something* as a shortcut, but not pageup01:50
causativethe cursor kind of blinks for a moment01:50
causativeah I got it, the trick is xdotool sleep 0.2 key 8102:02
causativeotherwise the shortcut program has the keyboard focus so the pageup doesn't get sent to where I want it02:03
causativeand the other trick is to press the key combo very quickly and release it02:04
causativeI think it has to be released within that 200 ms window02:04
causativeand it's really not very good because you can't pageup/pagedown in quick succession, there has to be a slight but significant delay02:33
causativeit's actually terrible, worse than nothing, because sometimes it directs the pageup/pagedown to a different window02:51
causativeor maybe that's just some weird quirk of emacs. anyway I would not recommend this03:00
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pzeroneHello, i have an ubuntu server VM running on proxmox with couple of services. had to take a manual backup so i stopped it and copied the .qcow2 file. but the VM no longer boots after this. systemd shows a lot of services failed and ends in "uninitialized random read". The recovery mode also will not work, its service fail to start. tried to chroot into it and read logs but there are no error logs i can04:08
pzeronesee. just the shutdown logs and my application logs. any idea on what could be going wrong?04:08
pzeronealso, fsck did not report any errors04:08
pzeroneits on bios mode. not uefi04:09
tomreynpzerone: consider installing haveged or work out another way to get entropy into that host.04:17
pzeronewill an apt install haveged on chroot suffice?04:19
tomreynpzerone: you need to install it on the virtualization host04:22
tomreynyour issue there seems to be entropy pool depletion, at least based on the little info we have so far.04:26
tomreynnormally this should not occur since kernel 5.6, though, so i'm not sure what causes it for you.04:27
tomreynmaybe the host runs something older04:27
pzeronehost runs 6.804:29
pzeroneproxmox 8.2 based on debian 1204:29
pzeronetried installing haveged on host. proxmox has this option to pass virtiorng-pci device to the guest. tried both. did not help04:31
pzeronethe error message begins from "failed to apply kernel variables" and then a bunch of failed services. and then ends in this uninitialized random read.04:32
tomreyncheck the systemd jopurnal on the guest then to see what's actually going wrong04:32
pzeronejournalctl -b -1 erros out. there is only 1 boot entry --all returns some openssh errors04:34
tomreynif mounting the guest file system from outside the chroot, use     journalctl --directory /path/to/mountpoint/var/log/journal04:35
tomreyn...replacing /path/to/mountpoint by the path to where you mounted the guests' root file system04:35
tomreynalso check that the guest file system hasnot run full and that its date was correct04:35
tomreynfinally, also check the VM hosts' system logs for errors regarding storage04:36
pzeronejournal show a clean shutdown: "Reached target System poweroff" the filesystem is not corrupt according to fsck neither is it full. 26GB out of 100 used.04:42
pzeroneI swithed the hosts to another proxmox server to see if it was the host. its not..04:43
tomreynwithout a kernel log, i don't think i will come up with more suggestions, you can try asking in #ubuntu-server, too04:47
tomreyndouble-check that you are running an official ubuntu kernel image and have an up to date ubuntu installation on the guest before you do04:48
pzeroneI can share it. dmesg file or syslog file?04:49
pzeroneits running 22.04 LTS04:49
tomreynunderstanding how the services are failing during boot should help getting a better idea of what may be wrong.04:50
pzeroneI tried screen recording the boot process. its too fast for the qemu display output04:51
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Metro42do you need to add a apt sources directory to install python3-venv08:38
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PeGaSuSusually, no. you just need to `apt install python3-venv`08:55
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Metro42thanks. pegasus09:10
pagioshi guys, should i be able to connect to a vm serial console even when it s OFF? meaning i connect to serial and then boot VM ?09:38
magnulumy auth.log file suddenly changed from nicely formatted date and time to not so nicely (IMO!) formattet datetime: https://dpaste.com/HVM8YCYB5 - I think this arose when updating from 22.04 to 24.0410:09
magnuluhow can I change this behaviour?10:09
Yogaum60000write me in korean10:13
magnulu'journalctl' har the correct, simplified date and time format I am looking for :)10:16
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mgedminis the date format in legacy log files determined by rsyslogd or by systemd-journald that forwards those logs to rsyslogd?10:32
tesseractguys, i am getting this failure when i want to install upgrades on ubuntu 24.04. it says "The following upgrades have been deferred due to phasing"10:36
tesseracti am using ubuntu on raspberry pi 510:37
waveformtesseract, that's not a failure -- that's indicating that those updates are available but are being gradually rolled out across ubuntu users10:38
waveform(and your machine hasn't been selected *yet* for that particular update)10:38
tesseractwaveform: so, should leave it as it is, and wait?10:39
waveformup to you -- you can force phased updates to install straight away with some apt config. But be aware if there's a bad update (which we would hopefully spot early with phasing, which would then be paused) you'll get it straight away10:40
waveformon my main development Pi I do indeed run without phasing (install all updates immediately), but then as one of those responsible for pushing such updates I do feel some responsibility to install them immediately and deal with the consequences if they're bad :)10:41
waveformpersonally I would recommend you just ignore it -- take it as a notice that these updates will be coming fairly shortly (phasing of updates usually lasts a week IIRC)10:42
tesseractwaveform: i see. i am going to wait it then10:42
tesseractwaveform: it will be fixed by itself after some time, right?10:43
tesseracti didn2t understand that part10:43
waveformcorrect -- the phasing will gradually ramp up to 100% and at some point during that your machine will install those updatese10:44
tesseractok i am gonna wait10:44
arkanoidon my ubuntu 24.04 box, "pkg-config --variable pc_path pkg-config" returns "/usr/local/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/share/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/share/pkgconfig"11:43
arkanoidthat does not include "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig"11:43
arkanoidfor example "dpkg -S gtk+-3.0.pc" returns "libgtk-3-dev:amd64: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/gtk+-3.0.pc"11:44
mgedminarkanoid: do you perchance have pkgconfig:i386 installed instead of pkgconfig:amd64?11:56
BluesKajHi all12:11
veltasAfter an unattended update to openssh-server this morning my SSH daemon config was broken, SSH no longer accessible.  I think it's because I had a non-default socket listed.12:49
veltasThe technique at bottom of this post fixed things for me https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/sshd-now-uses-socket-based-activation-ubuntu-22-10-and-later/3018912:49
veltasI don't know why things have changed, I think looking at my config the deamon should have been started regardless, so something surrounding this has changed subtly12:50
veltas"openssh-server (1:9.6p1-3ubuntu13.7) over (1:9.6p1-3ubuntu13.5)"12:51
veltasI think this was the upgrade that broke things12:52
mgedmindid you configure your non-standard socket in sshd_config, sshd_config.d/, or a systemd config dropin?12:53
veltasIt was in sshd_config, and had been working until that upgrade as far as I know12:53
veltasAlso sshd wasn't running, so looks like somehow it converted me to a socket-based activation, even though I was not socket-based prior AFAIK12:54
mgedminwhat ubunu version?  24.04?12:54
mgedminyeah, upgrades are supposed to convert to socket activation afaiu, but they're also supposed to parse sshd_config to get the port number12:54
veltasDidn't this 'upgrade' happen a long time ago though?12:55
mgedminand unattended upgrades are not supposed to override modified config files12:55
mgedminwhenever you upgraded to 24.04, and apparently it worked until recently12:55
mgedminso I'm very curious to know what exactly happened, before this happens to me12:55
veltasThis is my concern, I think something's broken the patched config for a non-default socket12:55
mgedminthe way things are supposed to work is there's a systemd generator that parses sshd_config and writes a /run/systemd/system/sshd.socket.d/override.conf or something like that12:56
veltasI think I might be wrong about what I said actually, for all I know I could have been on socket-based activation, because it worked seamlessly before12:56
mgedminthat overrides the ListenStream=... directives using the port it extracted from your sshd_config12:56
mgedminthis generator runs every time you run systemctl daemon-reload, AFAIU12:56
veltasBut I do know that disabling socket-based activation has fixed things today12:56
mgedmindid you check with netstat -tl/ss -tl to see whether anything was listening on your custom ssh port?12:57
veltasNo, didn't know about those until you showed them right now12:58
mgedminah, sad12:58
veltassystemctl status sshd said it was listening on my custom port12:58
mgedminI thought you said sshd wasn't running?12:58
veltasSo it definitely knew what it was meant to do, but somehow didn't work with socket-based activation12:58
veltasmgedmin: Sorry, wasn't running, and then I forced it to run and it said the custom port in status12:58
veltasAnd systemctl complained about socket dependencies or something which was noise to me, but would have clued an expert in that it's meant to be socket-based activation12:59
veltasAnyway yes I'm no sysadmin, but I do have an Ubuntu server and thought I'd report this issue because it seems like it might hit a number of people13:03
mgedminthat's a good thought, although irc might not be usefully permanent13:03
veltasWhat's the best place to submit this?13:04
mgedminubuntu-bug openssh-server would be better13:04
mgedmin(from the server where this happened)13:04
mgedminubuntu-bug will collect the relevant information (package versions, log entries) and give you a link you can click and finish reporting the bug in a browser13:04
mgedmin(it offers to launch a browser for you automatically, which is not very useful when you're reporting from a remote server over ssh with no browser installed on the server itself)13:05
veltasDoes that need X?13:05
veltasShould I run as root?13:05
mgedminnormally no13:05
mgedminsome packages have apport hooks for collecting information that needs root, but you get asked for a password in those cases (either sudo or polkit, I don't remember)13:06
veltasUnder SSHDConfig report it's said "Error: command ['/usr/sbin/sshd', '-T'] failed with exit code 1: sshd: no hostkeys available -- exiting."13:07
mgedminmaybe it does need root, but the apport-hook doesn't have that flag set?13:08
mgedminI get the same when I run sshd -T here (but get a dump of the full sshd config if I run sudo sshd -T)13:08
veltasAh right, thought it might have been an issue with my config13:09
kpnhello. i'm having trouble setting up fingerprint recognition on my laptop. i made sure that i'm on 24.04, but when i go the my profile's settings, the option for setting up the fingerprint scanner disappears after a fraction of a second. any help?13:25
veltasmgedmin: Okay thanks, I've uploaded a report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/+bug/208755113:25
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2087551 in openssh (Ubuntu) "OpenSSH server config broken on unattended update" [Undecided, New]13:25
veltasHopefully doesn't die, I didn't put config in there but just described the fact my port was different.  I don't really want to put my whole config out there, and it's working right now anyway after applying the referenced workaround.13:26
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mgedminnice things I can't have: a bash-compatible shell that recognizes terminal FocusIn events and redraws the prompt, reevalutating $PS1, so I always get an up-to-date git status in my shell prompt14:06
leftyfbmgedmin: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/git/git/master/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh14:10
aronasthis chat is dead16:07
leftyfbaronas: it's a support channel16:07
leftyfbaronas: what can we help you with?16:08
aronasoh, thanks! i didnt know.16:08
aronasnothing, im fine16:08
rtchSorry the multiple disconnect. Setting up my bouncer. Not been around IRC since Freenode and I missed everyone.16:11
kutmaybe it's nice that no one is in immediate need of help16:12
kut#ubuntu-offtopic is more chatty16:12
kuthello, do you need help?16:21
kutyes hello16:23
din0Looking for some guidance on where to ask this question, here or with curl maintainers -- I have a game on steam that requires libcurl4.  Launching the game directly works perfectly fine, but launching through Steam throws 1 of 2 errors: If I override the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to use local lib paths, the error is "symbol lookup error" "undefined symbol: curl_multi_wakeup ...".  If I use Steam native16:24
din0lib paths, I get {steam/libpath}/pinned_libs_64/libcurl.so.4: version `CURL_OPENSSL_4` not found16:24
din0This had worked in the past, overriding the library path to avoid Steam using its older libraries in favor of the system-installed ones, but an update in Steam has changed something and broke the workaround16:25
rtch@din0 There is a #gaminonlinux channel that may yeild better results for this topic.16:28
rtch#gamingonlinux *16:28
din0Yeah I might try there... it's sort of a steam/general linux/c library/linker/shell combo problem16:29
magnulumgedmin, rsyslogd was the way to go, got my desired results by adding "$ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_TraditionalFileFormat" to /etc/rsyslogd.conf (thanks to https://www.baeldung.com/linux/syslog-change-date-format)16:53
tomreynpagios: depends on implementation. not all virtual serial consoles are equal.17:27
tomreynamongst those i've worked with the answer would have been 'no', though, unless you put a fifo in front17:28
aronasHello users, do you need help? #ubuntu is the official support channel.18:24
aronaswell i want to help out, soo18:25
oerhekshi aronas, just wait and see if someone comes in18:25
lotuspsychjethat was quick support :p18:26
aronasOh hey18:26
leftyfbaronas: if you'd like to chat, feel free to /join #ubuntu-offtopic18:26
aronas:Okay thanks18:26
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest8304
Guest3924filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/2042043 a while ago but haven't gotten any triage response on it and still seeing in oracular.  any advice on routing to the right package and/or people to get help triaging it?19:42
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2042043 in linux (Ubuntu) "system boot freeze while typing crypt password" [Undecided, New]19:42
oerhekspretty old bugreport, 2023/23.10 ..19:46
tomreynwell, it never got triaged19:48
tomreynGuest3924: your chances of getting it triaged now will indeed be better if you can re-report from a fully updated system running, ideally, and LTS release.19:50
tomreynideally also do bios updates and discuss whether the system is stable otherwise19:50
ubottuTo show errors during boot and shutdown, edit the kernel command line: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters and replace "quiet splash" by "debug systemd.log_level=info". Disable "Full screen logo" and "Fastboot" options in your BIOS setup, or hit 'Esc' when the logo shows on power up.19:51
Guest3924ie, file a new bug?  all the symptoms are identical and once i get the crypt password entered everything is fine19:51
tomreynyes, i'm suggesting to file a new bug report, using     ubuntu-bug linux     and to refer to the other bug report from there, but repeating all the key facts.19:52
Guest3924will do, thanks19:52
tomreyni'm not guaranteeing that you'll have more luck with it getting tirage this time, though19:52
tomreynbut you could also ask about it in #ubuntu-kernel once you filed it19:52
tomreyn(with muuuuch patience)19:53
tomreynGuest3924: if you want to dig deeper: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Debugging https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelDebuggingTricks19:55
tomreyn!register | Guest392419:56
ubottuGuest3924: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera19:56
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