[00:28] I have the same for Kubuntu 24.10, Will Kubuntu team push bug fixes? Or wait for another release of Kubuntu? (re @Peter: Installation of /tmp/eoGpvr-Vivid-Magna-Dark-Global-6.tar.gz failed: Could not install dependency: 'kns://window-decorations.knsrc/api.kde-look.org/2133854') [05:33] is there any workaround to not being able to set the clock on 24.04, via the systemsettings? [05:36] it causes this: Failed to set current time "org.freedesktop.timedate1.AutomaticTimeSyncEnabled" "Previous request is not finished, refusing." === god is now known as god__ === god__ is now known as god_ === god is now known as god__ === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [12:37] Hi all [20:48] I'm doing an upgrade from 24.04.1 to 24.10 but It's failing.  Is there a log file where I can see what is failing? [21:30] I'm having a major GPU issue that is affecting my entire system. Kubuntu 22.04 nvidia RTX2080(SUPER) (OC Edition). At one point, I enabled my onboard Intel GPU, then disabled it when it was doing weird things. Now "vulcaninfo --summary" still shows both GPUs, labeling them as GPU0. I can't uninstall or change nvidia drivers, because the kernel [21:30] build step fails with make error 2. [21:30] I'm wondering if my only option is to reinstall [21:35] Did you follow these instructions? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OracularUpgrades/Kubuntu [21:36] it's not an upgrade. it's kubuntu 22.04 installed cleanly. [21:44] sudo prime-select nvidia ## and reboot [21:57] umm.... my drivers are only partially installed, and I can't fix that because of the kernel building error === akira is now known as jhnhlmsmthrfckr [23:27] Guest73: is this still an issue? if so, how did you install drivers / which driver did you install? [23:29] it is still an issue. I didn't manually install intel drivers. I installed the nvidia drivers the first time with "sudo install nvidia-driver-550" before enabling the onboard graphics. [23:29] Sorry "sudo apt install nvidia-driver-550" [23:30] Guest73: you're saying "the first time" - did you install it differently later? [23:30] nope [23:30] please share the error messages you get to see on a pastebin [23:31] ok give me a minute to find it... [23:31] i'm referring to "I can't uninstall or change nvidia drivers, because the kernel build step fails with make error 2." [23:31] i know [23:31] sure [23:34] also, were you saying that *both* GPUs (intel iGPU and nvidia dGPU) are currently listed *as GPU0* on "vulcaninfo --summary"? if so, i'd like to see this output, too [23:40] https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/unix/ indicates that the 550 driver series, which is the latest series "jammy" (22.04) provides, should work with the "GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER" desktop and laptop dGPU's [23:42] ok so I was wrong. I can uninstall and reinstall 550 drivers. If I uninstall 550 and try to downgrade to 545, then I errors. [23:44] 545 series is not available on jammy [23:44] it's in the repository [23:44] which one? [23:45] "apt policy nvidia-driver-545" would tell (if that's the package you installed) [23:46] for that command, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/rMJ5787Wsv/ [23:47] here's the error when trying to install it 545 https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/wTT7pkcFNJ/ [23:48] reinstalling 550 drivers still leaves my graphics broken [23:50] as far as your earlier question about vulkaninfo --summary, yes. both are seen as GPU0. Only one is detected by "lspci -v | grep VGA" and that is the 2080 [23:50] lspci's info is correct [23:53] I suspect fixing that will resolve a number of issues I keep having