
andrehow does gnome work00:05
=== andre is now known as Guest6211
Guest6211i dont know how gnome works00:05
oerheksjust click the icons in the menu ?00:06
Guest6211i meant00:06
oerheksopen software center and install whatever you like00:06
Guest6211how did they make it work00:06
Guest6211like how is it possible for the computer to know everything gnome is using00:06
enigma9o7some coding was invovled00:07
Guest6211wait is gnome open source00:07
oerheksand testing00:07
oerheksweird questions00:07
Guest6211is gnome on github00:07
Guest6211then how do i see gnome source code00:08
oerhekson git00:08
enigma9o7or you could apt source anything you want00:08
enigma9o7for the source used for your current ubuntu version00:09
oerheksif you can read source code, you would know00:09
Guest6211why is their like00:11
Guest62112334 lines of code in one code file00:11
Guest6211there deifnlty gonna be errors if their so many lines of code00:12
ravage!ot | Guest621100:12
ubottuGuest6211: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:12
oerheksseriously? find one, report bug00:12
oerheksseems like the same troll is on it again00:13
Guest6211how do i make my own channel in irc00:15
enigma9o7type: /join #my-own-channel-name00:15
oerheksask in #libera?00:16
oerheksand register first00:16
G3EimiI'm trying to connect to an older AFP from 24.10, but Ubuntu doesn't like the fact that the system is below AFP3. Any way to get Ubuntu to connect to older system?00:16
Guest6211 /msg NickServ IDENTIFY yrdsb aliu052100:16
oerheksApple Filing Protocol (AFP) is using  3.400:18
oerheksno idea, never heared of AFP before00:18
Guest6211oerhaks if i accidently share password00:18
Guest6211will i get hacked00:18
oerhekschange password as soon as possible00:19
enigma9o7Everyone here is trustworthy, don't worry.00:19
oerheksit is just logged00:19
G3Eimioerheks, thank you for the link :)00:19
Guest6211what if i dont share my email00:19
Guest6211and just the password00:19
Guest6211will i most likely get hacked00:19
oerheksask in #libera, Guest621100:19
enigma9o7There would not be much need to hack you if you share your password tho.00:19
=== Guest6211 is now known as yrdsb
oerheksyrdsb, ask in #libera for a cloak, to hide your ip *hint*00:27
oerheksand have fun!00:27
=== ancientz7 is now known as ancientz
ddwi constantly desktop enviorment hop01:37
ddwuntil i find gnome which i think is the best desktop enviorment01:38
devslashI'm suddenly finding Ubuntu 24.04 starting to boot. It says ""oading initial ramdisk" then stops. I can get to recovery mode. Any recommendations on what to do from there ? I cant fsck because the root file system is mounted already01:42
leftyfb!bootrepair | devslash01:42
ubottudevslash: Boot-Repair is a simple tool to repair frequent boot issues you may encounter in Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair for more info.01:43
devslashok thanks01:46
devslashthese are my recently installed packages: https://termbin.com/3zzk02:00
ubuntu_in anyone in here?04:07
lotuspsychje!ask | ubuntu_04:08
ubottuubuntu_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:08
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Rimmy
RimmyWhats good ppl04:12
=== HE is now known as HavenE
mgedminso I've got this VPS with ubuntu 22.04 lts (originally 20.04 lts, upgraded to 22.04), and it's losing the default route after a reboot08:46
mgedminjournalctl shows cloud-init running showing the correct routes08:46
mgedminthen I see08:46
mgedminsystemd-networkd[652]: ens3: Could not set route: Nexthop has invalid gateway. Network is unreachable08:46
mgedminwhen I log in over the emergency VNC console and run 'netplan apply', then network comes back08:47
mgedminif I look at ip route before then, I see no default route, just a local subnet route08:47
mgedminmy (redacted) /etc/netplan/90-vz-ens3.yaml is https://bpa.st/3I5Q08:50
lotuspsychjemgedmin: finding a lot of threads & bugs around netplan + upgrade to 22.04 a complex topic to pinpoint right away09:13
mgedminI think the VPSes network config is _weird_ (gateway on a different subnet than the VPS's own IP??? how does that work???)09:13
lotuspsychjemgedmin: dont find something similar on netplan right away, https://bugs.launchpad.net/netplan/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=009:14
mgedminI've found https://access.redhat.com/solutions/7001170, which translates to "talk to your VPS provider's support", since I can't just arbitrarily grab an IP from the gateway's subnet09:20
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lotuspsychjemgedmin: if it worked on 20.04 and started giving issues on jammy?09:24
lotuspsychjewould doubt its provider then09:25
mgedminsometimes broken configs work until they stop, and then you find out it's been misconfigured all the time *shrug*09:25
mgedminthis VPS shipped a non-standard /usr/sbin/run-parts to add a random delay before exec'ing the real /bin/run-parts09:26
mgedminand the random delay was implemented in bash by setting the random seed via ip=$(hostname -i); RANDOM=${ip//./}09:26
mgedminin ubuntu 22.04 hostname -i started returning the IPv6 address in addition to IPv4, and this bash script broke09:27
mgedmin /usr/sbin/run-parts: line 5: 2a02: value too great for base (error token is "2a02")09:27
mgedminby email every single hour from /etc/crontab trying to run cron.hourly tasks09:27
mgedminthe network configuration is similar; there's a python script and a bunch of shell scripts in /usr/lib/parallels-tools/tools/scripts/09:28
mgedminthat modify /etc/netplan/90-vz-ens3.yaml on every boot09:28
mgedmintwice: once removing all config and adding network addresses; the second time adding routes09:29
mgedminit was also running 'netplan apply' after each modification09:29
mgedminthis VPS provider used to provide OpenVZ containers as "VPSes", but ubuntu 20.04 doesn't work in OpenVZ (kernel too old for the libc or something) so they switched to KVM VMs09:29
mgedminI hacked up the python script to run 'netplan apply' only once, after the gateways are configured09:30
mgedminbut now I think each netplan apply has a 50% chance of failing, because it's adding the routes in random order or something09:30
mgedmincan't verify until I reboot, and it's a pain09:30
mgedminI wonder if netplan is generating the routes in /run/systemd/network/ in a random order, or if it's systemd-networkd that's trying to load them in parallel or something09:31
lotuspsychjeleave a journalctl -f open while you play, maybe we can catch more bottlenecks09:31
mgedmindebbugging network issues remotely over the network is ... special09:32
mgedminI don't want to use the VNC emergency console more than necessary09:32
mgedminalso, this VPS is the one that runs my irc bouncer (ZNC), so it it goes down, I lose IRC09:33
mgedminmaybe I shouls move to a different provider.  again (was at OVH until their entire data center literally caught on fire).09:33
tomreyni haven't followed the full conversation, but maybe this helps (found when searching for the error message provided - "Could not set route: Nexthop has invalid gateway. Network is unreachable"): https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/2835809:45
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 28358 in systemd/systemd "Bug: systemd-networkd does not properly connect to network after suspend" [Open]09:45
tomreynmgedmin: ^09:45
mgedmina very interesting bug, thanks!09:49
dwodokwhello, how do I find out which value for `bs` in a `dd` command will be fastest for a given disk?10:01
dwodokwsome people use 1M, some 16M etc.10:02
dwodokwbut which one would be fastest? how do I find that out?10:02
gordonjcpdwodokw: it kind of doesn't matter, as long as it's large relative to the sector size of the disk10:09
gordonjcpdwodokw: 1M is probably fine10:09
dwodokwso 1M might just perform the same as 16M in terms of speed?10:10
gordonjcpdwodokw: this sounds like the sort of thing you could experiment with!10:10
gordonjcp"time dd if=thing of=device bs=whatever"10:10
gordonjcprun each a few times to discount the effects of cacheing10:10
dwodokwis there a way to find out the sector size of a disk?10:10
dwodokwusing some utility maybe?10:10
gordonjcppretty much everything these days is 512 bytes10:11
gordonjcpat least from the user's point of view10:11
dwodokwdoes that mean there's a different PoV where it might not be 512 bytes?10:11
dwodokwmaybe from the hardware PoV?10:12
dwodokwand figuring out that value is probably not trivial for each disk10:12
gordonjcplike internally some flash devices might really cope with larger blocks, but present it as 512 bytes because that's what everyone expects10:12
gordonjcpdwodokw: you're overthinking it10:13
gordonjcpthe problem is that if bs is very small like even 1 byte, you spend more time laboriously picking up each byte and transferring it across10:13
dwodokwbut if it's large it's going to  split it up anyway so something like 16M should usually be fine10:14
mgedmindwodokw: a long time ago I measured dd with various block sizes, and the default bs=512 was half as fast as bs=1k, but increasing bs any more produced no effect on the speed10:14
dwodokwoh I see10:15
BluesKajHi all12:37
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BluesKajhey oerheks14:15
oerhekshi BluesKaj just testing if i was connected14:15
BluesKajright :-)14:16
kuka_liebtw what client do you use? i use irssi14:17
BluesKajI use konversation, it's a kde/plasma irc clirnt14:18
BluesKajclient even14:19
BluesKajirssi is a good backup when one needs help with desktop issues14:20
kuka_liebtw what is best way to use computer with gui over network?14:26
kuka_liecould vnc be good way and if it is what server should i use (debian based system)14:28
oerheksnot ubuntu?14:29
oerheksscreen over ssh14:29
kuka_lieand ubuntu is debian based14:30
oerheksbut a gui over the network can be a drag14:30
oerheksalso there is a rdp standard installed, not activated14:31
pragmaticenigmakuka_lie: Ubuntu is a fork from Debian, they couldn't be further apart in scope, goals, and what each comes with today14:34
pragmaticenigmakuka_lie: If you were running Ubuntu's main release, there is a remote desktop server that can be enabled through the settings utility.14:43
kuka_liepragmaticenigma: i thinked that i mayby  use raspberry pi as server14:44
kuka_lieusing some debian based os14:44
kuka_lieis x11 forwarding over ssh good idea14:45
pragmaticenigmakuka_lie: Can't help you if you're not running Ubuntu. Raspberry Pi OS is optimized and built specifically to work with the Raspberry Pi. For help, they have a very active community to help oyu.14:45
=== lucenera7 is now known as lucenera
bewilledhello I am trying to play a game in linux in my laptop. By chance I my laptop's screen disappeared from the gnome selection screen and the only screen left was my second monitor and I say a huge increase in the game performance. What might be happening?15:19
pragmaticenigmaIs the second monitor lower resolution? The laptop configuration might have the external monitor controlled only by a dedicated GPU (if the system is equipmened with 2 GPU.)15:21
pragmaticenigmaLots of possibilities... I'd just enjoy being able to play the game15:21
bewilledyes I have 2 gpus15:22
pragmaticenigmaI can only guess, but the game being played on the external monitor, likely activated the dedicated gpu for better performance.15:23
bewilledI didn't see the laptop's screen. Only the external monitor15:26
bewilledI got 120 fpms, now I got 100 and don't know how to get it back to the previous configuration. It happened by chance15:27
pragmaticenigmaThat's what I'm saying bewilled ... Having only the external monitor running, and turning on the game probably got the dedicated GPU to take over.15:28
oerheksbewilled, do you have a FN hot key combo, internal/external/both?15:28
pragmaticenigmabewilled: have you tried rebooting the machine?15:28
bewilledoerheks, no15:29
bewilledpragmaticenigma, yes15:31
pragmaticenigmabewilled: can you elaborte more?15:31
ravageSome pointers with useful information: version of Ubuntu, GPUs used, game you try to play15:32
bewilledhere I didn't see two screen (1 and 2) https://pasteboard.co/e77Jnq2hsDL8.png   I saw only one (the external gpu)15:33
bewilledravage, 24.04 nvidia rtx 2070 dota15:34
bewilledsorry not external gpu, external monitor15:34
ravageso is this a desktop system or laptop?15:34
ravagewhat is the other GPU?15:34
pragmaticenigmabewilled: both monitors are listed on that screen shot. possible that one of them is just simply disabled?15:35
bewilledravage, CoffeeLake-H GT2 (UHD Graphics 630)15:35
ravagethere seems to be a diplay 1 on that screenshot yes15:35
ravagebewilled: do you run that game in steam how how? i don't think there is a linux version of that game right=15:36
bewilledone day I only saw this: https://pasteboard.co/Ko8UUP6znJQ4.png. and it played much much better15:37
pragmaticenigmabewilled: we need to focus on one issue a time. which would you like to focus on right now?15:39
ravagebewilled: do you run the game with steam?15:40
bewilledyes. steam15:40
ravagethen right click on your game. select properties15:41
ravageat LAUNCH OPTIONS enter: __NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __VK_LAYER_NV_optimus=NVIDIA_only %command%15:41
ravagethat should force the game to use your nvidia CPU no matter what other cards are available15:42
bewilledravage, thanks I need to go right now, but will be back in abount an hour and I'll test it15:42
webchat8Hi, my swap is unavailable since I upgraded to 24.10, from a quite vanilla ZFS fresh 24.04. I wonder if I should file a bug report on launchpad? You can see more details there: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1532514/swap-not-available-after-upgrade-to-24-1015:47
kuka_lieswapon /dev/your-swap-partition15:50
webchat8swapon: cannot open /dev/disk/by-id/dm-uuid-CRYPT-PLAIN-dm_crypt-0: No such file or directory15:51
tomreynso what happened to that device? is it still around? maybe just with a different block device id now?15:52
webchat8$ sudo swapon /dev/nvme0n1p315:52
webchat8swapon: /dev/nvme0n1p3: read swap header failed15:52
webchat8I think it can't find the encrypted swap partition15:53
kuka_liemkswap /dev/your-swap-partition15:53
tomreynis "/dev/disk/by-id/dm-uuid-CRYPT-PLAIN-dm_crypt-0" from your fstab?15:54
webchat8mkswap /dev/nvme0n1p3 isn't going to bring back the encrypted partition15:55
webchat8Yes /dev/disk/by-id/dm-uuid-CRYPT-PLAIN-dm_crypt-0 is in fstab15:55
mgedmindwodokw: a long time ago I measured dd with various block sizes, and the default bs=512 was half as fast as bs=1k, but increasing bs any more produced no effect on the speed15:59
mgedmindwodokw: sorry, wrong terminal to hit up, enter15:59
frostschutzwebchat8, you might as well use /dev/mapper/x directly instead of dm-uuid-CRYPT-PLAIN-x. unlike most other by-id links, crypt plain has no id at all, so only the name is left16:03
webchat8I don't think the encrypted swap partition is mounted, I can't see it in /dev/mapper16:06
tomreynif you don't have a block device with PARTUUID=d5018485-33be-40b8-80a1-9adb3c96ff16 then it will fail to decrypt that16:07
webchat8Yes but it doesn't work either when replacing the ID PARTUUID=d5018485-33be-40b8-80a1-9adb3c96ff16 by /dev/nvme0n1p316:09
webchat8in /etc/crypttab16:10
bewilledravage, back16:10
frostschutzyou want to stick to the partuuid, since nvme0 device names are not stable16:10
frostschutzyou can try setting options more explicitely (plain,cipher=aes-xts-plain64,size=256,swap)16:10
tomreynjust need to use a partuuid that actually exists16:11
webchat8I can't find the UUID for /dev/nvme0n1p3 how do do I find it?16:13
tomreynassuming /dev/nvme0n1p3 is the backing device (source) for encrypted swap, sudo blkid /dev/nvme0n1p316:13
frostschutzblkid /dev/nvme0n1p3, it would have no UUID, but a PARTUUID is possible if it's GPT partition16:13
frostschutzif it does have a UUID (an unencrypted valid signature) then that may be another reason why crypt swap fails, it tries to not format your filesystems...16:14
webchat8According to blkid, PARTUUID=d5018485-33be-40b8-80a1-9adb3c96ff16 for /dev/nvme0n1p316:16
webchat8So it's the same as in crypttab16:16
tomreynthe cryptsetup warning you're seeing during boot (last paragraph of your post) is relevant16:16
webchat8I tried the options swap,initramfs,cipher=aes-xts-plain65,size=256,hash=sha1,keyscript=decrypt_derived16:17
webchat8but the warning is still there at boot16:17
webchat8originally the options were only swap,initramfs16:18
bewilledravage, didn't work. What's weird is that it's using 2 gpus   https://pasteboard.co/sQOAvEUIz6Dp.png16:19
frostschutzwebchat8, keyscript makes no sense, if you use urandom key16:19
bewilledpragmaticenigma, .16:20
frostschutzwebchat8, initramfs option is also strange, what does that do? a random swap can't be used for hibernation either way. you could also try this method (but I never tested it with Ubuntu) https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Dm-crypt/Swap_encryption#UUID_and_LABEL16:20
webchat8I'll try right now: swap,initramfs,plain,cipher=aes-xts-plain64,size=25616:21
webchat8"The initramfs hook processes the root device, any resume devices and any devices with16:23
webchat8           the initramfs option set. These devices are processed within the initramfs stage of16:23
webchat8           boot. As an example, that allows the use of remote unlocking using dropbear.16:23
webchat8           This option is specific to the Debian crypttab format. It's not supported by systemd."16:23
tomreyn!paste | webchat816:23
ubottuwebchat8: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:23
webchat8It's from the 24.04 fresh install I guess16:24
Guest38Come state tutti voi16:24
webchat8Rebooting with dm_crypt-0 PARTUUID=d5018485-33be-40b8-80a1-9adb3c96ff16 /dev/urandom swap,initramfs,plain,cipher=aes-xts-plain64,size=256 did not bring back the swap not remove the boot warning16:34
webchat8Rebooting with dm_crypt-0 PARTUUID=d5018485-33be-40b8-80a1-9adb3c96ff16 /dev/urandom swap,initramfs,plain,cipher=aes-xts-plain64,size=256 did not bring back the swap not remove the boot warning16:48
pragmaticenigmabewilled: nothing strange about using two GPUs, Hybrid graphics can be used in all sorts of different ways.16:51
andrew_should i use ubuntu 23.0417:01
kuka_lieif you like it yes17:01
andrew_wait i dont know if it supported still17:02
kuka_liegoogle might help with that17:03
pragmaticenigma23.04 ended support awhile ago,  regular releases are supported for 9 months after release17:04
andrew_how about ubuntu 22.1017:04
pragmaticenigmawhy are you going backwards?17:04
pragmaticenigmaLTS releases are released in April of even numbered years17:05
andrew_i want gnome 4317:05
andrew_is lts even number .0417:05
pragmaticenigmathat's the month, not the year17:05
pragmaticenigmathe format of versions is YEAR.MONTH17:06
oerheks22.04 is still supported17:06
andrew_ubuntu 10.04 12.04 14.04 16.04 18.04 20.04 22.04 24.0-417:06
kuka_liealmost all gnome versions look same17:06
andrew_what desktop ubuntu 16.04 use17:06
oerheksand andrew_ you know the answers already.17:06
oerheksstop wasting volunteers time, like yesterday17:07
andrew_i am going to install ubuntu 22.1017:07
andrew_and replace 24.1017:07
andrew_oh wait i forget VM exist17:08
oerheksbad idea, no support, no updates17:08
kuka_liejust downgrade gnome and use latest version17:08
pragmaticenigmakuka_lie: please stick to supported techniques and topics17:08
andrew_how do i downgrade gnome17:09
oerheksif there was such path to downgrade gnome, there is not17:09
pragmaticenigmakuka_lie: that only works if the repository has the older version, which it will not17:09
oerheks22.04 gives gnome 41.17:10
andrew_how did17:11
andrew_ubuntu 22.10 end support already17:11
kuka_lieyou can download gnome package from other repo and manually install it using dpkg17:11
andrew_it only 2 years also already17:11
andrew_i thought ubuntu released had 5 years of support17:11
oerhekskuka_lie, stop giving bad advise, thanks.17:11
andrew_how did 22.10 end support even thought i saw a video of a version of ubuntu that have 5 years of support17:12
oerheksandrew_ you know the answers already. 22.10 is not LTS17:12
pragmaticenigmaandrew_: Gnome Desktop team has already released Gnome Desktop 47... not much reason to run an old version17:12
andrew_i am just gonna install a 22.10 vm on my 24.10 dualboot17:13
pragmaticenigmaandrew_: you don't need to tell us what you want to do. just understand that there is no support for 22.10 here.17:13
andrew_what virtualbox dont have packages for 24.1017:13
andrew_do i have to install the 24.04 on17:13
andrew_i forget i put my 24.10 into the 24.04 servers17:14
andrew_how many apps dont have a 24.10 version17:15
andrew_is it just me or most ubuntu users use lts17:16
andrew_what version of gnome ubuntu 25.04 use17:36
leftyfbandrew_: 25.04 isn't released yet17:37
andrew_then what is ubuntu next for17:37
pragmaticenigmapeople who are interested in testing and submitting bug reports for the next version of ubuntu17:38
andrew_which version of ubuntu do most people use17:38
andrew_testing non lts or lts17:38
pragmaticenigmaandrew_: This channel is for support only, please conduct polls in #ubuntu-offtopic17:38
leftyfbandrew_: do you have an ubuntu support question? Otherwise, please feel free to ask for opinion polls in #ubuntu-offtopic17:39
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=== JanC is now known as Guest2559
andrew__if i corrput ubutnu18:12
andrew__and dualboot windows18:12
andrew__do i have to boot into windows to reinstall ubuntu18:12
andrew__why is linux so easy to break18:13
leftyfbandrew__: please stick with actual support issues here18:13
leftyfbstop with the speculative question18:13
andrew__what ubuntu flavor18:14
andrew__have the pre 17.10 experience18:14
leftyfbandrew__: stop18:14
andrew__ubuntu flavor have pre18:14
andrew__17.10 experience18:14
andrew__tell me18:15
leftyfbandrew__: https://ubuntu.com/desktop/flavours  go try out the different flavors and pick the one you want18:15
andrew__what ubuntu flavor have pre 17.10 expreince18:15
oerheksnow you are really trolling volunteers.18:15
andrew__join #libera18:15
=== nckhexen is now known as nckx
andrew__which ubuntu version18:17
andrew__have the unity desktop18:17
leftyfbandrew__: https://ubuntu.com/desktop/flavours  go try out the different flavors and pick the one you want18:18
andrew__which flavor have unity18:18
leftyfbandrew__: if you bothered to click on the link, you would have that answer. Stop trolling18:18
oerheks= not ubuntu18:18
leftyfboerheks: there's an official Unity flavor18:19
andrew__what the18:19
andrew__unity flavor called18:19
leftyfbandrew__: https://ubuntu.com/desktop/flavours18:19
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andrew__im confused18:34
andrew__how come ubuntu 24.10 and ubuntu unity 24.10 use different ui18:34
lotuspsychjeandrew__: ubuntu desktop uses gnome18:35
oerheksnto again please18:35
andrew__how about18:35
andrew__ubuntu unity18:35
oerhekshow about not.18:35
andrew__ubuntu and ubuntu unity18:36
andrew__use the same desktop18:36
lotuspsychjeandrew__: this channel is for serious ubuntu issues, not meant as an ubuntu quiz18:36
kuka_lieandrew_: if you dont like it just use tty18:37
ravagewe could finally all decide to ignore him. he won't stop anyway18:37
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andrew_i love ubuntu unity19:52
andrew_it make ubuntu a unique linux distro19:52
andrew_and not just a glorifed debian testing but with ubutnu like theming on gnome19:52
andrew_it just gnome with icon and dock extension19:53
Guest8I'm getting20:32
Guest8./musicgpt: error while loading shared libraries: libonnxruntime.so.1.17.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:32
Guest8tried to run musicgpt on ubuntu 22.04 - https://github.com/gabotechs/MusicGPT?tab=readme-ov-file20:32
rboxsounds like you're missing that library20:33
oerheksonly on oracular 24.10 - next plucky 25.0420:34
oerheksgood luck with that20:35
Guest8wait, so it's not available on 22.04?20:35
oerheksoh a pip install20:36
oerheks22.04 is using python 3.10, no?20:37
Guest8Python 3.9.1220:38
Guest8after pip install onnxruntime20:40
Guest8it still says musicgpt: error while loading shared libraries: libonnxruntime.so.1.17.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:41
leftyfbubuntu 22.04 has python3.10 installed by default20:41
pragmaticenigmaGuest8: You should not install anything using pip to your machine directly.20:41
Guest8python --version20:41
Guest8Python 3.9.1220:41
oerheksnot on my 22.04 install, 3.9.5 was on focal fossa20:42
oerheks= 20.0420:42
Guest8Description:Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS20:42
andrew_is ubuntu unity still ubuntu20:42
leftyfbGuest8: then you are either not running ubuntu 22.04 or you have a broken install with 3.9 the default20:42
andrew_so leftyfb is ubuntu unity still ubuntu20:42
andrew_but with the old desktop ubuntu 11.04-17.04 used20:42
leftyfb!op | andrew_ constantly trolling20:43
ubottuandrew_ constantly trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant20:43
Guest8wait, so I need to upgrade python to 3.10?20:43
Guest8what do I need to do?20:43
andrew_why did you call a channel emergancy20:43
leftyfbGuest8: ls -l $(which python3)    # what does this give you?20:43
andrew_!op } why did you call a channel emergancy here20:43
ubottuandrew_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:43
andrew_!op | why you call a channel emergancy20:44
ubottuwhy you call a channel emergancy: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant20:44
Guest8 /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/python3 -> ../Cellar/python@3.11/3.11.4/bin/python320:44
leftyfbGuest8: why did you do that?20:44
leftyfbGuest8: undo all of that20:45
oerheksocular python ? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oracular/amd64/python-dev-is-python3/3.11.4-120:45
Guest8I hate all these tutorials20:45
pragmaticenigmaGuest8: I think the problem is because you installed using pip, where libraries were already provided by Ubuntu's default install. The installation wasn't successful if you read the output carefully, you would see there are version number conflicts20:45
andrew_why did you call a channel emergancy20:45
Guest8why on earth then tutorial says to do that20:45
andrew_i meant leaffylb why you call a channel emergancy20:45
leftyfbGuest8: you'll have to ask the author of the tutorial20:46
pragmaticenigmaGuest8: Because tutorials assume you have experience installing simplier things20:46
oerheksandrew_, you are really trolling volunteers and have been asked many times to stop.20:46
Guest8so how do I undo that?20:46
andrew_oerheks what happen after a channel emergancy20:46
connstructGuest8: You should be using virtualenvs or pyenv. Do not attempt to change the system-level Python interpreter.20:47
pragmaticenigmaGuest8: and would understand the pitfalls. The latest version of Python no longer allows pip to be run outside of venv, when it's detected it's part of a system install. Preventing you from breaking your OS install.20:47
Guest8how do I undo that20:48
andrew_!op dont ban me20:48
andrew_!op | i dont want to get banned20:48
ubottui dont want to get banned: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant20:48
oerheksGuest8, reinstall is the fastest way, i guess.20:49
Guest8not going to reinstall because of this20:49
pragmaticenigmaGuest8: it's very difficult, as oerheks notes, reinstall is the fastest way. undoing your mistake has the risk of removing system packages by accident leaving you with an unusable system20:50
pragmaticenigmaGuest8: Reasons to always make a backup of your machine, and experiement in VMs20:50
oerhekswith such drastic python change, try to run updates? do you get errors?20:50
Guest8well it's my problem that google gives this answer as top 120:50
Guest8I installed brew this way, because this is only answer there20:50
Guest8I'm not going for a reinstall20:51
connstructGuest8: Reinstalling is honestly your best bet. "not going to reinstall" is an understandable sentiment, but obstinance doesn't solve technical problems.20:51
leftyfbGuest8: brew isn't officially supported on ubuntu20:51
leftyfbGuest8: attempting to do so is at your own peril20:51
Guest8well I downloaded musicgpt source code that isn't using brew20:51
Guest8I get the same error20:52
Guest8musicgpt: error while loading shared libraries: libonnxruntime.so.1.17.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:52
leftyfband now you need to undo all you did to install brew20:52
leftyfbGuest8: also, musicgpt isn't officially supported on ubuntu20:52
Guest8I  don't know how20:52
Guest8$ (echo; echo 'eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"') >> /home/linuxconfig/.bashrc20:53
Guest8$ eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"20:53
Guest8undo these20:53
pragmaticenigmaGuest8: take this as a learning opportunity. learn about the tools and commands before just blindly trusting tutorials on the Internet. 90% of them are out of date within weeks of being published, and rarely take into account the modifications the author already made to their machine that they may benefit from without knowing.20:53
leftyfba lot of broken configurations20:53
connstructGuest8: No amount of yelling that is going to change the fact that you NEED to do so. Surely you have backups.20:54
Guest8I think chatgpt knows how to20:54
connstructoh, good luck with that.20:54
pragmaticenigmaadding fuel to a fire... good idea Guest820:54
rboxchatgpt is a great way to make it worse than it already is20:54
connstructYour system is going to be hilariously broken in a few minutes.20:54
oerheksi bet chatgtp echoes my advise20:54
Guest8I deleted that from bashrc20:56
Guest8Homebrew 4.4.420:56
Guest8is still installed20:56
Guest8 ls -l $(which python3)  /home/ronalds/anaconda3/bin/python3 -> python3.920:58
yrdsbWho know20:58
yrdsbubuntu unity20:58
Guest8so how do I install musicgpt on ubuntu 22.0420:58
leftyfbGuest8: it's not officially supported20:58
yrdsbwhat irc cilent you use20:58
oerheksbuild it yourself? https://github.com/gabotechs/MusicGPT/releases/tag/v0.3.420:59
pragmaticenigmaGuest8: I suggest looking at using a VM, or it appears the project offers a docker image.21:00
yrdsbwhat is the most popular linux distro21:00
connstructyrdsb: Why are you back here with the same inane questions?21:00
yrdsbi like these questions21:01
leftyfbit's going on 3 years he's been trolling here21:01
yrdsbwhat you mean 3 years21:01
leftyfb2022 Feb 16 09:16:11 <yrdsb>how do i install old kubuntu releses21:02
leftyfband has been kicked from here 5 times21:02
Guest8why tf musicGPT on docker download 2gb large files21:02
leftyfbGuest8: your questions about musicGPT should be directed towards the musicGPT project. It's not supported here21:03
oerhekscomplete image? with all bits and parts that come with it?21:03
pragmaticenigmaGuest8: likely because the docker image is configured for all the features. Also likely has the larger model included. Go to the musicGPT community for further help, they will have to guide you on finding the right way to get musicGPT working on your machine. This channel focuses its support on the packages included in Ubuntu's Software installer applications.21:05
Guest8docker: Error response from daemon: could not select device driver "" with capabilities: [[gpu]].21:21
Guest8I have nvidia-driver-535 installed21:22
pragmaticenigmaGuest8: Read the documentation, it's clear that you are just blindly looking for commands and not reading anything21:23
Guest8it seems like I have basic nvidia-drivers installed21:23
Guest8otherwise rendering videos in nvenc and etc would not work ether21:24
oerheksdocker needs something like  --runtime=nvidia and toolkit installed?21:24
oerheksyeah, they give docs for that21:25
Guest8should I do this ?21:25
pragmaticenigmaGuest8: There is probably a command for telling the docker instance to use the local GPU. Docker instances run in a sandbox, and require explicate commands and permissions to access resources on the host system. These commands and instructions are usually included in the documenation (and I see them in that documentation)21:26
Guest8ok it seems to worked21:34
Guest8still waiting for docker image to start, but running on nvidia worked21:35
Guest8sudo docker run -it --gpus all -p 8642:8642 -v ~/.musicgpt:/root/.local/share/musicgpt gabotechs/musicgpt --gpu --ui-expose21:39
Guest82024-11-10 21:37:24.677  INFO MusicGPT running at http://4e722a5f1404:864221:39
Guest8I don't understand, the link does not work in browser21:39
oerheksit uses meta? good luck21:41
Guest8it does not say much in website21:41
Guest8what do I have to do from now?21:41
leftyfbGuest8: you follow the instructions21:42
pragmaticenigmaIf you didn't configure docker networking to connect the port of the docker image to the local machine it's not going to work. Guest8 Several times now, I have told you, read up on the tools you are trying to use. We're not here to support your endever, especially since you are now way off base when it comes to Ubuntu. Maybe try asking in a docker channel/forum. Or more importantly, read up the documentation on the tools you are using.21:42
oerheksRight now it only supports MusicGen by Meta21:42
leftyfbGuest8: https://github.com/gabotechs/MusicGPT#:~:text=There%20are%20two%20ways%20of%20interacting%20with%20MusicGPT%3A%20the%20UI%20mode%20and%20the%20CLI%20mode.21:43
Guest8it did not say anything about this "If you didn't configure docker networking to connect the port of the docker image to the local machine it's not going to work."21:44
pragmaticenigmaGuest8: because you need to read up on how to use docker21:46
Guest8I don't know how or where21:47
Guest8idiotic tutorials21:47
oerheksprogrammers are usually bad tutorial writers21:47
Guest8sudo nvidia-ctk runtime configure --runtime=docker21:48
Guest8I did this21:48
pragmaticenigmaGuest8: Read everything under this heading until you get to "With Cargo"21:48
Guest8I did docker pull gabotechs/musicgpt21:48
Guest8and docker run -it --gpus all -p 8642:8642 -v ~/.musicgpt:/root/.local/share/musicgpt gabotechs/musicgpt --gpu --ui-expose21:48
Guest8what else am I missing?21:50
Guest8INFO MusicGPT running at http://2e5a600207d3:864221:50
rboxthe fact that none of this has anyting to do with ubuntu?21:51
pragmaticenigmaThe MusicGPT community... go there for further help.21:51
pragmaticenigmaGuest8: You're expecting a group of individuals who have dedicated themselve to supporting and helping with Ubuntu, to know about an application that less than a percent of the general public is using. You're going to need to find the community that works with the software to get better and more useful help.21:52
Guest8yeah and where is that even21:52
connstructWhy would we know?21:52
oerhekswrite on their github?21:59
oerheksthis is why we officially only support packages from our repos21:59
Guest8I finally found that it works on local ip22:12
Guest88642 port22:12
connstructSo you're just blindly entering commands with no idea what they do.22:13
rboxthis is the guy who had python installed through anaconda and homebrew22:14
pragmaticenigmareasons to just stop responding at this point, their system is likely already broken, they'll be here soon enough to hear us all again say, time to reinstall22:14
=== MrLuca is now known as L-u-c-a
=== JanC is now known as Guest8239
Guest8so I got that musicGPT is accesable from browser but it turns out 535 nvidia driver cannot work so I installed cuda toolkit and nvidia 55522:55
oerhekswhen you got this working, write a manual/blogpost?22:58

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