
cousteauoops, left this open08:53
* cousteau was gonna recommend `redshift` to xubuntu77d but they're no longer here08:54
cousteauon the plus side, tomreyn taught me something useful :)08:54
cousteauVERY useful, as I seem to have chronic itchy eyes. 08:55
cousteau(redshift is still nice for not having an annoying blue light when working at night though, but that's more a psychological thing than a physiological thing)08:56
jakobHello, help me10:03
tomreynjakob: hi, what do you need help with?10:04
xu-irc53whow to make desktop more responsive, its a proxmox vm with no GPU11:37
tomreyndesktop in a VM?11:40
tomreynproxmox is a server software11:40

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