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Guest42hello, my laptop recently randmoly stops charging when connected to power09:44
Guest42has anyone come across this09:45
Guest42is this something I can change in the ubuntu settings09:45
tomreynGuest42: i'm afraid not. this is a pure firmware / hardware issue09:46
tomreynubuntu and the kernel do not manage charging (incl. whether or not it happens) in any way09:47
tomreynyou could try a bios upgrade (or just look over its changelog as to whether there's anything related). but most likely this is really an issue with the battery, the power supply, or, best case, the wiring.09:49
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BluesKajHi all12:35
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mrecmalicious USB devices are able to crash the latest ubuntu version13:26
mrecsomeone added a null pointer issue to the USB core13:26
lotuspsychjemrec: dont trust usb media thats not yours13:27
pickanickmrec: which ubuntu version ?13:27
mrecnoble, 6.8.0-48-generic13:28
mrecif the usb device is defect it can cause a nullpointer issue13:28
mrecand crash the entire system13:28
mrecthis was not the case in earlier linux versions13:28
mrecBUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 000000000000002013:30
mrecaddress 20 .. ya someone is accessing a member of a struct which is NULL13:30
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enycHrrm; anybody with other 24.04 installs/variants, able to  sudo apt install gscan2pdf  and confirm gscan2pdf doesn't start/work ??13:32
enycI'm curious about underpinning packges/programs, which where library etc might be that with bugreport and so-on!13:33
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jlucenyc it installs and launches well here13:35
enycjluc: what ubuntu version?13:35
enycjluc: OoOOooooOOOoO i wonder if there was a repaired bug!13:35
jlucand gscan2pdf 2.13.213:36
enycjluc: thankyou, this is news to me, I will retry on  (at least) a mint-22 ubuntu-24.04-based-system  BUT  if it doesn't work it'll encourage me to lok further, new 24.04 installs, etc  as  you've very helpfully told me it now can work for *some*.13:40
leftyfbmrec: got a CVE for this "exploit"13:50
enycor indeed new ubuntu 24.04.1 install of some variant13:51
enycjluc: is your system on which it works, new from 24.04, or upgraded from 22.04/23.10/etc ??13:51
jlucbrand new13:52
leftyfbenyc: please install ubuntu 24.0.4 to test yourself. We cannot support Ubuntu derivatives here.13:52
enycleftyfb: not failiar with 24.0.4, I know as i said above,  try on new 24.04 installs was already on my list.13:52
mrec leftyfb: if I got one? no I just experienced it because I'm testing assembled USB PCBs13:52
leftyfbmrec: feel free to file a bug13:53
mrecI'll fix it first.13:53
leftyfbmrec: you're going to patch the kernel and then submit a PR? You should do that upstream as well. And test later kernels13:54
mrecnot a big deal, I'll check it within the next days.13:54
leftyfbmrec: "malicious USB devices are able to crash the latest ubuntu version"  sounds like a pretty big deal to me13:56
mrecnot only malicious .. defect usb devices13:56
leftyfbok, then file a bug13:56
lotuspsychjemrec: maybe share your journal logs first?13:56
mrecI need to get my work done first..13:57
mrecit doesn't seem to be a big deal the kernel is printing some issues that the device is not recognized, some debug is probably throwing the error13:57
mrecwe manufacture USB devices and test each of them before shipping some of them are not ok after assembly and need to be repaired.13:58
mrecusually some cold solder joint somewhere.13:58
mrecin some rare cases.13:59
lotuspsychjelets see that in the logs13:59
mrecbut a defect keyboard could cause the same problem13:59
leftyfbmrec: and your entire machine "crashed" when you plugged it in?14:00
mreca little bit after that nullpointer issue14:01
mreclike 1 minute later14:01
leftyfbas in, you had to forcefully power off and back on ?14:01
mrecthe system completely crashed, everything stuck14:01
leftyfbmrec: and you replicated this 3 or more times?14:02
mrecincluding the mouse14:02
mrecI'll come back in 1-2 days and report further I'll check the kernel code shouldn't be difficult to spot that issue14:02
leftyfbno, file a bug14:02
leftyfbdon't report bugs here14:02
leftyfb!bug | mrec14:03
ubottumrec: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:03
mrechah no I just mean for your information. I know how things work14:03
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mrecI'm rebuilding the kernel now, I checked the logfile there are at least 4-5 full crashes inside I thought it was my old SSD15:12
mrecthe good thing out of that is that my SSD is still good ... even though it's slow.15:14
vardhanAnyone here16:07
tomreynhi vardhan16:08
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kuka_liehello vardhan16:24
vardhanHi kuka_lie, tomreyn16:30
vardhanMaybe Im in the wrong forum. I am getting weird firefox benaviour on kubuntu, where it has stopped downloading anything. It says it has no permissions though I have given chmod 777 on the download directory.16:30
kuka_liedoes this happend with other browsers16:30
vardhanNo. Edge works.16:30
kuka_liejust update firefox and see if it works16:30
vardhanOK. I had firefox snap and the ubuntu package running parallelly till recently. I had a few profiles on snap. One day all profiles got deleted (I tried to recover but could not yet). Now I am using the latesr FF I guess16:30
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tomreynvardhan: things you can try: (1) run firefox froma terminal emulator (such as konsole), try downloading something, see what's printed to the terminal emulator window. you may see critical firefox errors there. (2) create a new firefox profile and try downloading something. if it works there, something is wrong with your profiles' add-ons or preferences. (3) check that your disk has not run full, and that your file system is not corrupt. (4) run16:35
tomreyn journalctl -f    in a terminal emulator and keep it running, then try downloading something in firefox, then see what was printed to screen on the terminal emulator. you may see system or service errorrs or warnings there, some of whidh may be related.16:35
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blackpirateanyone here20:10
JoeLlamais Ubuntu 24.10 (Oracular Oriole) Daily Build  an LTS?20:12
rbox24.04 is lts20:18
JoeLlamaah... does that come in a daily build rbox? I look20:21
JoeLlamahrm.... conflicted rbox this says it is LTS I investigate further20:23
ravagenoble is the codename of 24.04 LTS20:23
JoeLlamaok got it https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20240421/20:35
oerhekshttps://torrent.ubuntu.com/tracker_index is my favorite20:37
JoeLlamaactually here https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/noble/current/20:41
JoeLlamaoh ok oerheks20:42
JoeLlamaI no use torrents currently20:42
oerheksoften a higher download.20:42
JoeLlamaoerheks okay still a little confused...  is 24.04 available with all the updates someplace and it is LTS still right/21:14
bpromptJoeLlama: 24.04 is LTS, yes21:21
JoeLlamaok so like this is the page with the udated version: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20240421/21:21
JoeLlamaso just download thst and it has all the updates oerheks21:22
JoeLlamaok done :)21:27
ravageno. it does not have all the updates. i sent the correct link earlier21:54
ravagehttps://cdimage.ubuntu.com/noble/daily-live/current/ is the latest daily for noble21:54
randyMHi everybody23:11
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