
=== chiyando_ is now known as chiyando
iomari891greetings, kubuntu 24.10: animation effects when switching virtual desktops is not working. The only way I know the desktop has changed is by a brief display of the desktop number.08:35
iomari891and yes, the virtual desktop is set to "show animation when switching"08:37
BluesKajHi all12:40
Kangarooohow to see software sources in gui?15:22
BluesKajopen dolphin , click on root then look for /etc/apt/sources .list15:39
oerheksthat only gives ubuntu sources, other repos are in /etc/apt/sources .list.d/15:40
oerhekshe got help in #u too15:41
=== mw1144 is now known as darkgreen

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