
Guest53i have a problem with my shell00:22
leftyfbGuest53: you'll need to provide more info00:24
Guest53Generally it is in English, but strangely some commands give messages in my local language00:24
leftyfbGuest53: https://stackoverflow.com/a/43953994/2118449300:25
Guest53thanks, i have written only LC=C now it works with  LC=C LC_CTYPE=C00:29
Guest53how can i fix Warning: modules_install: missing 'System.map' file. Skipping depmod.?00:30
Guest53i have compiled a new kernel module00:31
Guest53and modprobe: FATAL: Module r8152 not found in directory /lib/modules/6.8.0-48-generic00:31
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logan__Anyone there>03:09
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luvbuntuhey chris_ :-)03:36
chris_This a safe place for newbies?03:36
luvbuntuAny place is a good place when you proxy up03:37
chris_I'm struggling to find an answer to my question with just google....03:38
chris_I have a zip of an application i need to put where it can be accessed via apache... not sure which folder is going to be able to be accessed because I'm still not 100% on the file strctures yet03:39
luvbuntuI can only think localhost03:40
luvbuntuAsk ubottu03:41
chris_I have no idea what ubottu is03:41
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luvbuntuubottu is the channel robot.  I forgot how to activate ubottu because I haven't been on IRC in years.03:42
luvbuntustart here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines and, Welcome to IRC.03:44
luvbuntuWhat distro are you on chris_03:48
chris_latest version...03:54
chris_just installed it to try and see if I can make something work for the local boys and girls club03:55
chris_So I'm quickly trying to learn apache, PHP, and Postgresql03:56
=== HER_ is now known as HER
mrecUbuntu Linux Kernel 6.8.0 should be revoked immediately. I did apt-get source linux-image-unsigned-6.8.0-generic and got 6.8.2 which fixes the critical USB bug03:58
mrecI compiled 6.8.2 and tested it - no NULL ptr issue with USB devices anymore03:59
mrec6.8.0 is a serious safety issue03:59
mrec6.8.0-48 = serious safety issue04:00
luvbuntuI'm on 6.11.  I think it's not phased anymore.04:01
mrecjust plug in a usb device into a slightly worn out usb port and the entire system might crash... or a defect usb keyboard, mouse...04:01
mrecluvbuntu: that's not stock ubuntu no?04:01
luvbuntuI created a bootable flash from kubuntu.org and dual booted.  24.1004:02
mrecI have 3 NULL PTR USB crashes in my kern.log (I suspected it was a defect ssd...) the defect connection will trigger a null ptr in the xhci driver, shortly afterwards the system will freeze due to followup issues04:03
mrecups issue still there :D04:17
mrecshorting D+ and D- on a USB device can trigger it04:18
mrec[ 4107.779767] xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: virt dev = NULL drivers/usb/host/xhci.c xhci_check_bw_table 242804:18
mrec[ 4107.779774] BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 000000000000000004:18
mrec[ 4107.779777] #PF: supervisor read access in kernel mode04:18
mrec[ 4107.779780] #PF: error_code(0x0000) - not-present page04:18
luvbuntumrec chatGPT is your friend lolol04:21
mrecI debugged it far enough to know where the issue is and what's happening04:28
mrecI can only shake my head to see that happening because it was added recently for decades this did not exist04:29
mrecok for decades most people were using ehci.. but even with xhci this was no problem for many years04:29
luvbuntuI wonder why xchat isn't in the repo anymore.  I like it better than hexchat.04:29
mrecI use irssi04:29
luvbuntuI used that before.  I should switch back to it.04:30
mrecI never got used to xchat .. and that was 20 years ago04:31
luvbuntuI loved mIRC for windows too back in the day.04:31
chris__time to reboot and hope for the best on my setup04:32
chris__thanks and have a great night04:32
tomreynmrec: please file a bug report, if you haven't.08:09
mrecI sent it to the LKML for discussing it, my system is freaking slow on compiling I fixed the bug here already08:17
mrecit's clearly reproducible, I can take down any system from 6.8.0+ just by plugging in a USB device08:18
mrecI did not check earlier versions so I don't know how long that bug has been there08:19
lotuspsychjemrec: did you file a bug yet?08:19
mrecI sent it to the LKML and linux-usb mailinglist, the fix is simple but I need to do more tests08:19
mrecputting all the drivers into the kernel and activating them is such a nonsense...08:20
mrecI took the ubuntu kernel and removed all the non necessary modules from my system already08:20
lotuspsychjemrec: usualy when volunteers ask to file a bug, they reccomend to file it on the ubuntu side first, via launchpad so the ubuntu developers can be aware of the issue08:34
lotuspsychjemrec: once the bug exist for ubuntu, you can start going upstream and test yourself and point it on the ubuntu bug08:35
mrecI can submit a patch later... first that kernel needs to finish compiling here09:01
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lotuspsychjewelcome Elisa0209:35
lotuspsychjewhat can we do for you?09:35
tomreynhello Lana09:53
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workeri just keep coming back to Ubuntu12:26
uppatowen    yeah me too, or a variant. lubuntu is a small distro for older kit12:26
workerEvery time I try Fedora, or Garuda or something else, I always come accross some quirk that lands me right back here.12:34
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BluesKajHi all12:40
kuka_liehi Blueskaj12:46
BluesKajhi kuka_lie12:46
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=== Andre is now known as Guest9454
Guest9454Hi I got a message to report a bug:14:15
Guest9454ould not install '/tmp/apt-dpkg-install-n7akET/49-xdiagnose_3.8.10ubuntu0.1_all.deb'14:15
Guest9454The upgrade will continue but the '/tmp/apt-dpkg-install-n7akET/49-xdiagnose_3.8.10ubuntu0.1_all.deb' package may not be in a working state. Please consider submitting a bug report about it.14:15
Guest9454unable to open '/usr/lib/systemd/system/failsafe-x.service.dpkg-new': No such file or directory14:15
tomreynhi Guest945414:17
tomreynwhich ubuntu version is this?14:18
tomreyn!bug | Guest945414:18
ubottuGuest9454: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:18
tomreynso you want to run   ubuntu-bug xdiagnose14:19
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Guest9454Ok, I will try14:19
=== NewNickname is now known as Malik2012
Malik2012i am new to linux14:20
Malik2012what is this14:20
Malik2012chat thing14:20
Guest9454I got this:14:20
Guest9454Gtk-Message: 15:19:57.953: Failed to load module "xapp-gtk3-module"14:20
leftyfbMalik2012: this is an ubuntu support channel. If you're looking to chat, /join #ubuntu-offtopic14:20
Guest9454Now I get this after I answer the popup to add it to a bug report:14:22
Guest9454Gtk-Message: 15:20:53.659: Failed to load module "xapp-gtk3-module"14:22
Guest9454Gtk-Message: 15:20:53.659: Not loading module "atk-bridge": The functionality is provided by GTK natively. Please try to not load it.14:22
Guest9454[139881, Main Thread] WARNING: GTK+ module /snap/firefox/5273/gnome-platform/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/modules/libcanberra-gtk-module.so cannot be loaded.14:22
Guest9454GTK+ 2.x symbols detected. Using GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3 in the same process is not supported.: 'glib warning', file /build/firefox/parts/firefox/build/toolkit/xre/nsSigHandlers.cpp:18714:22
Guest9454(firefox:139881): Gtk-WARNING **: 15:20:53.744: GTK+ module /snap/firefox/5273/gnome-platform/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/modules/libcanberra-gtk-module.so cannot be loaded.14:22
leftyfb!paste | Guest945414:22
ubottuGuest9454: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:22
Guest9454I will explain what happerned whenI upgraded from 22.04 to 24.04:14:24
Guest9454At some point there was a question about differences in configs and I tried to see the differences. When exiting with cntl-Z I also exited the upgrade process14:24
Guest9454I was using the terminal to upgrade. Maybe its a good idea to block cntl-Z/C in the upgrade script.14:25
sprokkelGuest9454: you can bring the process back with the fg command.14:26
Guest9454Just fg?14:26
sprokkelfirst run jobs14:26
sprokkelthen see what id it has14:26
sprokkelthen fg id14:26
sprokkele.g. fg 114:26
Guest9454jobs returns nothing in the terminal14:27
Guest9454I upgraded 1 month ago, not now14:27
sprokkelfg only works at the moment itself.14:28
leftyfbGuest9454: verify you only have noble repos in /etc/apt/sources.list then rn: sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade14:28
Guest9454I see14:28
Guest9454This is the /etc/apt/sources.list:14:30
Guest9454# deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 16.04 LTS _Xenial Xerus_ - Release amd64 (20160420.1)]/ xenial main restricted14:30
Guest9454# See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to14:30
Guest9454# newer versions of the distribution.14:30
Guest9454deb http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ noble main restricted14:30
Guest9454# deb-src http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial main restricted14:30
leftyfbGuest9454: stop pasting here14:30
sixwheeledbeastpretty sure the pager is more at that point so Q would exit the differences, just for future reference.14:31
Guest9454Ok, where to paste?14:31
leftyfb!paste | Guest945414:31
ubottuGuest9454: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:31
sixwheeledbeasta pastebin (see topic)14:31
sreveHello everybody. I use a nvme in a pcie x4 / 5 slot and it is set to Version 5 in the BIOS also. But the speed is only around 5 GB/s but it should be around 12 GB/s. Any ideas where I can start to solve thew issue?14:34
Guest9454See result of the "sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade" here "https://bpa.st/7C4Q"14:35
leftyfbGuest9454: remove xdiagnose14:36
leftyfbGuest9454: sudo apt remove xdiagnose14:36
Guest9454ok, removed and now?14:37
leftyfbGuest9454: sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade14:37
Guest9454ok, here is the result: 'https://bpa.st/ZAIQ'14:38
leftyfbGuest9454: ok, sudo apt autoremove # to remove those packages you don't need anymore. Then you should be in a more stable state14:40
babuulaHi! I'm asking is there a tool to save changes when using a live-cd, so i wouldn't need to configure it all again after a reboot.14:40
leftyfbbabuula: install ubuntu14:40
Guest9454I did a 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove the unused packages14:40
lotuspsychjethere are known bugs on xdiagnose14:42
lotuspsychjebug #208482514:43
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2084825 in xdiagnose (Ubuntu) "xdiagnose package failure" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/208482514:43
oerheksapt mark the previous version, might work, see #8 https://bugs.launchpad.net/xdiagnose/+bug/208375414:43
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2083754 in xdiagnose "Failed to upgrade xdiagnose (3.8.10ubuntu1) over (3.8.10)" [Undecided, New]14:43
leftyfbGuest9454: do you need xdiagnose?14:43
Guest9454Not that I know, I have not used it I think14:44
leftyfbok, then you should be good now14:44
babuulaleftyfb: not possible right now, using live-cd.14:47
oerhekslive iso is read only, maybe there are tools that can write the iso and use the unused space as storage14:48
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:48
sprokkelbabuula: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence (In persistent mode changesare saved to the livecd14:49
oerheksit is called persistent.14:49
leftyfbwhich requires recreating the usb flash drive from scratch, which requires an OS running not from said USB14:49
sprokkeli thought you can add persistent mode in grub menu for each run?14:50
oerhekslive iso got no grub installed, IIRC.14:51
leftyfbsprokkel: and where does the OS store it's saved state? On the read-only iso written to the usb?14:52
sprokkelis was reading this : https://sparks.gogo.co.nz/persistent-ubuntu-xubuntu-livecd-howto.html14:55
oerheksbetter use our wiki..14:56
leftyfbYes, you need a writable storage that isn’t the usb you’re booting from unless you repartition the usb14:57
babuulasprokkel: i have no usb-stick to format and i don't really want to use the casper-rw method. i wonder is there a third party software for it?14:58
sprokkelbabuula: what other OS do you have access to on that computer?14:59
andre_use arch14:59
andre_not ubuntu14:59
sprokkelVirtual Machine it?15:00
babuulasprokkel: no other os, i'm on livecd because had some data loss sort of. tried the unattended install of ipfire, it changed the partition table and overwrote some data.15:01
sprokkelhmm, i see.15:02
oerheksandre_, use ubuntu, stop advertising arch in the official support channel, thanks.15:05
andre_uninstall ubuntu install arch15:10
* mgedmin reaches for the /ignore command15:10
ravageare we still entertaining the troll?15:11
andre_we love arch15:11
rud0lfi prefer columns15:12
DarkLordofDebianEveryone uninstall Arch, install Debian. lol15:12
leftyfblets stay on topic here please15:12
andre_why cant i adveritse arch15:14
leftyfbandre_: you've been warned countless times and been removed from this channel multiple times. You obviously don't belong here. Take it elsewhere15:14
Kangarooohow to see software sources in gui? im on kubuntu15:23
Kangaroooso why i have chrome not updating for month? also i don get chrome updates but this error i get for month https://imgur.com/a/kubuntu-chrome-something-changed-Cu60JUO15:26
ozz1meybe is the repo changed15:27
oerheksin muon, there is a button 'configure softwaresources'15:27
lotuspsychjeKangarooo: chrome is not an official ubuntu package15:27
lotuspsychjechromium is15:27
Kangaroooopening that link opens chrome deb download link. but i have already cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/15:27
Kangarooogoogle-chrome.list.distUpgrade                     google-chrome.sources15:27
Kangarooowhy would i install again new deb? this is bug i want to report that in case for computer have set up user with no admin rights and admin to auto update then at some point it has stopped working to update and need to install ned deb file with new sources?15:29
andre_ /join #libera15:29
andre_should i not replace my ubuntu installation with arch15:29
andre_i want a super stable linux distro15:29
oerheksandre_, ask in #arch, thanks15:30
DarkLordofDebianKangarooo, Well, if you have your Google settings backed up to Google, then installing a new deb file is no biggie. Once you have reinstalled, sign back in to Google, and it will restore every setting you had set.15:34
DarkLordofDebianKangarooo, But, as lotus said up above... Chrome isn't an official ubuntu package, so you would want to file the bug report with them, not Ubuntu.15:35
oerheksdon't use that button on their page, run proper updates; sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade15:37
babuulawhat was the channel for programming requuests again?15:50
oerheks# programming  perhaps?15:50
oerhekspython c++ rust..15:51
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Guest53i have no audio device with "Intel 7 Series/C216 Family High Definition Audio"17:00
=== Guest53 is now known as BlackMage
=== BlackMage is now known as Guest499
oerheksweird, it should be supported.17:02
Guest499yes it should17:02
oerheksopen terminal: alsamixer # and see if something is muted, else F6 select soundcard17:03
tomreynyou could pick a nickname which is not already registered. something more unique, maybe.17:03
Guest499its my nick17:03
=== Guest499 is now known as BlackMage2
oerhekssome try installing firmware-sof-signed alsa-ucm-conf, but it is not confirmed to be the answer. it should work OOTB17:09
=== BlackMage2 is now known as BlackMage
BlackMagewhy my audio chip is not detected?17:20
DarkLordofDebianBlackMage, What audio chip are you using?17:23
BlackMageAudio device: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)17:24
DarkLordofDebianBlackMage, I don't know if this will help or not https://askubuntu.com/questions/1515113/intel-corporation-7-series-c216-chipsetcontroller-not-working-in-ubuntu17:27
DarkLordofDebianGood luck, either way. I hate bugs like this.17:27
BlackMagepuh, my device is not detected17:28
BlackMageidk why17:28
oli_bHi all17:29
oerheksopen terminal: alsamixer # and see if something is muted17:33
oerheksBlackMage, ^^17:33
BlackMageI'm on Linux 6.8 kernel support should only be removed with Linux 6.12?17:33
oerheksstay on the kernel provided17:34
tomreynBlackmage may be missing firmware-sof-signed17:52
oerhekstomreyn, maybe, i read that too "some try installing firmware-sof-signed alsa-ucm-conf " but it is not confirmed to be the answer.18:00
tomreynright, it's just one of many possible reasons.18:05
Rackjhow are you?18:53
pythonthegreatesi'm good how are you?18:53
pythonthegreateswhat is this18:53
oerheksdo you have an ubuntu support question?18:54
Rackjwo connect with brasirc?18:56
jluci dont like nautilus "Open folder" now displaying a sub-menu asking whether it should open here / new window / new tab19:06
oerheksi see no options in gsetting org.gnome.nautilus.preferences19:11
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jsmooth2I'm not getting any answers in #npm, could I ask a question here?20:48
rbox does it have anyting to do with ubuntu?20:50
syphyrif it doesn't have anything specifically to do with ubuntu, then try #linux20:54
JanCor ##programming21:01
JanCbut always be patient when asking questions on IRC, and remember it's Sunday afternoon/evening in many parts of the world  :)21:02
jlucthis weekend i changed computer and moved from U22 to U2421:03
jlucand now, the https://news.google.com page looks awkward21:03
* rbox gives jluc a gold star21:03
jlucthe news page is very clean since there is only the main column21:04
jlucbut the sub-diaporamas are 'dead' (i cant change their views)21:05
jluci'd better show : https://pic.infini.fr/lFI5lQ4J/gK8I259s.png21:07
jluchmm i'll ask on #firefox21:08
oerheksjluc, i bet it is ublock origin lolz21:25
oerheksyou have got warnings ..21:25
oerheksgood luck finding an ad blocker that works21:26
jlucwell it's still ok on current firefox (132.0.2)21:27
jlucthe issue was a personnal rule that i added21:27
jluc(and i guess news.google has changed its layout)21:27
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jlucthere are so many things to import, reinstall, re-organize, check and sometime fix21:28
jlucwhen changing computer21:28
jlucpfff glad i might have soon finished21:28
jluclast issue is declaring a 50Go thunderbird profiles folder21:29
jlucit looks like i have to open each of the hundreds of mail folder first21:29
jlucso the cache updates21:29
jlucbefore i can request to receive the new incoming mails21:30
oerheksnot really an ubuntu issue21:30
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xu-help69wHi, I'm having an bug in xubuntuWhile booting up the pc it sometimes shutdown automatically, I'm dual booting it with windows and I've disabled fast startup23:10
xu-help69wI made a report on the #xubuntu channel and I was asked to run journalctl -b -123:10
xu-help69wI ran it but the person isn't available and referred me here23:10
xu-help69wI've copied the highlighted part of the log into the pastebin below. And I'll love anyone's help in resolving this bug23:10
ravagedid you check for a bios update?23:13
ravagethose ACPI can be fixed by one in many cases23:13
xu-help69wI'll check for an update, and update the bios if there is23:14
xu-help69wThank you23:14
solsTiCehi. I am trying to install ubuntu 24.10 on a HP Probook 450 G2, and the installer crashes after selecting the type of install (complete). any idea what is wrong? Later on, I can't even open it again, because it shows the crash dialog again. I got that in the window: https://bpa.st/GDLA but this doe snot seem very helpfull or give any hint at what23:36
solsTiCeis wrong23:36
sixwheeledbeastcan only find bug 2088081 which isn't much help23:41
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 2088081 in subiquity (Ubuntu) "subiquity_event error. Can't install UBUNTU24.04LTS" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/208808123:41
sixwheeledbeastsome people on forums suggest starting the install without network until the installation is finished?23:45
solsTiCeI was connected with ethernet23:46
solsTiCesame crash. it is jut after selecting installing wifi driver, and mp3/proprieatory  stuff. So just before the disk partitiong ?23:51
solsTiCeNever mind, I will try 24.04 tomorrow instead.23:51
CeeClearGetting a Installation of a or removal of a software package message when using software updater. Unable to use or delete certain programs. Any solutions23:58
ravagetry the terminal23:59
CeeClearThe terminal command is at - get-update right ???23:59

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