
sarkaI'm in need of some help troubleshooting a nasty suspend problem after updating from 22.04 to 24.04.00:52
sarkaI have nvidia 470 installed (gtx660 so cannot upgrade) and already tried disabling nvidias own suspend services00:52
sarkatried putting fbdev=1/0 to grub or in modprobe settings with update-initramfs00:53
sarkatried nvregpreservememory hack00:53
sarkaIf nvidia's own service is disabled, xubuntu will immediately awaken from sleep00:54
sarkaif not, computer will hang on resume with blank screen00:54
sarkaI'm a little bit out of ideas at this point :)00:55
=== Tom is now known as Guest3376
xu-help26wHi, I have an issue. When I'm booting into xubuntu sometimes, the pc just shutdowns22:49
xu-help26wI usually have an external hardrive plugged in. and if I retry booting the pc it works.22:49
xu-help26wBut the same bug occurred while I didn't have the harddrive plugged in.22:49
xu-help26whow do I fix this please, I dual-boot xubuntu with windows if that could be a source of the problem22:50
tomreynxu-help26w: hi. make sure you disable "fast startup" in windows. this may or may not be related.22:51
xu-help26wtomreyn I did, it was causing another problem and that was fixed by turning off fast startup22:52
tomreynjournalctl -b -1   let's you inspect the system log from the previous boot. so anything that failed there should be somewhere around its end.22:52
xu-help26walright I'll check it out22:54
tomreyni'm afraid i'm super tired and probably not going to be able to review your log today. maybe someone in #ubuntu will offer to do so22:54
xu-help26wtomreyn thank you22:54
tomreyngood luck, hope you'll find something22:55
xu-help69wtomreyn I just ran the command and here are the ones highlighted in red23:04
xu-help69wIt's absolutely fine if you can't assist since you've mentioned you're tired23:04
xu-help69w]: profiles/sap/server.c:sap_server_register() Sap driver initialization failed.23:04
xu-help69wNov 17 23:02:15 tobiloba-HP-EliteBook-1040-G4 bluetoothd[814]: sap-server: Operation not permitted (1)23:04
xu-help69wACPI BIOS Error (bug): AE_AML_PACKAGE_LIMIT, Index (0x000000005) is beyond end of object (length 0x5) (20230628/exoparg2-393)23:04
xu-help69wNov 17 23:02:12 tobiloba-HP-EliteBook-1040-G4 kernel:23:04
tomreynxu-help69w: you were muted, because you pasted your log into the channel., please use a pastebin instead, such as https://bpa.st23:08
xu-help69where's the pastebin23:09
tomreyndo a bios update23:09
tomreynthat may do away with those acpi errors23:10
xu-help69wOk I'll give it a try. Thank you23:10
tomreynjournalctl -b | grep DMI:    will tell you which laptop / mainboard and bios version you have23:12
tomreynif the problem persists, you can share the full kernel log of the previous boot using    journalctl -kb -1 | nc termbin.com 999923:15
xu-help69wI just checked there is an update, I'll do the update23:15
xu-help69wtomreyn it usually happen at random, if it does happen after the update I let you know23:16
xu-help69wThank you very much23:16
tomreynyou're welcome 23:18
xu-help69wI've updated the bios but the acpi error persists so I'm forwarding the log to the link provided tomreyn23:41
xu-help69where's the response https://termbin.com/8wq523:41

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