
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== kj is now known as kjtodd12345
=== kubuntu is now known as RTG
=== RTG is now known as RTG89
RTG89Im in a bit of a panic. Because my kernel is.06:33
RTG89I used my phone with an adapter to make a live USB06:34
RTG89now, i could use that to install anew, but the problem is my home folder is on the same partition as my root so thats a slight issue.06:35
RTG89I managed to fix the kernel panic by copying the shared libraries from the live USB over the ones on my system which i carelessly messed around with. Now it boots, but shows an empty screen (graphical but only a mouse and black) instead of anything useful.06:38
RTG89any way maybe to install from a live USB but maintain configurations, users and data similar to an upgrade to a new version?06:43
RTG89guess ill have to learn about chroot seems the best guess07:14
=== kubuntu is now known as RTG89
=== alucardromero8 is now known as alucardromero
user|58hi, is there a reason wifi doesn't work in the kubuntu installer?10:18
IrcsomeBot<mehdiMj_ir> Check for Proprietary packages (re @IrcsomeBot: <user|58> hi, is there a reason wifi doesn't work in the kubuntu installer?)10:20
user|58IrcsomeBot shouldn't it work in the "trial" atleast?10:21
user|58nvm i got it it was cause secure boot was on10:28
BluesKajHi all12:32
=== JoelJoel is now known as Joel
=== juan is now known as Guest588

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