
Siamasterchatgpt suggests to use gddrescue to create an image file. Is it different than just dding?00:19
SiamasterI'm not gonna trust chatgpt with this :)00:19
Siamasterbut it doesn't sound bad?00:19
Bashing-omSiamaster: Have you tried what the fsck advises ? : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2177756 how to.00:26
SiamasterNo, but I'm thinking the disk is failing so it's best to back it up first thing first. I've bought an external disk today for this purpose00:28
SiamasterI keep disconnecting?00:47
sarnold2024-11-22 00:35:27 -!- Siamaster [~Siamaster@h-98-128-180-21.NA.cust.bahnhof.se] has quit [Quit: Client closed]00:49
sarnold2024-11-22 00:44:07 -!- Siamaster [~Siamaster@h-98-128-180-21.NA.cust.bahnhof.se] has quit [Client Quit]00:49
sarnoldfrom here it looks like your program has chosen to quit00:49
Siamasterwhat do you think about gddrescue, I think you suggested that earlier?00:50
Siamasterchatgpt is suggesting that too00:50
SiamasterI've still not dared to run any commands :P00:51
sarnoldgddrescue should be good, it won't give up ont he first error like dd will00:53
Siamastershould I create a new partition for this on my new hd or should I just dump the img file?00:55
sarnoldI'd create a new filesystem on the new drive and save it as a regular file, most tools ought to be able to handle that, and it'll be easier to work with00:56
Siamasterok.. can you help me create a filesystem on it?  I've got:00:58
Siamaster[12:07:26 AM] <Siamaster> sdc           8:32   0   4,5T  0 disk00:58
Siamaster[12:07:26 AM] <Siamaster> ├─sdc1        8:33   0   200M  0 part00:58
Siamaster[12:07:26 AM] <Siamaster> └─sdc2        8:34   0   4,5T  0 part /media/siamaster/Expansion00:58
Siamasterthat's my new disk00:58
Siamasteror should I just dump it to sdc2?00:58
sarnoldwhat kind of filesystem do you want on it? ext4, zfs, something else?01:02
SiamasterI mean does it matter if it's just an img file?01:03
Siamasterbut I usually go with ext4 and the failing partition is most probably ext401:03
sarnoldit doesn't *really* matter but if you want to rsync it to another machine or something, it's so much easier to work with a file than with a partition01:18
SiamasterI'm going to back it up to a new internal disk after that01:23
Siamasterand that new internal disk is going to be ext401:23
Siamasterso I should just go with a file right? just save it to sdc201:23
Siamasterso sudo ddrescue -f -n /dev/sdb /media/siamaster/Expansion/backup/disk-image.img /media/siamaster/Expansion/backup/logfile.log01:24
Siamasterdo I dare?01:24
Siamasterchatgpt suggest to run this first and then another one with sudo ddrescue -d -r3  for retries.. but this sounds weird01:25
Siamasterit suggests to run first  'sudo ddrescue -f -n /dev/sdb /media/siamaster/Expansion/backup/disk-image.img /media/siamaster/Expansion/backup/logfile.log' then   'sudo ddrescue  -d -r3 /dev/sdb /media/siamaster/Expansion/backup/disk-image.img /media/siamaster/Expansion/backup/logfile.log'01:28
Siamasterso to the same destination twice01:28
sarnoldthat seems reasonable enough, yeah01:30
SiamasterI run it then01:32
gaelheartFresh Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS install.  Looking to watch my DVD's but when i put them in nothing happens.  I read somewhere online that VLC has DVD playback in it, but When i tried it with VLC it didn't play.  I installed ubuntu-restricted-extras but it still won't play my DVD's.  Is there an online resource somebody can point me too in order to get DVD playback on my Ubuntu PC.  Thanks.01:33
Siamasteroh man I'm seeing lots of errors01:34
Siamastersd 3:0:0:0: [sdb] tag#16 Add. Sense: Logical unit not ready, power cycle required01:34
Siamastershould I abort?01:34
SiamasterI aborted it01:35
Siamasterit was not able to read anything at all:01:36
SiamasterGNU ddrescue 1.2301:36
SiamasterPress Ctrl-C to interrupt01:36
Siamaster     ipos:  283443 kB, non-trimmed:  290807 kB,  current rate:       0 B/s01:36
Siamaster     opos:  283443 kB, non-scraped:        0 B,  average rate:       0 B/s01:36
sarnoldaw, that's sounding bad.01:36
Siamasterwhat can be the cause?01:37
Siamasterand is there any solution?01:37
Siamasterdo I dare mounting my other backup disk to this computer?01:38
SiamasterI have another backup disk which contains parts of my data01:38
Siamasterbut I'm now even afraid to attach it to my computer, since I don't know why this one started failing like this all of the sudden01:38
gaelheartI'll see you all later.  Have a great day!01:38
Siamastercould it be that my power supply is too weak? But I remember getting a strong one for my setup01:41
SiamasterCould it be a problem with my computer rather than the disk?01:51
SiamasterI've tried connecting to different satas tho01:52
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SiamasterI tried again switching my sata cables but still that disk is not read02:12
SiamasterI only get read errors from it02:12
SiamasterWhat's next? :/02:12
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=== biodigital is now known as gnubio
Siamaster6. Check Power Supply02:17
SiamasterIf multiple disks are experiencing issues, your power supply might not be delivering enough power. Consider testing with a different PSU.02:17
SiamasterSay's chatgpt02:17
SiamasterI think it sounds reasonable, more reasonable than that the disk is now both unreadable and the partition corrupted..02:19
Siamasterand it all started when I was shutting down windows, I heard that click that I always hear when I get issues with my hdds due to the PS. I heard it several times and then when I forced shut down my cocmputer and restarted to ubuntu I realized the disk is not readable anymore02:20
SiamasterI mean Windows hadn't even mounted it, probably it didn't corrupt the data02:21
SiamasterI change my hdds every 7-8 years or so, This one is probably 5-6 years old, not that it matters but I've never actually had a hardware failure in my life, it's always been due to the PS. Usually switching sata locations helps, but it's not doing it now02:22
SiamasterI think I will take it to a store see if he can test to see whether it works with another PS02:23
Siamasterand I'm def not going to plug my real "backup" disk to this system, when it just stopped reading the other one for no reason02:24
SiamasterI mean the log even said it.. "not enough power cycles" or something02:24
Siamasterhas to do with PS02:25
Siamasterwhat do you think?02:25
SiamasterI'm going to buy a new hdd cabinet with it's own powersupply and test02:44
de-factowith "apt upgrade" why do i get a list for  "The following packages have been kept back:" without any explanations?04:27
de-factowhy is apt refusing to do what its told?04:28
de-factonon phased refusal for apt04:29
de-factohow can i ask apt what its problem is?04:30
Bashing-omde-facto: ' a[t polocy <package>' to see the phasing.04:31
Bashing-omapt policy **04:31
de-factoi dont think its any phasing04:32
de-factothose are listed separately04:32
de-factoapt is just refusing to do its work without providing any explanation04:32
rboxtry to manually install what its compliaing about04:33
de-factohow can i force apt to do an upgrade of all packages04:37
DarkLordofDebiansudo apt full-upgrade04:38
DarkLordofDebiande-facto, ^^04:39
oerheksshow us the list what packages?04:39
oerheksthis is wild guessing04:39
de-factoi just want apt to tell me the problem instead of it just refusing04:41
DarkLordofDebiande-facto, In that case, try "sudo aptitude why-not <package name>"04:43
oerheksaptitude was great, with why + why-not04:44
DarkLordofDebianYou might need to install aptitude for that. Ubuntu doesn't always ship with it installed. I use multiple package managers myself, because some of them have specialized tools for interacting with dpkg.04:44
oerheksapt is better now, over apt-get and aptitude04:45
DarkLordofDebianoerheks, apt doesn't have why-not though.04:45
de-factowow apt is such a bad util i really hate it04:46
oerheksmaybe he just got a kernel update, and removal old kernel is waiting04:46
oerhekswho can tell?04:46
oerheksrant away, good luck de-facto04:46
DarkLordofDebiande-facto, Can you take a screenshot of the Terminal output when you try upgrading so we can see a list of the packages it refuses to upgrade?04:47
DarkLordofDebianThat might also give me an idea of a command to use.04:47
de-factoin uninstalled all the problematic packages now and try to install then anew, now it says held back broken packages without any explanations04:48
de-factoits just refusing to cooperate without providing the essential informations04:48
DarkLordofDebiande-facto, apt isn't bad, it's just not as complicated. I use apt for almost everything, but I always have aptitude and apt-get waiting in the wings for special needs circumstances.04:48
DarkLordofDebiande-facto, Well, you can fix broken packages with "apt-get install -f"04:49
de-factowhy is its design philosophy to refuse to comply with user requests without providing reasons for refusal?04:49
oerhekswhy not provide info?04:50
DarkLordofDebianThere are some settings you can use to make it more verbose...04:51
oerheksapt update with new lists could solve such issues.04:51
de-factohow can i ask apt which packages it considers "broken"?04:51
de-factowhy is this essential info hidden for the user?04:52
DarkLordofDebiande-facto, You might try to ask this way: "dpkg-query -l broken"04:53
DarkLordofDebianI think that's the way to ask...04:53
de-factoapt "E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages."  dpkg-query: no packages found matching broken04:54
de-factogreat so now they disagree?04:54
DarkLordofDebiande-facto, That "E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages." is a message I'm familiar with, and it's usually at that point that I run "apt-get install -f", but you might even be able to use "apt install -f"04:55
DarkLordofDebianAnd, no, they don't disagree. I must have written the command wrong.04:55
de-factoalready tried that, it does nothing04:56
de-factoapt neither fixes it nor tells whats broken it just refuses to cooperate04:56
de-factohmm maybe i just do some wild guesses and keep uninstalling packages until it stops refusing04:58
* de-facto really does hate apt04:58
DarkLordofDebiande-facto, Okay... IWOL (Incoming Wall of Text)04:58
DarkLordofDebianRun the following command to check for broken dependencies: sudo apt-get check04:59
DarkLordofDebianUse dpkg to find packages marked as not fully installed or broken: dpkg --audit04:59
DarkLordofDebianAlternatively, filter broken packages with: dpkg -l | grep ^..r04:59
DarkLordofDebianLook into the logs for detailed error messages: cat /var/log/dpkg.log | grep -i "error"04:59
DarkLordofDebianOr: cat /var/log/apt/term.log | grep -i "error"04:59
DarkLordofDebianUse the following command to attempt an automatic fix: sudo apt-get install -f05:00
DarkLordofDebianIf the above doesn't work, manually remove and reinstall the broken package: sudo apt-get remove --purge <package-name>05:00
DarkLordofDebiansudo apt-get install <package-name>05:00
DarkLordofDebianClear the cache in case it holds corrupted data: sudo apt-get clean05:00
DarkLordofDebiansudo apt-get autoclean05:00
DarkLordofDebianIf issues persist: Run "apt-cache policy <package-name>" to inspect the package's sources.05:01
DarkLordofDebianCheck the PPA or repository configuration in /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/.05:01
DarkLordofDebianLAST RESORT!! For stubborn broken packages, force removal: sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq <package-name>05:01
DarkLordofDebianCheck for general package system issues: sudo apt-get update05:02
DarkLordofDebiansudo apt-get upgrade05:02
oerheksand reboot05:02
DarkLordofDebianThat will get you somewhere de-facto... maybe more confused, maybe problem solved... but somewhere.05:03
de-factook thank you for the commands i will try to somehow force that stupid apt to cooperate05:04
DarkLordofDebianMay the odds be ever in your favor!05:04
de-factofinally i just uninstalled all packages that even could remotely be related and reinstalled them05:13
de-factothat way apt did not stumble upon itself and actually did what it was asked05:14
DarkLordofDebianRemember, the rule with Linux is: If you break it, you get to keep both pieces.05:14
* DarkLordofDebian has broken things on so many occasions... only a few of those were intentional... all of them were learning experiences05:15
DarkLordofDebianAs long as you learn from it, it's never a bad thing.05:16
* de-facto just wished apt would not hide the reasons for refusal, because it actually only can refuse if it knows those reasons05:16
DarkLordofDebianWell, good night everyone. I'll be back tomorrow at some point.05:18
de-factothanks for your help05:18
DarkLordofDebiande-facto, You're welcome! See you later05:18
=== BelCalm0 is now known as BelCalm
=== paran0n24 is now known as paran0n2
wasgoodwhat is good07:31
wasgoodis anyone there07:31
wasgoodmy name is zac07:31
Bashing-omwasgood: This channel is Ubuntu support - you have a support question ?07:32
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elfranneWas trying to downgrade a package from a PPA, but only the latest version was available via apt, but the files were present when you browse the repo. Is that a unique "feature" for all PPAs or specific to certain ones (ppa:ondrej/php)08:56
mgedminapt doesn't support downgrades08:58
mgedmin(that is, they might work, if the older version is available in some archive, but you're on your own if things break)08:58
mgedminafaiu the PPA publisher only ever publishes the latest version of a package08:58
mgedminso you'd have to download the .deb manually and sudo apt install ./filename.deb manually and then maybe use apt pins (I hate apt pins) to prevent apt upgrade from upgrading it the next time you run 'apt upgrade'08:59
JanCor create your private repo with that package & set priorities09:00
elfrannewhat do you mean by apt does not support downgrade? I have done that many times.09:02
elfrannebut thanks for the tips about manually downloading the deb, that is how I solved the issue yesterday09:04
sixwheeledbeastWith most software updates it's only considered you will go forwards. The older settings/config stored on the system may not be compatible with older version for example.09:08
JanCelfranne: it's more like it's discouraged & untested, and normally APT will never downgrade on its own09:09
sixwheeledbeastYou can also manually install a specific version with apt if it's available in your repos.09:09
elfranneoh in that way!09:10
mgedminin practical terms it mostly means that package maintaines don't have to consider downgrades when they write preinst/postinst scripts09:17
mgedminso e.g. a package might upgrade some data file format in a postinst and then you downgrade and the old version can't read your data, this will not be considered a bug as downgrades are unsupported09:18
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=== oerheks1 is now known as oerheks
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hvaerm what the spruce i did NOT type that10:51
oerheksyou make that "joke" in multiple channels.10:53
hvano i don't10:53
hvai'm only in three other channels10:53
hva2 of which i asked for some lightweight terminal emulator recommendations, the other i'm not registered on nickserv so i cant talk10:54
hvaomg hi10:54
hvathat's so cool how the linux foundation owns kernel.org10:55
hvahi guys11:19
hvahows ubuntu going11:19
=== Xard9 is now known as Xard
jankoppHere i am, thinkig IRC might be less full of annoying people then other social media...11:56
sixwheeledbeast ./ignore11:56
oerhekssome channels give a bridge to telegram/matrix something, we don'11:58
lotuspsychjenot 'yet' oerheks :p12:01
sixwheeledbeastoh please no12:01
* sixwheeledbeast stuffs fingers in ears and runs away12:01
oerheksin #kubuntu it is on block here.12:03
oerheksbut i drift offtopic12:03
universumhello. after i updated my system yesterday i get errors today ( noble). is this known ?12:22
lotuspsychjeuniversum: can you pastebin your errors please12:23
lotuspsychje!paste | universum12:23
ubottuuniversum: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:23
universumlotuspsychje, can i paste there screenshots too?12:25
universumah sorry12:25
lotuspsychjeif the errors are readable, sure12:26
universumso i will do when i get the error again12:26
lotuspsychjeuniversum: did you see an error in apt, or a bug window?12:26
universumafter starting my machine there was something with gnome shell error12:26
lotuspsychjeuniversum: usualy its a good idea, when getting bug error windows, to file them (manual or automatic= your choice)12:27
universumOk, thank you12:28
lotuspsychjeuniversum: crash bugs are differently handled though, you can check if items exist in your /var/crash dir12:29
universumlotuspsychje, inside the folder are _usr_bin_gnome-shell.128.crash     _usr_bin_nautilus.1000.crash12:30
universum _usr_bin_gnome-shell.128.upload    _usr_bin_nautilus.1000.upload12:30
universum_usr_bin_gnome-shell.128.uploaded  _usr_bin_nautilus.1000.uploaded12:30
lotuspsychjeuniversum: try a reboot maybe, and file the bug if it allows you to12:32
lotuspsychjeotherwise follow the crash bug procedure from here:12:32
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.12:32
lotuspsychjeuniversum: do you have a launchpad account?12:34
BluesKajHi all12:48
universumlotuspsychje what is this ?12:59
lotuspsychjeuniversum: launchpad is the website, where the bugs will be reported towards13:02
universumnot yet. i rebooted like you said. no error atm13:03
oerheksnope, no odays here13:10
l33t-0dayhi all13:10
l33t-0dayfirst timer here13:10
l33t-0dayhow are you all ?13:11
oerheks welcome to ubuntu support13:11
l33t-0dayi heard ubuntu there is security breach13:11
l33t-0dayis that true guys ?13:11
oerheksthere are always bloggers that write about security, after we published updated packages.13:13
jackfruit998Eyo, sorry for the bother folks, I tried to do research but all I pulled up was server-related stuff, and I've got a laptop I'm a bit... concerned about. What temperature ranges should I start getting worry about on my adaptors while idling? I know modern parts run pretty hot these days.13:13
oerheksjackfruit998, check #hardware for that, or the vendor.13:13
oerheksnot an ubuntu issue..13:13
jackfruit998Ah, thanks, I'll check it out, sorry, not really familiar with IRCs.13:13
oerheksno problem, love to help you to get a good answer13:14
oerheksadapters can get quite hot, but idle...13:14
l33t-0daysee yourself donald trump libera https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ds4Yo30vgw he has something to say for you all13:25
oerheksstop that spam, keep that for your friends13:26
leftyfbl33t-0day: this is a support channel. Please troll elsewhere13:26
oerheks!coc > l33t-0day13:26
ubottul33t-0day: Please see my private message13:26
l33t-0dayif your american13:28
l33t-0dayyou should know13:28
l33t-0daybefore donald trump close ubuntu for good13:28
l33t-0daysee yourself ubuntu user13:28
leftyfbl33t-0day: take it elsewhere13:29
ThermoriaxThis is some low grade 4chan trolling.13:29
oerhekswelcome to friday support, Thermoriax13:29
ThermoriaxDo I get an achievement? :)13:30
oerheksThermoriax, yes, pick a free download https://torrent.ubuntu.com/tracker_index13:31
l33t-0dayfor top news just follow twitter.com/skraito3 is Lord Jesus Christ blog and skraito ... . We just release unreal engine ... .14:03
leftyfb!op | l33t-0day14:03
ubottul33t-0day: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant14:03
l33t-0daynot even a source code you have14:05
l33t-0dayyou sure this ubuntu is not fake ?14:05
l33t-0dayis version Metra14:05
oerhekstime to leave the channel14:05
=== paran0n20 is now known as paran0n2
Siamasterok.. so my disk is dead.. I just bought an adapter with it's own power source and it's still unreadable15:18
SiamasterIs it worth contacting Seagate? can they fix such thing?15:18
leftyfbthey are unlikely to "fix" it15:19
leftyfbSiamaster: your only option at this point is to seek professional recovery services. You're more than likely looking at thousands of dollars.15:19
oerheksyour data must be worth a lot of money..15:19
oerheksyeah, expect 10k, maybe less15:20
tomreynand getting scammed once or twice until you find a non scammy DR service15:20
leftyfbSiamaster: good luck15:21
Siamasterbut why does this even happen? Just bad luck?15:22
tomreynare you asking "why do things break"?15:22
tomreynthere's #hardware for hardware topics by the way15:23
Siamasteryeah I just got off phone with a pro, you're right, 1k dollars at least.. better to buy new porn15:28
SiamasterI can ask #hardware too maybe I'm lucky and there's an easy solution, I doubt it15:29
oerhekslet a electronics man check the print/board and connector, i hope it is just wobbly15:30
Guest52hi how to encrypt a whole external hard disk?16:48
Guest52what does it mean luks?16:49
=== GJdan_ is now known as GJdan
kuka_liedoes this help?16:51
leftyfbGuest52: https://jumpcloud.com/blog/how-to-enable-full-disk-encryption-ubuntu-22-0416:51
ioriaGuest52, encrypt for what ? system os or storage ?16:53
Guest52ioria external hard disks which contain only data such as photo, music, documents, ecc..16:53
ioriaGuest52, much simpler; install libcryptsetup and  use gnome-disks16:54
Guest52ioria is it the default software for ubuntu?16:55
Guest52what should i type in app center to find this software?16:56
ioriaGuest52, disk16:56
ioriaGuest52, sorry, disks16:56
Guest52ioria it's already installed16:56
ioriaGuest52, ok start it - look here : https://www.neowin.net/guides/how-to-create-encrypted-partitions-on-linux-with-gnome-disks/16:57
Guest52ioria which is the difference between disks and luks?16:58
ioriaGuest52, Disks is just a name16:59
ioriaGuest52, it uses luks16:59
Guest52Is there any risk of losing data on the HD?17:00
ioriaGuest52, do you already have  data on it ?17:02
maxtimHello! I'm having a DNS Issue! Isn't that exciting! (mumble grumble) I just upgraded to 24.04 and the DNS can't resolve any of the .local domain names. I have two nics and the `systemd-resolve status` command appears correct17:02
leftyfbGuest52: there is always risk with storage devices and filesystems17:02
leftyfbmaxtim: please use a pastebin service to paste the output of resolvectl status17:03
maxtimshould obfuscate any of this?17:03
ioriaGuest52, that procedure will erase everything on it; if you have data on it, you need to backup ; encrypt the device and copy over17:04
leftyfbmaxtim: local network info isn't private data17:04
Guest52ioria yes, data are already on it, but if it is safer to encrypt first and then add the data, I can very well remove them temporarily, encrypt and then put them back on top, even if they are 2 HDs on which I add and remove files and folders continuously, I don't know if this also has an effect, I mean I wouldn't want that even if I do the17:04
Guest52encryption before putting all the files on there, afterwards they always have to be the same17:04
maxtimleftyfb: that's what I figured. Just checkin17:04
maxtimleftyfb: https://pastebin.com/gAYZdvfA17:05
ioriaGuest52, yes, i strongly suggest backup - encrypt - restore17:05
leftyfbmaxtim: there's no local "DNS Domain" set. That gets done via DHCP and is configured on your DHCP server, typically your router17:06
leftyfbmaxtim: is there a reason you're connected to 2 different subnets?17:07
maxtimThis is a nagios server monitoring things17:07
ioriaGuest52, but if your linux-fu is fine, you can resize the drive, create another partition, encrypt the partition, move the data in the new encrypted partition, and then encrypt the first one; needless to say; it's risky17:07
Guest52ioria , ok then I remove all the data, do the encryption and then put them back in the hd, but after I put them, can I use my external hd as usual while continuing to have encryption on the entire hard disk? Maybe I explained myself badly, I mean can I add, delete, modify data continuously and in new data will they also be protected by encryption17:08
Guest52or only the ones I put back in?17:08
ioriaGuest52, no relation between the twos17:09
Guest52ioria i don't need an only encrypted partition, i need to encrypt the whole hard disk17:10
ioriaGuest52, yeah, i got it17:10
ioriaGuest52, think about encryption like a blanket17:11
Guest70ioria if I do as you described in the example where you need to create a new partition, I will then have only one encrypted partition while the other one where I temporarily moved the data will not be, right?17:11
ioriaGuest52, yeah, but you need the space to do all that17:12
sprokkel/buffer set color_inactive_fg default17:12
oerheksencrypt the whole hard disk = start all over with installing ubuntu again, fastest way to do it secure17:13
ioriaoerheks, it's just for data not os17:13
oerheksthen put your data on it, done17:14
oerheksoh, 2nd hdd ?17:14
Guest70ioria i have it too much because i have 2 external hd, so i put all data on first hd, after encryption of the second hd i will put the data again on it. After i will encrypt the first hd and move all data from the second hd, right?17:14
Guest70oerheks i already istalled ubuntu encrypting internal hd17:15
ioriaGuest52, yeah17:15
oerhekssorry, missed that part17:15
Guest70thanks a lot both ioria and oerheks have a nice evening17:16
ioriaGuest52, ok17:16
maxtimleftyfb: well, this device never uses the dhcp server. It's static17:16
leftyfbmaxtim: ok, so set .local as your domain in your network config17:17
leftyfbmaxtim: though you really should be using a proper local domain and DNS server17:18
maxtimleftyfb: disco thanks17:20
Guest70ioria oerheks """"" One of the drawbacks to encrypting the device using this method is that you'll be limited to what file system you use. """""17:25
Guest70maybe it is risky to use NTFS? I generally use NTFS because I have been told that I can read it with both Ubuntu and Windows, while if I use EXT4, then it seems to me that it can only be read by Ubuntu and not by Windows in case I need to read it on a backup computer17:25
Guest70Is it dangerous to use NTFS? Is there a risk of data loss?17:25
oerheksone could use windows encrypted disk on linux too, bitlocker.17:26
oerhekswell, encrypted ntfs sharing between platforms, no idea how that works17:28
Guest70oerheks ioria among the options you can choose NTFS, so it should work, but at the same time it describes it as a "DISADVANTAGE" when talking about file system, so I didn't understand if he means that it is risky and that it can cause data loss17:29
=== h1ghrate is now known as highrate
Guest70oerheks ioria besides NTFS is there another file system that can be read by both Ubuntu and Windows and that I can use without risks?17:40
oerhekswithout any risks means repairable? fat3217:41
Guest70oerheks I don't know, I mean I don't want to risk data loss. I just didn't understand why in the guide ioria sent me it says that there are some disadvantages regarding filesystems and I thought that maybe there are some filesystems that are more secure than others17:44
oerheksthere is an ext3 util to read and write on windows, not tested and certainly not with encryption17:45
oerheksthe windows part makes it difficult, i hope someone else here has an expert view17:45
Guest70the guide says: """""In this short guide, I will show you how to create an encrypted USB stick. One of the drawbacks to encrypting the device using this method is that you'll be limited to what file system you use.""""""""17:47
Guest70however NTFS is present in list17:47
=== catties is now known as Catty
elvishay alguien aqui con vida18:53
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:53
elvisque tal19:09
marcosto imparando sorry buna serata19:17
Guest45hi all, is there any way I can find a dbgsym package that are not in http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/ anymore?19:52
oerhekswhat package exactly?19:52
oerheksand for what ubuntu version?19:52
Guest45linux, but with dbgsym19:52
Guest45I can see dbgsym file was generated (https://launchpadlibrarian.net/101184666/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-amd64.linux_3.2.0-23.36_BUILDING.txt.gz) but can't find it to download19:53
Guest45I just want to study a bug on that version19:54
leftyfbGuest45: ubuntu 12.04?19:55
leftyfbGuest45: you mean the release that went End of Life almost 8 years ago?19:55
oerheksnope http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/pool/main/l/linux/19:56
Guest45leftyfb: yeap, I'm studying this version19:56
leftyfbGuest45: Ubuntu 12.04 is no longer supported. Study 22.04 or 24.0419:57
Guest45thanks leftyfb19:57
oerheksonly the old isos are there https://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/19:57
Guest45oerheks: it was built back there: https://web.archive.org/web/20121118005111/http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/pool/main/l/linux/19:57
Guest45I can find old isos and packages, but not ddeb packages19:57
oerheksi see the list but the files are not there, sorry, no way to find them20:00
oerheksput this question on askubuntu or stackexchange, maybe you get lucky20:00
kuka_liethere might be some ubuntu mirror that has those20:01
oerhekskuka_lie, nope.20:01
oerheksserverspace costs money, and such old versions are abandoned after a few years20:02
JanCit might be possible to recreate them...20:02
Guest45I hope so kuka_lie but I doubt that20:03
Guest45JanC: do such build is complex? I never did it before20:05
Guest45I'll look for mirrors not updated, if not lucky I'll try it20:05
kuka_liebtw is it possible to install .deb made for debian 12/11 in ubuntu20:07
leftyfbkuka_lie: it's not supported20:07
=== abcX is now known as Guest5692
gmachine24Hi running Ubuntu Server 22.04.05 had trouble when updating - there was a linux-firmware package that would not update - I do not have the exact error message - but something was corrupt. Sorry to be so vague. Today when running the update command again I got the message that there are two install candidates - and now I am lost. Here is the text https://pastebin.com/t2ApsSnm22:15
oerheksi have linux-firmware (20220329.git681281e4-0ubuntu3.36) installed, updatesd yesterday?22:18
leftyfbgmachine24: sudo apt install linux-firmware22:18
oerhekslinux-firmware/jammy 20220329.git681281e4-0ubuntu1 was from 2022-04-0122:21
gmachine24huh. well, that worked fine - I was a little afraid because I could not install the linux-firmware update yesterday.22:21
gmachine24I do not know how often firmware updates come out but I'm guessing it's more frequently than every 30 months22:23
oerhekswhen there is a reason to do so..22:24
gmachine24the error message when trying to install the linux-firmware package yesterday was Upgrade: linux-firmware:amd64 (20220329.git681281e4-0ubuntu3.35, 20220329.git681281e4-0ubuntu3.36)22:35
gmachine24Error: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)22:35
gmachine24anyway, it's fixed. thanks.22:36
=== h1ghrate is now known as highrate

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