
migryI am having problems with Xubuntu install. Reaching out for answers.....20:43
migryI burnt a DVD with the latest 64 bit version of Xubuntu. Install is on an older PC which has 2GB unformatted SATA drive (ready for install) and DVD drive. Used to have 3Gb of RAM now upgraded to 10Gb.20:45
migryyesterday it worked and I installed on a smaller 500Gb disk. But I need to use a biiger disk.20:45
migryI can boot from DVD into the GUI. Yesterday the browser worked today it doesn't I get input/ouput error. When I click on the install icon - nothing happens. Yesterday the system ran super slow (due to only 3Gb RAM?) but I clicked on the icon and went away. When I returned the install menu had appeared.20:47
tomreynmigry: 2GB HDD? do you mean 2TB?20:55
migrySorry yes. Hello20:55
tomreynhi there20:55
migryFirst time I booted the DVD disk on the PC with 3GB, boot was super slow, might be an old DVD drive. BTW no disk connected just the DVD drive. I tried to run browser and got this unexpected message input/output error. Googled and it has been seen before. Didn't know what to make of this.20:56
tomreynhmm, 500 GB disk should have been well enough20:56
tomreyninput/output error may hint on a media error/broken disk20:57
tomreynbut it could also just be an issue with the optical media20:57
tomreynmaybe you have a complete error message?20:57
migryNext day I wanted to experiment with install on the 500Gb hard drive which was already formatted for linux and came out of a NAS. Data was not important so I erased the partitions. This time when I booted the DVD ROM and tried the browser Firefox appeared. The system was super sluggish possibly due to only 3Gb of RAM.20:58
tomreyn3GB RAM may not be enough for Xubuntu20:58
tomreynyou can run    dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999    when it gets slow or reports errors again20:59
tomreynthis would upload your kernel log to the termbin.com pastebin-like site, where it is stored for, i think, a month20:59
tomreynand then share it here20:59
migryThe install to the 500Gb disk did indeed work. I removed the DVD drive and booted from hard disk. I connected another disk via SATA to USB (it came from a NAS) and fought with command to make the RAID parititons viewable and finally was able to mount it and copy data to the 500Gb drive. Only problem 500Gb is not enough. So Now I wanted to repeat21:00
migrybut install on a un paritioned 2Tb drive.21:00
tomreynwhat i just wrote also applies to the installer, once you brought it online.21:01
migryI cannot run browser on the PC so I'm not sure how to get logs off. I guess I could ssh in but not sure how to set this up. I am puzzled that 500Gb drive worrked but the 2Tb disk doesn't. Could it be the fact the 500Gb drive was formatted? I am guessing.21:01
tomreynthe command i provided does not depend on a web browser, you'd just need a terminal emulator (that black "command window") and n irc client to share it here21:02
migryRe 3Gb. I found some more DDR3 sticks and installed a 8Gb and 2Gb stick to replace to 3 x 1Gb. System seems more responsive. Clicking on the "install" blue icon... nothing happens.21:02
tomreynwhether or not a disk is formatted should not matter when you do a fresh install on it21:02
migryOK will try the command, back iin a minute,....21:03
tomreynactually i may need to leave for some 30-45 mins, maybe someone else can take over, or we can talk when i'm back. sorry...21:03
migryOK appreciate you answering.21:06
migryThe dmesg pipe command just hangs21:06
migryDmesg works to the console21:06
migryThe filesystem is read only? Is that expected. I would have thought that home/xubuntu might be RAM based. I tried to redirect dmesg to a file but tthis failed.21:07
migryI am going to format the disk. Shutdown and then reboot. I realise this shouldn't make any difference.21:10
migryIs there a command line command to start the install?21:10
migryI did look at the text associated with the install icon and it seemed to execute something in /snap/bin but that file was missing there is only one file in this folder.21:10
migryFWIW I have a 2Tb disk from a broken ASUStor NAS. It is Linux formatted as initially seen using a Raspberry Pi ! I have another unparitioned 2Tb disk. I want to installed Linux on this disk, then reboot with this disk, then mount the NAS 2Tb disk, then copy over all the files. One idea is to run openmediaserver on the Linux PC until I buy a new NAS21:16
migrydrive. Another experiment is to use a Raspberry Pi4 (which I already have) and use it as a NAS/Media server.21:16
migrydisk is formatted as ext4. now rebootinf from DVD#21:31
tomreynmigry: i'm not aware of a command you can run in a shell to start the installation. it's meant to be graphical, i would think21:38
tomreynmaybe you mistyped, or were offline when you ran the command to share the log?21:39
tomreynfilesystem read only is unexpected to me, indeed there should be a RAM based overlay allowing you to write (while RAM supply lasts)21:39
migrystill re-booting21:41
migryNo idea what the problkem was. I tried a different console and redirection worked.21:41
tomreynhmm, i will no idea until we have some logs, i'm afraid.21:42
migryCan't remember whether I did something to ihnstall Firefox the other day. The system was running so slow that I was coming back every 15 minutes to see if anything had happened. Neverthess once installed on the 500Gb disk the system appeared to run smoothly.21:43
migryI can try again when it boot with the log command.21:43
tomreynpersonally i'd also prefer installing from a usb stick many times over installing from optical media21:43
tomreynjust because i've had too many failed burns21:45
migryI chose DVD as it is easy. I have some USB sticks but they have data on them.21:47
migryDesktop has appeared.21:47
migryRedirection works. Perhaps I was in a protected folder and not home/xubuntu?21:47
tomreynhow long did booting this take now?21:48
migryDid the dmesg again.21:48
tomreynyou would not see input/output errors as a result of lack of permissions21:48
migry10 to 15 minutes21:48
tomreyndoh, thats looong21:48
migrytermbin.com/2qj1 (could be l = "L")21:49
tomreyni would only expect this if the installer media was half broken or there was too little RAM (less than 4 GB)21:49
tomreynthis exists and is a kernel log, looking21:49
tomreynP6T SE, BIOS 0106    01/19/200921:50
tomreynquite the dated system indeed ;)21:50
tomreyn19 GB RAM, ok21:50
migryIronically the DVD drive in this old PC wasn't working. It had a magazine cover disk with bootable Linux distro in the drive. I played with it and it wouldn't  recognise the boot media. I tried with a newly written DVD+R with Xubuntu and it didn't recognise that either. So I fonud another dirve and hooked it up. Perhaps it is older and slower?21:51
tomreynpossibly, hard to tell21:51
migryIt was top notch in its day ! :-) Now it just occasionally get used. It was meant to be a mailserver running Dovecot.21:51
migryP6T I remember == ASUS21:52
migryWhen I click on the browser icon it doesn't run but I get a window with tihs input/output error message."Failed to execute default web browser". I would have thought that a live linux distro would be setup to run a web browser. Does this indicate some issue with my install?21:54
tomreynsome acpi resource conflicts there, but nothing out of the ordinary21:54
tomreynit may. i have probably not tried the installer of the version you have there21:55
tomreynthis was in response to the web browser not launching21:55
tomreynhmm, somehting may be wrong with your real-time clock there - or maybe it just didn't get updated for years...  systemd-journald[839]: Time jumped backwards, rotating.21:57
migryI downloaded Xubuntu ISO just the other day. It is my preferred distro as I like the way it is setup. I never got on with Ubuntu. I have tried other distros from time tio time but feel comfortable with this flavour of Linux.21:57
tomreyncool, that's fine, i'm not trying to talk you into something else ;)21:57
migryYes. The CR3032(?) must have been dead. I rep[laced it a few hours ago. I set the time in the BIOS but might have been a few minutes out. I know that with some computer systesm this can really confuse the hell out of them,.21:58
migryThe BIOS was forgetting my settings and I waas fed up with entering the date and time in the BIOS every time.21:58
tomreynquite understandable :)21:59
tomreynso, at least on this log, there is no indication of i/o errors, neither on the dvd nor on the installed disks22:01
migryTBH the "project" is to get the data off the drive that came from the broken ASUStor NAS. I confirmed with the 500Gb Linux install that I can mount the RAID (took me ages to find out how) and then I can copy to the main drive. 500Gb wasn't enough but I did rescue the TV programs. I need to bigger disk to get the rest of the stuff. Putting the old22:01
migry"NAS" SATA in the SATA to USB (2) adapter caused really slow transfer. So when I finally get an install I will connect both SATA to the PC and disconnect the DVD drive. Really it was an experiment to figure out how to use Linux to "see" the data. Thankfully the data was still there.22:01
migryLet me try the install blue icon.....22:01
tomreynboth the common web browsers (firefox, chromium) are snap based, i have no experience with running those browsers from the installer/live system22:01
migryWhat is "snap"? This is new to me.22:04
tomreynyou might have an easier life there with a yet more light-weight desktop system, or even a terminal only installation. though i can't help but guess what took it those 10.5 minutes to boot was really the dvd22:04
tomreynsnap is a newer packaging format. canonical has introduced this, it uses some containment, similar to flatpak22:04
migryI went into /home/xubuntu/Desktop and looked at the icon file. It executres /snap/bin/.....long-intaller--name  . There is only one file in /snap/bin22:04
tomreynit doesn't replace apt at this point (and supposedly never will?) but it complements it. it can be a good match for fast-moving software such as web browsers22:05
tomreynmaybe this is really a bug, not sure22:06
migryI did burn a Linux MINT distro. Didn't like the GUI look and feel, but this isn't critical for this mission.Nevertheless its always nice to have a modern Linux distro and if I was going to use any I prefer Xubuntu for whatever reason.22:06
tomreynwhich xubuntu version are you trying to install there?22:06
migryAppreciate you taking the time.22:06
tomreynyou're welcome 22:06
migryStill puzzled why the 500Gb drive install, really sluggish with 3Gb, actually worked22:06
tomreynthe log you shared does not cover the part where you try to install to the internal disk, so  i couldn't tell what's going on there. are you trying this yet again?22:07
migryI think I was put off vanilla Ubuntu when they moved the windows close to a different place. I think it upset a lot of people.22:07
migryI can't install because the icon points to an executable in /snap/bin which doesn't exist22:08
migryNo idea how this could have worked the other day.22:08
tomreynif you would tell me which xubuntu version you have there i could download it and run it in a vm to see what you see22:08
tomreynoh ok22:09
tomreyn.0 then?22:09
migryNo don;t go to that effort. I will try Mint and see what happens. I've worked with computers for long enough to know wierd things can happen on specific systems :-)22:09
migryIt displays 24 04 when booting22:10
tomreynlsb_release -ds    would tell you, but you don't strictly need to check then22:10
migryUbuntu 24.04.1 LTS22:11
tomreyngood, i actually have that one downloaded already22:11
tomreynVM is up :-P22:15
migryOK !22:15
tomreynhmm, i selected "web browser" from the menu, and it started up fine22:16
migryOK. Do you have anything in /snap/bin ?22:18
tomreynthe firefox process is /snap/firefox/4793/usr/lib/firefox/firefox for me22:18
migryHmmmm. I hve nothing in /snap/bin so I wonder why?22:19
tomreynand, yes, there is /snap/bin with symlinks in there22:19
tomreynhow do you check what's in there?22:19
migrysudo ls /snap/bin - there is one coloured thing - symlink?22:20
tomreyncould be :)22:20
tomreynls -l /snap/bin   would tell22:21
migryhold on....22:21
tomreynbut i have many more than just 122:21
migryin red geckodriver -> firefiox.geckodriver22:22
migryThis is the problem. My install has failed to install the symlinks for some reason.22:23
tomreynhttps://termbin.com/gzvw is     ls -l /snap/bin    for me22:23
tomreynyes, red suggests broken link22:23
tomreynnot sure why that would fail22:23
migryIt is the only link.22:23
tomreynbut you can run   sudo snap refresh22:23
migryOK let me try22:24
tomreynthis updates installed snaps. i guess it can take a long time on your system, though22:24
tomreyntook about 1.5 minutes here22:24
tomreynthis VM has 2 physical zen 1 cpu cores and 4 GB (DDR4) RAM assigned22:25
tomreynsnap refresh output:  https://termbin.com/bg6j22:26
migry"too early for operation......." I have seen this error previously22:26
tomreyni've heard this beafore, too, let's see22:26
migryIt's as if the process to copy from DVD to RAM hasn't finished yet22:26
tomreyni think this is a result of snap not initializing itself properly22:27
tomreynyou can try this:   sudo apt update && sudo apt purge snapd && sudo apt install snapd22:29
migryOK will try now22:29
tomreynit will tell you that it needs to remove  "firefox* snapd* thunderbird*"22:30
tomreynso you'll also need to    snap install firefox    in the end22:31
tomreynand unfortunately all those changes will need to be stored in ram22:31
tomreynanother approach you could take next time is to just download an unpackaged or apt packaged firefox from firefox.com22:32
migryhmmm wonder if there is a "race" condition caused by my (apparently) old and slow DVD drive? Nowadays I assume a distro is liklely to be tested on modern hardware and not stuff 10+ years old?22:32
tomreyni'm wondering this, too22:32
migryits stuck at 60%22:33
migryBTW I am an electronic engineer and race conditions occur in hardware and I am pretty sure with "processes" software too. But that's only a finger in the air guess.22:33
tomreynit's a common software issue, yes22:34
tomreynand called just that22:34
tomreyndoes    free -g    say you still have "Mem" "available"?22:34
migryIf the "original" DVD ROM in this PC was working, it is suppsed to be a Samsung high speed, I might have booted much faster too.22:34
tomreynor "buff/cache" is also fine22:34
* tomreyn sings the usb stick song22:35
migrysnap now has the symlinks. Web browser has just brough up Firefox with no asscoiated problems.22:36
tomreynyay. i think you could report a bug later if you wanted22:36
tomreynor we could check whether someone else has done so before22:36
migryBTW this PC might be old enbough not to boot off USB? I have lots of DVD +R -R RW etc, so it just made sense to quickly burn one. I have tried writing a USB boot stick in the past but you need to infd some software and all I remember was that it was a nightmare.22:37
migryHow and where do you report bugs?22:37
tomreyngenerally, usually on launchpad. i assume installer bugs go here - but not sure: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/+bugs22:38
tomreynhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/+filebug precisely22:39
migryNow installing. The install binary is a symlnk in /snap/bin22:40
migryMany many thanks for your help[ and patience..22:40
tomreynoh you'Re welcome. something you mentioned before made me think the installer is a snap, too22:41
tomreynhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1826662 seems to suggest there may have been an easier fix22:43
-ubottu:#xubuntu- Launchpad bug 1826662 in snapd "Can't install any snaps: too early for operation, device not yet seeded or device model not acknowledged" [Medium, Confirmed]22:43
tomreynmaybe this can be useful if you'll need to reboot the installer again for somereason22:43
migryAha OK already reported.22:44
tomreyni.e. just running   systemctl restart snapd.seeded.service   may be sufficient22:44
migryThe one redemming fact about computers is when they do really really really wierd and stupid things .... there is always a logical reason :-)22:44
tomreynhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap/+bugs doesn't show your report, yet22:45
tomreynthere is supposedly ;) always a logical reason, but finding that can be difficult22:45
migryI am fighing the system to calidate my email  :-(22:46
migryWhen I arriive at the local NcDonalds haaving arrived after a 10 minute journey the app always says "you are not here yet" ... oh yes I bl....y well am!!!!22:46
tomreynweird, i just tried to install using the desktop icon, too, and it didn't run anything at all, because i also removed snapd the way i had suggested to you, and then reinstalled it, andnow the installer snap was gone22:49
tomreyndid you not need to reinstall (using snap) "ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap" before you could run the installer?22:49
migryNow logged in and will try to desribe the bug.22:49
migryI followed your instructions which caused all the syumlinks in /snap/bin to appear. The symlink for the install icon was here.22:50
migryThat link was the critical one for installation.22:50
tomreynhmm, i don't really understand why it worked for you now, but i'm glad it did ;)22:52
tomreynapparently, clicking the "support" links shown on the installer does nothing22:53
migryTyping bug details rright now22:56
migrybug submitted.23:01
tomreyni was almost faster: bug 208950523:01
-ubottu:#xubuntu- Bug 2089505 in ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap "Xubuntu 24.04.1 installer: Clicking links does nothing" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/208950523:01
tomreyni guess bug 2089504 is yours then23:02
-ubottu:#xubuntu- Bug 2089504 in ubuntu-desktop-bootstrap "Install of Xubuntu 24.04.01 LTS from slow DVD drive fails due to no symlinks in /snap/bin" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/208950423:02
migryYes thats kmine23:02
migryThanks again. I'm need a cuppa. Install to HDD has finished and I am about to re-boot and then try to get the files copied from the old NAS drive.23:04
tomreyngood luck!23:04

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