
amurraytsimonq2: hey, for intel-microcode 3.20241112.1ubuntu2 you included a link to a debian bug number - shouldn't we have an equivalent LP bug number to track that change in Ubuntu? Or ideally shouldn't this land directly in debian first? then we can merge it for Ubuntu?00:37
tsimonq2amurray: At the time the change was blocking some work I was doing for the Lubuntu ISOs, and it matches amd64-microcode. I'm not particular on having a Launchpad bug, if you think that's the best course of action I can certainly file one.01:01
amurraytsimonq2: I just found it a bit odd to reference a debian bug number in a ubuntu package upload - seems like an impedence mismatch - either it should be an upload to debian to reference the debian bug or a LP bug number02:09
amurrayalso since it doesn't actually close the debian bug as the upload hasn't landed there right, it seemed odd to use the Closes: syntax02:10
tsimonq2amurray: It's more of a reference for the next person doing the Debian merge, so they know to check for that in the incoming upload(s).02:35
tsimonq2I usually don't do it that way otherwise. :)02:35
amurrayah ok - thanks02:47
tsimonq2bdrung: triggers> I'll look into it further, but it's possible this is what Debian will do.03:49
tsimonq2bdrung, juliank: I've been told HiDPI Plymouth works in Fedora.03:52
tsimonq2bdrung: Also per previous discussions: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dracut/105-2ubuntu304:06
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coconasonCan I access a git repository to get the ubuntu-glibc source code?07:15
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woky_late thanks! Odd_Bloke15:33
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halveshello ubuntu-devel! what's the preferred way to add a binary file to an SRU? (e.g. a .bz2 file for a regression test case) - I found debian/source/include-binaries, but it's not addressed in the Debian policy or packaging docs16:55
enr0nhalves: I have done something similar in the past, and the SRU team did not have a problem with using d/s/include-binaries. I can't find the logs now, but IIRC I asked my team about it and could not come up with any alternatives17:07
cjwatsonYes, I think that's the best way.  It's in dpkg-source(1) FWIW17:11
cjwatsonBefore that existed people used to have to uuencode/base64-encode/whatever binary files added in Debian diffs, which was clearly worse17:12
cjwatsonPost-xz-compromise I suppose you should expect more scrutiny of compressed files added in stable updates though :)17:13
adrienA probably little-known thing with xz-utils is that Jia Tan was adamant that the change to "fix the valgrind issues" should also include the updated test cases, which was against policy for post-freeze changes.17:28
cjwatsonadrien: If not for knowing the context, though, I'd say that was a weird policy17:53
cjwatsonPost-freeze changes are usually where you want _more_ testing17:53
ubottubdmurray, bdrung, rbasak, schopin, teward, tsimonq2, utkarsh2102: DMB ping19:03
halvesenr0n cjwatson thanks! yes, I thought that was a cleaner way (as opposed to having a big binary chunk in the diff). Ideally I'd also like to have some kind of sha256sum integrated into it, for precisely those xz concerns :)19:26
halvesbut this is already super helpful confirmation, thank you both!19:26
liushuyujbicha: Hi sorry for bringing up this again, but are we doing the "dual maintenance on Salsa" thing for  https://salsa.debian.org/utopia-team/polkit-gnome?19:28
liushuyuBecause I will forget https://salsa.debian.org/utopia-team/polkit-gnome/-/merge_requests/5 this exists for another year (it's November) and we won't be able to do anything about it if it's not maintained by us19:29
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Merge 5 in utopia-team/polkit-gnome "Merge Ubuntu deltas" [Opened]19:30
jbichaliushuyu: it's not practical to push our Ubuntu changes for that package to Debian19:31
liushuyujbicha: I received conflict opinons in https://code.launchpad.net/~liushuyu-011/ubuntu/+source/policykit-1-gnome/+git/policykit-1-gnome/+merge/46573719:32
liushuyu* opinions19:32
liushuyuSomeone else said: "We maintain the package in salsa, so no need to do a PR here. If there are ubuntu-only changes they need to be synchronized there."19:33
jbichaMarco's comment there was a mistake. Most similar packages are maintained on the Salsa side but we haven't done that for this package yet19:33
liushuyujbicha: Can someone from related teams make a comment on that Launchpad MP to state the situation? Because I can see everyone else are very confused19:34
liushuyu(... including me)19:35
jbichaoh, it's a universe package and there is no package owner like there are for packages in main (and select flavor packages)19:36
liushuyuerm... then what should we be doing in this case?19:38
jbichasomeone needs to review the Launchpad merge. The one comment disrupted the normal review that should have happened months ago19:40
liushuyujbicha: Okay, then I should record the summarised version of this conversation on Launchpad, is that correct? Because otherwise nobody will know the original comment is not the intended solution19:44
jbichayes please. This is a short week for me with US holidays so I'm not sure whether I'll get to it this week myself19:45
liushuyujbicha: I know it's going to be the Turkey consumption festival in US very soon, but I will still subscribe you to that bug so that if someone else has more questions you will see them too19:47
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RikMillsMoM is not updating21:01
adriencjwatson: I think I told them that it was fine and that the testsuite wouldn't be used for the package but it would still get exercised locally :P21:17
cjwatsonhalves: I don't really see the point of a sha256sum here - packages are already signed as part of uploading them to the archive, so it doesn't really help22:11

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