
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk
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rbasakI may be a few minutes late18:55
tewardi'm late19:05
tewardbut i'm here19:05
tewarda call ran over19:06
rbasakI'm here now19:07
schopinbdrung is out.19:07
rbasakCould someone else chair please, so it's not just me and Utkarsh every time?19:10
schopinWIll do.19:14
schopinWe don't have quorum yet though?19:14
rbasakWe can have the meeting anyway19:14
schopinAlright then :)19:15
schopin#startmeeting Developer Membership Board19:15
meetingologyMeeting started at 19:15:21 UTC.  The chair is schopin.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology19:15
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick19:15
rbasakIf we're unanimously +1, then one of the absentees could finish it by email.19:15
schopinI believe we have one applicant for MOTU today, mirespace ?19:15
mirespaceyes o/19:16
schopin#topic MOTU Application19:16
schopin#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MiriamEspanaAcebal/MOTUApplication19:16
schopinmirespace: hi :). Could you please introduce yourself?19:17
mirespaceHello. My name is Miriam España Acebal (two surnames), and I work as a distro engineer in the CPC team at Canonical, where I started in 7/2021 in the Server team. I usually deal with Microsoft-related packages because I'm on the Azure team. My last adventures involve WALinuxagent and the to-be-packaged rust-based GuestProxyAgent, but I also dedicate time to general distro work.19:17
mirespaceMy application was linked above19:17
schopinThanks :)19:19
mirespaceyw :)19:19
tewardbecause i'm not caffeinated enough yet today, CPC = ?  (For the IRC logs)19:19
mirespaceCanonical Public Cloud (sorry!)19:19
tewardno worries, i should know this but i haven't had enough coffee :)19:20
schopinI don't think even I knew that the first C was for Canonical.19:20
mirespaceI think that there is a debate on that... in the last sprint, we only have Public Cloud in our badges19:20
rbasakOK so I'll start I guess! Let's say that it's after feature freeze in the cycle, and you're considering a package update from 1.2.3-1 to 1.2.4-0ubuntu1. What do you need to check for compliance with feature freeze, if anything?19:25
utkarsh2102hey heey19:26
mirespaceNo new features  and/or ABI/API changes for a package can be uploaded after Feature Freeze, so I would check that first19:26
tewardo/ utkarsh210219:26
utkarsh2102can someone send a scrollback please?19:26
rbasakmirespace: OK! So say that you look and there is a small feature change. You think the release team might grant an exception. How should you ask them for one?19:27
schopinutkarsh2102: done, check MM19:27
mirespaceI will create a bug requesting a FeatureFreezeException following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess19:28
utkarsh2102thanks, schopin! o/19:29
mirespaceI can also ask in the ubuntu-release channel if someone on the release team can take a lok if I'm not sure enough, or tag the bug19:29
mirespaceubuntu-release tag19:30
mirespaceDepending on what moment of the cycle we were, for no bother a lot the release team if they are in a critical task19:31
rbasakI'm not aware of an ubuntu-release tag. Is that documented anywhere?19:31
utkarsh2102it's subscribing ~ubuntu-release not tagging the bug :)19:31
mirespacehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess, the last point on FeatureFreeze for new upstream versions19:31
mirespaceyes, true19:32
mirespacemy fault19:32
rbasakOK :)19:32
rbasakSo let's say that your FFe is granted, and you upload. It then gets "stuck in proposed". What does this mean, and where do you find documentation on how to handle this situation?19:33
utkarsh2102question: I see Christian sponsoring a lot of uploads - at least definitely reviews - why is he not endorsing the application?19:33
mirespaceThat means that the migration process  is failing at some point (test regressions, FTBFS, ...)19:33
mirespaceDocumentation about this can be find at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration19:34
mirespaceand also at https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-maintainers-handbook/blob/main/ProposedMigration.md19:34
utkarsh2102so what do you do then - if you see something that has not migrated, what are the next steps?19:34
mirespaceI coul check if the package appears at https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html19:34
mirespaceutkarsh2102: cpaelzer_ sponsored my ServerApplication, maybe that's the reason19:35
mirespaceOnce, in the update_excuses,  I could check if there is a regression marked in some of the autopkgatest ran, for some architectures also19:36
utkarsh2102what if it's not listed there?19:36
utkarsh2102and the package is still not migrating19:36
utkarsh2102well, it's listed there but there's nothing informational :)19:37
mirespaceI could check britney output https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_output.txt19:37
mirespaceTo see if some dependencies problem arose19:37
utkarsh2102what would you if you see your package there?19:37
utkarsh2102let's say you upload "moarvm" package19:38
utkarsh2102and it's listed there as:19:38
utkarsh2102trying: moarvm19:38
utkarsh2102skipped: moarvm (0, 6, 681)19:38
utkarsh2102    got: 57+0: a-7:a-5:a-28:i-2:p-5:r-5:s-519:38
utkarsh2102    * armhf: nqp, prove6, raku-file-find, raku-file-which, raku-getopt-long, raku-hash-merge, raku-json-class, raku-json-fast, raku-json-marshal, raku-json-name, raku-json-optin, raku-json-unmarshal, raku-librarycheck, raku-license-spdx, raku-log, raku-meta6, raku-readline, raku-tap-harness, raku-test-meta, raku-uri, raku-zef, rakudo19:38
utkarsh2102what does that mean19:38
mirespaceI tried to fix something like that with a R package, following Adrien Nader recommendation in ubunut-devel mail list19:38
utkarsh2102what will you do next?19:38
mirespaceIs trying to install moarvm, but skipping in armhf arch19:39
mirespaceThe numbers I think are related to attemps19:40
mirespaceand I probably will look for that dependencies to see if something are preventing that for installing in that arch19:40
utkarsh2102hm, okeydoke19:40
utkarsh2102sorry for hijacking, rbasak - back to you!19:40
schopinmirespace: Let's say you're about to upload a merge of a library from Debian, how would you check for possible transitions it would trigger?19:41
mirespaceI should read more on britney doc19:41
mirespaceI would check the reverse dependencies the library has19:42
schopinWhat would you check them for?19:42
mirespaceif there is some ABI chekcs, I would check if looking for that changes in the rdependencies qith objdump, for example19:43
mirespaceI did that for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/heimdal/+bug/203625319:44
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2036253 in heimdal (Ubuntu Noble) "FTBFS: missing strl* symbols fail the build" [Undecided, Fix Released]19:44
mirespaceWhich is the most similar to a transition I worked on19:44
schopinA fairly special case :)19:44
schopinAssuming upstream and Debian know of the ABI breakage, how would that show in the new version of the package?19:45
schopinFor that hypothetical, let's assume intentional breakage rather than one caused by toolchains19:45
mirespaceAh, that question has a trick I remember ....19:46
mirespaceI'm checking this  because I don't remember  https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-kernel-handbook/ch-versions.html19:47
mirespacemmm ... too quick that is for the kernel19:47
schopinare you familiar with the concept of soname?19:48
mirespaceI waS CHECKING https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-sharedlibs.html#dependencies-between-the-packages-of-the-same-library19:48
mirespacesoname : shared object name, I used it with simbol changes19:50
schopinHow is it used in the packaging of a library?19:51
mirespaceAnd the bump to the new version is made because they need to be installable concurrently19:51
mirespaceor libfoo.so.version19:53
rbasakSo on my system libjpeg-turbo8 ships /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libjpeg.so.8.2.2. What's the soname likely to be?19:53
rbasak(and it also ships /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libjpeg.so.8 -> libjpeg.so.8.2.2)19:53
rbasakMay I move on from transitions and ask a final question?19:56
schopinAlas, no, it would be libjpeg.so.819:56
schopinrbasak: fine with me.19:57
rbasakmirespace: let's say you add a delta to package in universe during +1 maintenance. How will you ensure that it doesn't get left behind in the next cycle if Debian updates the package and it doesn't autosync because of the delta? What's the process in Ubuntu to ensure that this doesn't happen, for a package in universe?19:57
mirespaceOh, yes... I cannot process under  nervouss, sorry: clear here: A shlibs file represents an SONAME as a library name and version number, such as libfoo VERSION, instead of recording the actual SONAME. If the SONAME doesn’t match one of the two expected formats (libfoo-VERSION.so or libfoo.so.VERSION), it cannot be represented, in the doc I linked above19:58
mirespace - Ways to follow-up later changes in merges:19:59
mirespace        - If it needs a patch, because we’re modifying code outside debian folder in quilt format (3.0), we can put there in the description of the patch following DEP3 guidelines19:59
mirespace        - If the merge review was done through MR in Launchpad, put it there, being careful of having the bug linked to the MR.19:59
mirespace        - You can add a final comment to the bug19:59
mirespace        - You can add a more descriptive comment in the commit that probably would be affected in the future merge19:59
rbasakI don't think that answered my question. Can you try reading it again please? Take your time, and ask me to clarify if you need.20:00
schopinFYI, we're out of time so i'll call for a vote after that question has been answered.20:00
mirespaceMerges in universe will appear at https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html?showProposed=true&showMergeNeeded=true&showLongBinaries=true20:01
rbasakYes - they'll appear there - but what's the *process* to ensure that an Ubuntu package with a delta won't languish in that report forever?20:02
utkarsh2102i've also had questions - i'm not super decided yet but time constraints,, oh well :)20:02
mirespacerbask: the question is how the package appears on MOm or how we handle oa package that appears in mom?20:02
utkarsh2102rbasak: i have a hard stop - it's 1:32 AM here. do you want to do votes already?20:02
utkarsh2102teward, schopin?20:02
schopinI'm also close to my hard stop.20:03
tewardi don't have a hard stop but my need for caffeine is making me hit one20:03
mirespacefilling a bug for the next merge, subscribing someone also (the last autor)20:03
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rbasakOK I think we need to move on to voting :-/20:03
mirespaceor a team that has it in the team mapping package20:04
schopin#vote Miriam to get MOTU rights20:04
meetingologyPlease vote on: Miriam to get MOTU rights20:04
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, -1 or +0 in channel (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1|-1|+0 #channelname')20:04
rbasakI'm not sure on your understanding of transitions. I think you might understand enough to know when to ask questions though. You see to understand the packaging uninstallability / migration side, but perhaps not the mapping from soname to binary side so well.20:06
meetingology-1 received from rbasak20:06
rbasakI'm also not so sure on your understanding of Ubuntu's merge process. I'm concerned that delta in Ubuntu will be left behind to languish.20:07
rbasakI was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt on one of those two topics, but I don't think I can for both, sorry! I think you're really close though. Please keep up the good work!20:07
schopin-1 Robie basically wrote much faster than I could organize my thoughts but it's a very similar reasoning.20:07
meetingology-1 Robie basically wrote much faster than I could organize my thoughts but it's a very similar reasoning. received from schopin20:07
rbasakI also appreciate that this may be a matter of not conveying understanding in a stressful IRC meeting :-/20:08
mirespaceAnd I'm sorry, I'm not exposed to transitions per se... I need to look for them with someone who wants20:08
schopinmirespace: A good way to touch transitions during +1 shifts is to work on NBS packages, as those are usually a symptom of ongoing transitions.20:09
mirespaceschopin: thanks for the trick, crossing finger for my next shift hold something related20:10
* rbasak needs to go now, sorry20:10
utkarsh2102-1; i was mostly +0 as I was not super decided as of yet. I've seen Miriam do good work on the CPC side and managing other things but on the other, I feel there's a room for improvement, needed for MOTU. Whilst the answers lead me towards -1, I am also not happy with the endorsements - few endorsers have only sponsored a limited number of packages.20:12
utkarsh2102Those who have sponsored more haven't endorsed the application. I'd also like to see if that can be fixed for the next time. But as I said, Miriam is doing great stuff and I look forward to seeing her get MOTU and then eventually core-dev pretty soon!20:12
meetingology-1; i was mostly +0 as I was not super decided as of yet. I've seen Miriam do good work on the CPC side and managing other things but on the other, I feel there's a room for improvement, needed for MOTU. Whilst the answers lead me towards -1, I am also not happy with the endorsements - few endorsers have only sponsored a limited number of packages. received from utkarsh210220:12
teward01 reasoning to follow20:13
teward-1 reasoning to follow20:14
meetingology-1 reasoning to follow received from teward20:14
utkarsh2102ok, I reallyyyyy need to drop - thanks for chairing schopin. I'll drop now.20:14
utkarsh2102see you all soon! o/20:14
tewardI have seen some promising things in your history, but I fear you don't have the necessary knowledge to properly work on packages as a MOTU without supervision. Additionally, I agree the issue with your endorsements is concerning since none of the primary sponsors of your work endorsed things, which makes me a little concerned they may have intentionally not endorsed you.20:15
meetingologyVoting ended on: Miriam to get MOTU rights20:16
meetingologyVotes for: 0, Votes against: 4, Abstentions: 020:16
meetingologyMotion denied20:16
mirespaceThank you all20:16
schopin#action schopin to announce the results on the ML.20:16
meetingologyACTION: schopin to announce the results on the ML.20:16
mirespaceIt's the problem or being in a no-distro team20:17
mirespaces/or/of/... nut that's known :)20:17
schopinSo sorry, I really have to run so I call this meeting to an end (at least as far as the bot is concerned)20:17
meetingologyMeeting ended at 20:17:39 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2024/ubuntu-meeting.2024-11-25-19.15.moin.txt20:17
* schopin logs off20:17

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