[00:18] I'll no doubt suggest "Merlijn Sebrechts" be used instead of username.. [00:18] maybe also s/Election Timeline/election timeline/ as I don't see why that's upper case when application process isn't [00:20] discourse post; maybe s/at the site, when in the correct/at the site, when posted in the correct/ ; addition of 'posted' maybe better [00:21] same username change in membership board; also s/Nomonation Timeline/nomination timeline/ (case change but also misspelling) [00:22] Mark Shuttleworth will shortlist those nominated, with voting to end Sunday 2024-12-22, 23:59 UTC. maybe [00:23] green wip removed at top; but it remains present for meeting reports; needs removal [00:38] jammy is very long, and does include archive bots I gather; https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/jammy-changes/2024-November/035206.html [00:38] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/jammy-changes/2024-November/035193.html (I'm only opening a few random) [00:39] last line didn't even attempt to hide.. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/jammy-changes/2024-November/035331.html [00:41] archive bot has some in noble too; https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/noble-changes/2024-November/043293.html [00:41] Bashing-om, we can create a private room where I can list them if easier.. (not flodding public channel) [00:42] * guiverc finished read thru [01:27] guiverc: Working to edits ^^ :D [01:41] guiverc: I have pulled oddles of robots - my mind is dazed and confused from all the looking and removing - yeah we will do better in a private channel to not flood - better too now if you hunt and I pull. [01:43] give me a few mins.. (say 5) [02:38] UWN: issue967 now finally up for review: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-867/49814 // 5 hours and 15 minutes --- unreal ! [02:42] looks good to me, thanks Bashing-om [02:44] \o/ ! [04:46] Merlijn sent ubuntu-news 'call for nominations' for membership & technical boards... They've been included in UWN, but also push to fridge? or should we have a specific request for that? [04:47] arraybolt3, you're on Community Council; thus may have interest in my last ^ [04:47] jose too. ^ (though jose can push to fridge himself) [05:25] guiverc: not quite sure I understand the question? (I'm dog-tired and sick so I'm not operating at maximum speed :P) [05:47] arraybolt3, sorry was out with the birbs.. whether to convert https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-news-team/2024-November/003094.html into something like https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2024/06/13/call-for-nominations-developer-membership-board-re-staffing-2024/ (source being mostly taken from discourse posts..) fridge notices go to planet ubuntu.., so maybe seen by a few more users (two posts; one for technical board & another for [05:47] membership board) [05:49] Merlijn included ubuntu-news in mail sent; no specific ref. with how to use it; thus far we've only added to Weekly Newsletter [05:51] fyi.. there is no hurry with this; sleep & consider later is fine! [06:24] ah, I see what you mean. I don't see any reason to *not* post it on the Fridge, so if y'all think that sounds like a good idea, I'd say go for it. [10:36] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::ubuntuonair:: Ubuntu Summit 2024 | No, Open Source Didn't Destroy My Creative Agency @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXocCVpVwUw [11:08] 'Call for nominations: 2024 Ubuntu Technical Board' is up on fridge in preview ... if someone wants to take a look (review), feel free [11:24] 'Call for nominations: 2024 Ubuntu Membership Board' is there now too... I'm unlikely to touch them until tomorrow arvo (maybe 18 hours from now) [11:25] they are both pretty much just [html formatted] versions of discourse posts; no intro text & only pretty standard 'Originally posted to ' ending [21:23] UWN: 867 clean up; will start the push soonest. [21:46] UWN: M/L is way - doing the Forums posting next. [21:48] ack & thanks Bashing-om , will get to uwn shortly [22:00] guiverc: :D [22:00] UWN: Forums posting completed - make up a Mastodon blog next. [22:07] * guiverc started on askubu (you were doign clean up)... still there, then will get to uwn I hope soonish.. [22:25] UWN: I have finished My push - setting up 868 next. [22:27] oops; I just noted I didn't include word "Issue" in heading last week :( Sorry [22:29] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2024/11/25/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-867/ [22:32] added Issue to title in https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2024/11/18/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-866/ but URL left unchanged [22:44] tweeted 867, telegram, (mewe) [22:45] guiverc: You could edit the "slug" in the post options at the top of the editor from what I remember. [22:47] I didn't edit URL intentionally... we'll have sent out that link in posts so I don't want to change that [22:47] and yes it was you that made me aware of that.. I ensured I didn't use that option. [22:48] Ah, wondered if it was intentional. [22:52] thanks krytarik :) [23:03] UWN: Issue868 - screaming off the line - Here we go again :P [23:13] 867 posted to fb (finally)