
LoreJanC, just in case, unfortunately, they left before you responded.00:19
JanCI know00:19
LoreDid you send a response to them?00:20
LoreOr just to the chat?00:20
LoreThe reason I am asking is in case you want to make offline/changed nicknames more explicit in your clients, if you haven't set such a setup yet.00:22
LoreThough, considering your are long enough on IRC from my memory, you sure have it.00:22
oerheksone can group names to one account, ask in #libera00:23
JanCI just mentioned it in the chat in case they came back & someone might see it & relay it  :)00:27
JanCthat way at maybe the time I spent testing it wasn't entirely wasted   :)00:28
LoreI see. oerheks, sure, but they disconnected. At least, here some could use "alts", while in #linux it's prohibited.00:32
=== BelCalm6 is now known as BelCalm
utoi'm stalked by hikaru utada. kuma_power. is felt_tip, hs500_00. isbn0053. that's all and there are artists in south korea from jail. they pretend to demo people, switched i-D between university studnets and un-educated students, they running gallery and steal finearts artists i-D and home and family and artowkrs. especially dong hyun kim and aram hwang put woman artists into jail and st stel works. aram hwang is jaeyong lee, SAMSUNG.02:08
utowe have goverment id with roman numbers, in south korea and maybe im not south korean, i guess. my name is hyein hwang and id used brandy and brandydesk and gbl on chillian and etc. were is my family ad my records?02:09
utomy ubuntu can't work with usb and network and i made a file with max. urams and kian have that. use freely. thanks for my parents. but i dont know they where are.02:10
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:41
Bashing-om!cookie | Scarlett02:42
ubottuScarlett: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!02:42
night_owl 666703:23
JuanCrowFeatherhi how's it going04:36
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=== DouglasK3 is now known as DouglasK
MrPirateAnyone here knowledgeable about proxy settings in Ubuntu? I am trying to remove an old setting that I forgot where was set. I checked in Settings, in the Environment file, and also I grepped the entire etc folder for the specific proxy address and I still haven't found where it is. The issue shows up in "Software & Updates" any time I make a change07:25
MrPirateand refresh07:25
cIclopshi. trying to reinstall 22.04 on a different disk (old disk has errors) with a minimal installation and third party graphics drivers. using advanced partitioning tool to select device for boot loader installation. selected good disk. is revert the next step?07:32
ravageRevert sounds like the opposite of Next07:34
cIclopsthere is no next only quit and back07:34
ravageWhat do you need the advanced partitioning for?07:36
cIclopsto select the boot device07:36
ravageYou can select the boot device in your BIOS07:37
cIclopsgrub seems to do that07:37
ravagethe installer will install the bootloader on the disk you select07:38
cIclopsonce it is installed?07:38
ravageyou dont need any advanced partitioning for that07:38
cIclopshow do I select a different disk during install?07:38
ravagedid you try to just use the full disk option?07:39
ravageit should still ask which one07:39
cIclopsok thanks ... back to the start again!07:39
=== abe is now known as Ocean
MrPiratecan someone help me unset my stupid proxy settings?08:48
LoreMrPirate, someone? I believe so!09:24
LoreThough, who is someone?09:24
MrPirateLore, who is this charming knowledgeable person ?09:24
LoreIndeed! Reveal yourself! And put all the responsibility for your answers, reputation, and communication with MrPirate!09:25
MrPiratewe're not doing brain surgery here, relax09:26
LoreMrPirate then why the heck you explicitly require people to waste their time in those roundabouts regarding the issue? Please ask the damn question then like a grown up providing normal as much details as possible about an issue the root cause can come from indefinite number of sources, including the software in use, the OS environment, the hardware, and not to mention your own setup and activities09:29
Lorethere only you know.09:29
LoreThe question asking guidelines are stated in the /topic -> http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html09:30
MrPiratedamn dude, who hurt you? i asked my question earlier, and nobody responded, so i asked this way to see if anyone would respond.09:31
MrPirateno need to be a prick09:31
LoreI see. I won't respond you anymore, and hope you'll get your answer soon.09:31
LoreMrPirate, oh, just in case, https://dontasktoask.com/09:32
Lore> Foobar123:Any Java experts around?09:32
MrPirateany more useless comments?09:32
Lore> You're asking people to take responsibility. You're questioning people's confidence in their abilities. You're also unnecessarily walling other people out. I often answer questions related to languages or libraries I have never used, because the answers are (in a programmer kind of way) common sense.09:32
todd-mikkelsenmorning fellows, has anyone had troubles using dconf locks ? I've followed https://help.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/stable/dconf-lockdown.html.en and it doesn't seem to work10:15
Guest52hi all https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sSyLFICx1WY_tloJc8djlvcGSs3JQRZo/view?usp=sharing10:42
Guest52how to disable ariplane mode? It's always active at startup and i need to disable it each time10:42
Guest52aftter i disable it, it enable bluetooth and i have to disable it too10:43
Loretodd-mikkelsen, what does "not work" mean?10:48
LoreGuest52, is it possible the mode is enabled on hardware level via some switch?10:49
Guest52Lore i don't know11:03
LoreGuest52, have you checked out the manual for your hardware/device in such case?11:06
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kirols -al11:13
Guest52Lore in what section of the notebook manual?11:36
LoreIn the section of "Airplane mode", "Networking", "Keyboard".11:38
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BluesKajHi all12:31
=== justache is now known as justache_
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semI'm using Ubuntu to run ddrescue on an external hdd14:47
semI'm getting a lot of "critical medium error"14:47
semIs it better to just stop what I'm doing?14:47
semddrescue is "scraping failed blocks' maybe this is ok?14:48
oerhekssem, continue what you are doing, those are just messages.14:49
oerheksscraping sounds good, it tries harder14:50
oerheksand those blocks is your issue, AFAIK14:50
roberto_tutti morti?15:05
oerhekshi roberto_ , english only please15:06
kutwhat would i check to see why my ssh session to the ubuntu box closes immediately after connecting? even when i have screen -x as the remote command?15:34
oerheksshh -vvvv could tell something15:36
oerheksclose immediatly sounds like ssh is not listening server side?15:36
semoerheks: thanks15:47
semAnother possibility I'm considering is the power supply may be at fault15:47
semThis external drive was causing UEFI to hang, and also Ubuntu boot15:48
oerheksunder heavy load, powergrid can become an issue without UPS to filter15:48
semIt is on a UPS so I think I can rule that out15:49
semThe 12V 2A power adapter may be kind of cheap though15:49
semIt was replacing one I used for a long time that I thought may have gotten too old15:50
semNeither of those were original Samsung power supplies15:50
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jp__Hello, does anyone have any experience dumping nfc tags using built in realtek smartcard reader?17:09
jp__I can see gsd-smartcard in the processes17:09
jp__But no software seems to be able to read it /access it17:09
jp__so on windows it shows the output17:16
jp__the same pc running linux it says unable to connect to nfc reader17:16
PSciCOdeliXHAthello folks..17:21
PSciCOdeliXHAthey... someone know some good book to really know ubuntu. I think the documantation is a little bit limited.17:22
oerheksi don' t know of updated 24.04 lts books, updated man pages are online.17:23
PSciCOdeliXHAtI found one. ubuntu bible.17:24
PSciCOdeliXHAtI love the way all softwares has their own bible..17:24
JanCjp__: does it work as a non-NFC smartcard reader?17:25
ravageWould not trust a book from the fiction section in general17:25
oerheksand tons more, but it will be a quest, programs and dsktops as a whole17:26
PSciCOdeliXHAtravage: yes... the book is from 2007... to old to be real.17:26
oerheksbest; https://help.ubuntu.com/17:27
oerhekssee index17:28
PSciCOdeliXHAtoerheks: still thinks is a little limited when i compare to another distros documentation. I fill I dont understand the hole thing. only parts.17:28
oerhekson joey with his omgubuntu blog ..17:28
oerhekswhat distro gives an up2date manual?17:29
ravageFor most things any general Linux guide is fine. The Ubuntu specifics are well documented usually17:29
oerheksi think you could not have searched the urls i gave you so quickly..17:29
jp__JanC yes17:30
PSciCOdeliXHAtalready are opened.17:30
PSciCOdeliXHAtbut i gona give a secound look.17:30
PSciCOdeliXHAtI don't understand the magazine17:31
JanCjp__: interesting, that sounds like the driver is missing that feature, or it's disabled by default (maybe the radio is off by default?)17:31
lupoanybody out there?17:39
Lorekut, did you solve the SSH case?18:20
LoreIf I may ask.18:20
kutI got busy at work and didn't see any replies18:24
kutI can ssh without an issue from another server into it without it disconncting18:24
oerheksthey you can check the logs what happes.. or shh -vvvv could tell something18:25
=== justache is now known as justThanks
Lorekut, is there any more common client like OpenSSH one?18:39
LoreWith the OpenSSH client, `ssh -vvvp "$port" -- host;`18:40
LoreWe are interested in SSH response codes, and if those won't return informative enough details, we'll try checking out TCP socket codes.18:41
LoreJust to clarify, do you have access to the SSH server, and its logs?18:43
LoreIf you do and logs are not available, you could try attaching strace to the server process, too.18:43
kutI do18:45
kutit's my home server, I'm trying to connect from work18:46
kutit is using OpenSSH... ?18:46
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=== justache is now known as justThanks
tewardkut: you DO have port forwarding configured properly for the server?  You've allowed port 22 in the firewall on the system itself?19:06
tewardkut: have you checked with your workplace IT team to see if they *permit* outgoing SSH access from their networks?  **MOST** corporate networks don't.19:07
kutI can enter my password and get to the prompt then it disconnects19:07
kutI'm connected to another server right now for IRC so I know it's allowed and I am IT19:07
kuthave to ssh into the server for the website anyway19:07
kutif I connect from within a screen windows aka another server, it stays connected19:08
kutI guess it was some setting, I recreated the connection with no issues now19:09
tewardrandom monday scuff maybe>19:15
tewardhad that earlier today because VPN to $WORK was being stupid so :P19:15
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Guest77Pls do any one know how to use hack on codm because everybody is using hack rn19:46
oerhekswrond network, dude19:47
oerheksor wrong19:47
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ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.19:55
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webchat5Gdm.service failed to start20:42
oerhekssystemctl status gdm20:43
oerheksf that does not give a clue:   journalctl --boot --priority=err20:44
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Lorekut, so, to clarify, did you find the culprit source?21:53
Lorekut, just in case, that Kitty is not OpenSSH client.21:57
LoreKitty is a fork of Putty I see. Those are very different with OpenSSH, and up to a point of async key format even, and while Kitty should support OpenSSH keys converting them to its own format, the client's debugging information is different than OpenSSH.21:59
Lore> OpenSSH is the de facto standard implementation of the SSH protocol. If PuTTY and OpenSSH differ, PuTTY is the one that's incompatible.22:00
Lore> ... PuTTY uses a different key file format. It comes with tools to convert between its own .ppk format and the format of OpenSSH.22:01
Lore< https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/74628/13335322:01
Lorekut, please check the following: https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/wishlist/key-formats-natively.html22:01
Lorekut, and, while I've been in Linux for more than 20 years now as the main OS, I saw some people who prefer GUI left positive reviews about the following client they chose instead of Putty, thus have you tried it, too, to compare?: https://www.bitvise.com/ssh-client-unattended22:04
LoreOn Linux, I never used any GUI for SSH, however. Meanwhile, those who are on Windows recommended this client by BitVise you may find interesting, if you haven't tried it yet.22:06
LoreErr. Wrong link: https://bitvise.com/ssh-client22:06
kuton windows so I use kitty since puttytray is no longer developed22:09
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l00pyany suggestions for the best linux distro to run on servers i got that also has a gui? i'm using popOS right now but i imagine there's something more server oriented22:13
Lorekut, the standard OpenSSH client is built-in Windows, if I am not mistaken, while reading about it. You just need to enable it in the settings.22:14
kutI don't want to IRC from a powershell window, though22:17
kutI got it working, no worries22:17
Lorekut, PowerShell window? There's a normal Windows Terminal: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal22:18
LoreThis should support complex features that Kitty does not nor BitVise.22:19
kutI don't need complex features22:19
kutnot sure why you're trying to convince me to switch clients/apps22:20
LoreI believe you need to read about it prior canceling suggestions.22:20
LoreRegardless, you choice.22:20
kutagain, not sure why you're trying to convince me to switch clients/apps22:21
LoreI tried to help you have less problems in the future. Your choice to not say a single "thanks" and deny it, sure.22:21
LoreI have no idea why you think people are stupid enough to suggest things knowing what are on the table.22:22
kutthank you so much for your suggestions, I will look into them when/if I come across another issue that I think is related to my application preference22:22
LoreI hope.22:22
kutme: hey guys, having an issue. you: show us logs. those logs aren't enough. me: no worry i fixed it. you: you should switch clients btw22:23
kutthat's how I saw it and that's why I'm not sure why you're suggesting another client22:23
kutand when I said no, you became pushy then condescending22:24
LoreI did not say you should switch. I said there's this and this option - you said after 5 seconds - "nah".22:24
LoreWithout even considering it.22:24
LoreI just think I wasted my time, that's it.22:25
kutbecause I don't have an issue and it was a simple fix, I'm not going to change my habits22:25
LoreIt's me a stupid person wasting my time here. Sorry.22:25
kutthank you for the non-solicited advice that you seem to be upset I'm not taking22:25
LoreKitty - 24,7K GitHub stars; Windows Terminal - 95,6K;22:25
kutI don't care about github stars22:25
LoreI was upset for people who don't consider suggestions of others and only.22:25
kutI didn't ask22:25
LoreI know22:25
kutI will walk away now, I hope you find happiness elsewhere22:26
LoreStay safe22:26
kutalso welcome to IRC22:26
LoreI've been on IRC since 2011.22:26
LoreIt was better back then. People were more welcoming and social.22:27
* kut walks away22:27
=== Sidewyz1 is now known as Sidewyz

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