=== mildbeard is now known as mild_beard === mild_beard is now known as mildbeard === VanUnamed_ is now known as VanUnamed [10:39] Is it ok to use a usb thumb drive for swap? I'm planning to make a zfsbootmenu bootable usb thumb drive. The uefi partition won't take up the whole space, so I'm thinking to make maybe 7 GB swap on an 8 GB thumb drive with 1 GB for the efi partition. [11:09] I think it would technically work to use a thumb drive for swap, but (1) It will be much slower than an SSD, and maybe not much faster than a HDD and (2) my understanding is that thumb drives are not engineered for repeated writing. [11:15] So I'd be better off with swap on hdd (I don't plan to need the swap, was mostly not wanting to have unused space on the thumb drive)? [11:34] I had a full linux mint install on a sandisk 64gb drive about 10 years ago and I used it as my main development system for a whole year without major issues. I just plugged it into any random system I was using and booted from the drive. [11:37] I don't see why swap on an usb drive wouldn't work, but I probably don't understand your usage case well enough to properly judge. My advice would be just getting one of the better usb drives if you are attempting to do anything that involves system partitions on an usb drive. [12:14] Thanks! [12:25] Hi all === cyc is now known as wildo