
webchat56I have added a second hard drive to my laptop (msi vector) in order to install Linux on it. I asked an engineer to perform the installation, but he told me he was unable to complete it successfully.01:22
webchat56This was the message he sent me:01:22
webchat56I tried to install Linux but was unsuccessful. I'm not sure why; the manufacturer may have locked the device to prevent installation.01:22
webchat56I suggest you contact the store where you made the purchase or the manufacturer's service center for further assistance.01:22
webchat56Could you please give me some suggestions to facilitate the installation of Linux on this secondary hard drive? Could you please suggest me a place in Taipei that provides Linux installation service?01:22
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BuniHola :303:35
BuniComo estan?03:35
BuniAlguien habla español aqui?03:36
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:37
Bunioh gracias :303:37
=== PasiZ5 is now known as PasiZ
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mgedminhow does one track the cause of weird notification sounds?08:12
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kaktusowykokosI'm trying to start shared network fs on Ubuntu for Windows clients from specific AD group. Is it a good idea to use NFS? Or it will be better to use smb service?09:25
kaktusowykokos How can I map AD group to set some permissions for users?09:25
Apachezwhy not some blockbased and use iscsi initiator?09:31
pesHello. I've encountered a bug of sorts when installing 'libsdl1.2-dev:i386' package but I'm not sure how to report it. I'm not able to use ubuntu-bug. It says package isn't installed when I enter it with :i386, and I can't install it as it breaks the OS09:54
pesAny advice on how to proceed?09:54
pesjust to clarify - I'm quite new to linux in general. I'm following the instructions for manually reporting a bug, but it wants me to test the upstream release of the package and I'm not sure what that means or how to do it10:02
mgedminin this case I think it's okay if you skip some steps that are not applicable to your situation10:05
mgedminapt show libsdl1.2-dev tells me 'Source: sdl12-compat'10:06
mgedminhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sdl12-compat has no bugs currently, and there's a "report a bug" link on the right10:07
mgedminI would use that and describe (1) what version of Ubuntu I'm running, (2) the apt install command line I run, and (3) the full output of the failing apt install command10:07
pesbrilliant, thanks10:08
mgedminalso, why are you trying to install the :i386 version of the -dev package?  are you cross-compiling things for some 32-bit console?10:08
mgedminusually you need :i386 versions of library packages (with no -dev suffix) when you run 32-bit binaries through Wine or some other compatibility layer (usually built on top of Wine, like Steam's Proton)10:09
pessomeone's made a replacement executable for an old game Syndicate Wars and it requires 32-bit libraries for sdl10:09
mgedminand you need -dev packages only when you're compiling stuff from source, which normally means you need your native architecture (:amd64) of the -dev10:09
mgedminso that's case (1) and you should install libsdl1.2-compat10:10
* mgedmin is on ubuntu 24.10, package names might differ across versions10:10
mgedminalso, I forgot the :i386 suffix10:11
mgedminhmm, apt show talks about this being a transitional package; maybe you need libsdl1.2debian instead10:11
mgedminI'm not sure how transitional packages and foreign architectures interoperate in ubuntu10:12
mgedmin(i.e. if you see apt install libsdl1.2-compat:i386 pulling in libsdl1.2debian:amd64, that will not be helpful, so apt install libsdl1.2debian:i386 instead)10:13
pesstrange, the package isn't available any more. It was there yesterday10:14
pesah, that debian package looks like it would do the job. Thanks10:16
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apresas-Yeah hello12:23
BluesKajHi all12:26
fwehtcurrently using x instead of wayland, here firefox remembers when i save something, from which websites i save to which directories.  this is super nice, but i remember the last time i used wayland, it didnt work. has it improved by now?12:29
jellyhow do I show video on the second monitor while screen is locked instead of the default standby-ed output?  Ubuntu 20.0412:32
mgedminfweht: I don't think wayland has anything to do with which save dialog firefox uses?12:53
mgedminbut yes, there's the thing where a sandboxed app (firefox) either cannot see part of the filesystem due to snap sandboxing, or it uses the new desktop portal interface for the save as dialog12:54
mgedminand currently the xdg-desktop-portal-gnome does not remember the previously used directories for each app12:54
fwehtmgedmin: yes, and under X it not only remembers on a per app base but even on a per website base which is super convenient12:55
fwehtreally not wanting to switch back to wayland rn12:55
mgedminpossibly firefox ties these unrelated things together ("oh the user wants wayland, they probably also want the desktop portal since they love the bleeding edge"), but that is still surprising to me12:55
fwehtim using snap firefox, so its still sandboxed i guess12:56
fwehtmaybe it can only see and remember user folders12:57
fwehtaah so its about xdg-desktop-portal-gnome which i dont have when using xfce and has nothing to do with wayland?13:01
mgedminpresumably you have xdg-desktop-portal-somethingelse13:07
mgedminafaiu there's a generic xdg-desktop-portal that uses a bunch of files to cross-reference against XDG_SESSION_TYPE environment vars and launch the appropriate portal implementation for your desktop13:08
mgedminxfce uses xdg-desktop-portal-gtk maybe?  I dunno13:08
mgedminor maybe without a portal firefox uses its own native dialog?  you can probably check by looking in /tmp and seeing if it matches your real /tmp, or if it's the sandboxed snap /tmp that doesn't show any of the real /tmp files13:09
fwehti can open stuff from /tmp which is weird13:19
fwehtah it then opens the url `file:///run/user/...`but i cant open `file:///tmp/...`13:20
fwehtso it seems to bridge it. but `fish_config` for example doesnt work without localhost. maybe i should switch back to non-sandboxed firefox.13:20
semddrescue is done with my 2 TB drive. It found 5 mb of bad areas. I'm going to mount the image or use photorec. The guide I'm looking at talks about finding offsets, but maybe photorec can do this automatically? I will try13:23
semheh, 'discover' doesn't have photorec or testdisk, but 'apt install testdisk' still works as expected13:32
lotuspsychjesem: photorec is inside testdisk13:33
semi expected searching 'testdisk' in discover would let me download it, but it wasn't there. Neither was photorec.13:34
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lotuspsychje!info testdisk13:35
ubottutestdisk (7.1-5+nmu1build2, noble): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Built by testdisk. Size 399 kB / 1,437 kB13:35
=== bio is now known as biodigital
semwould you expect it not to be findable by discover?13:35
lotuspsychjesem: are you using an official flavour of ubuntu?13:36
semyes, Ubuntu Studio13:37
lotuspsychjesem: then it should be on repos/universe13:37
semit was in the repos, via apt. just not discover13:37
semi'm using photorec on the smaller of the two partitions in the disk image13:44
semand I am not sure if it will preserve the folder hierarchy or not (maybe not)13:44
semso for the larger partition that I care more about, maybe I will try something else13:45
lotuspsychjejust scan the whole thing, rescue as many data as you can while your dying drive spins13:45
semsomething like 'sudo fsck -y backup.img' and then use the offsets to mount the partition13:45
semI already imaged it with ddrescue13:46
lotuspsychjea good idea with photorec is setting the filetypes too13:46
lotuspsychjethat makes you gain a lot of time13:46
semthat makes sense13:46
lotuspsychjethe filetypes you really dont need, dont enable those13:47
semit would be good if they had a list of filetypes and you can go through and select the ones you care about13:47
lotuspsychjeit has13:47
semi can try that13:47
lotuspsychjeuse the arrows to [file opt]13:48
semwithout that setting, photorec is recovering a bunch including .tx? and .elf which i've never heard of13:49
lotuspsychjewelcome Guest1014:19
lotuspsychjehow can we help you Guest1014:27
tomreynsem: it is unexpected to me that discover would (after having it refresh package information) not offer testdisk, but then i know not much about how discover works.15:03
oerhekstestdisk is part of universe, maybe not enabled (server)15:05
tomreyn#ubuntustudio and #kubuntu should be better places to inquire about discover, though, because it's a QT/kde/plasma tool15:05
tomreynoerheks: sem stated that testdisk was available through apt CLI, not discover.15:06
oerhekshmm, that is odd.15:06
Guest86I have a question about rsync logging. I am logging an rsync cronjob but i only want to log files that changed (update,move,new,delete,etc). Is there a flag or something I can set to only log changes and not list every file/directory?15:13
tomreynGuest86: i'm not sure if you can choose what it logged, but you can choose how (and in which detail) actions are logged using --log-file-format=FORMAT - and you can later grep the log.15:18
geniiGuest86: There seems to be some info about using the --itemize-changes flag here https://serverfault.com/questions/618735/how-to-output-a-list-of-changed-files-from-rsync15:18
tomreynhello JohnnyNobbit15:19
Guest86I am trying (and failing) to find details about the syntax for --log-file-format. The man page mentions rsyncd man, but I dont see any details about how to configure that. Does anyone have a link?15:19
tomreyncorrectly, the rsync (client) man page (rsync(1)) mentions the rsyncd.conf (rsyncd.conf(5)) man page. so you'd run "man 5 rsyncd.conf". manpages are also available at https://manpages.ubuntu.com15:22
Guest86thanks tomreyn15:24
tomreynand there, you'd want the "log format" paragraph, which is part of "MODULE PARAMETERS"15:25
nxprocan u help us15:56
oerheksno, as we have no clue what your real question is16:00
genii!ask | nxpro16:01
ubottunxpro: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:01
oerheksis !patience that card game, genii ??16:01
nxprolet me tell my question why world are suck16:06
nxproi need some money for my college fees any one can help me16:07
=== Bayangan_ is now known as Bayangan
tomreynnxpro: this channel is (exclusively) about ubuntu support, as indicated in the /topic16:24
tomreyni hope you can find some form of help with this issue elsewhere.16:25
pisignagehey guys16:31
toddcpisignage: ask16:32
tomreyngreetings pisignage16:32
pisignageI am connected tu ubuntu by remote desktop, and I am trying to open a browser but it is not working.16:33
pisignageHow do you fix this prob.16:33
tomreynthe web browser is not starting when you click on the icon?16:33
pisignageI have purged through terminal and have tried reinstalling and starting firefox from terminal but no luck.16:34
pisignageNo it doesn't.16:34
tomreynwhat happens when you run it from a terminal? and how do you?16:34
pisignageThis only happens when i remote into the machine.16:35
pisignageIf i open it directly from the machine everything works fine.16:35
tomreyni see. so: what happens when you run firefox from a terminal? and how do you?16:36
tomreynusing the remote desktop session, that is16:36
pisignagei do firefox &16:36
pisignageand this is the message i get16:36
tomreynplease use a pastebin for sharing multi-line output16:37
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://bpa.st | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:37
tomreynalso, which ubuntu version is this?    lsb_release -ds     should tell16:37
pisignage!pastebinit /user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-c33.scope is not a snap cgroup16:38
pisignageI am using 22.04.5 LTS16:39
tomreynare you using the remote desktop server integrated into gnome-shell, which can be configured and activated in Gnome Settings?16:39
pisignageI am using xorg16:40
oerheksseems like this old issue https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/cannot-launch-snap-applications-with-cgroup-v2/27700/316:40
oerheksSnap run attempts to create a separate scope (a cgroup actually) for the application by talking to org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager over session bus. In your case, the session bus is unavailable, so a separate cgroup cannot be created ..16:40
kuka_liehow to change tty font size? i have huge font in tty16:41
oerheksfix https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/cannot-launch-snap-applications-with-cgroup-v2/27700/616:41
tomreynkuka_lie: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup16:41
pisignageOk nice16:43
pisignageThanks ill take a look at the links.16:43
tomreyn"I am using xorg" is good additional info, but did not answer my question.16:44
tomreynhope you can work it out.16:44
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JuanDaughertyin 24.04 setting it false in gdm/custom.conf is apparently inadequate to disable wayland19:05
oerhekswhy would one do that?19:06
JuanDaughertybecause it breaks stuff and juan doesn wanna use it; is that OK?19:07
oerheksjust switch at login19:08
JuanDaughertythis is linux i'm supposed to be in control as i've become used to being since i first used it c. 199519:08
JuanDaughertyor 4, 30 ya19:08
JuanDaughertyyeah that's inadequate19:09
oerheksNo, it is not failing.19:09
JuanDaughertyas u no doubt know by now from others coming with the same issue19:09
JuanDaughertywhat there's an option for in the splash is to run unity under x.org19:10
oerheksi stick with the official answer. thanks19:10
JuanDaughertyother wm run under gdm still get waylanded19:10
JuanDaughertyand custom.conf id ineffective19:11
JuanDaughertyi'll work it out, it's no biggy19:12
JuanDaughertytypical capitalistici shits19:12
JuanDaughertyalso to be fair, i can disable it but not in clean way that would be the case if the distro had done it19:16
JuanDaughertyi.e. done it right, not in a passive aggressive mode of why do u wanna do that?19:18
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
PsciCOdelixHAthello folk. I have instaled ubuntu recently. the notebook i have instaled. have to video cards. intel and radeon. I have installed the radeongpu. fine. but now i want to set it as default.20:32
oerheksradeon should be installed standard, as part of the kernel. how did you install it?20:33
PsciCOdelixHAtI m using just linux with start directly.20:33
oerheksselect radeon in your bios as primairy should switch auto20:33
PsciCOdelixHAtoerheks:my bios dont have this20:34
PsciCOdelixHAtI just want to put it as primary but not change grub conf if possible20:34
PsciCOdelixHAtjust for my user.20:34
oerhekslspci | grep VGA20:35
PsciCOdelixHAtI so that the modeulo radeon i can chage this configuration, by radeon.si_support=120:35
PsciCOdelixHAtjust installing nopaste20:37
PsciCOdelixHAtI forgot how use pastebin..but it not working in my region...someone know another one20:53
oerheksman pastebin20:58
PsciCOdelixHAti used ubuntu.21:00
PsciCOdelixHAtyousef: hello21:00
yousefwhere are you21:00
PsciCOdelixHAtI'm in the world. I mean earth.21:08
PsciCOdelixHAtI'm in brazil.21:08
PsciCOdelixHAtoerheks: just want to change to the radeon.21:14
alicebabeJoin chaturbate with my link and geta 25$ in tokens for free no email verification required https://chaturbate.com/in/?tour=g4pe&campaign=Ji1V5&track=default21:15
=== Bahhumbug is now known as Bahyumbird
tomreynhello yousef21:45
tomreynbye yousef21:46
PSciCdeXHAthey...look at me again21:48
PSciCdeXHAtanyone that can help me here21:49
tomreynPSciCdeXHAt: i read your earlier question and statements twice, but i am still not sure what you are asking / want to achieve.21:50
tomreynmayne this is what you're looking for https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/PRIME21:52
cousteauHi!  I'm writing a script (for personal use) that runs a command as root, and another as regular user.  So it'll run the root command with sudo -H (or similar).  But I would like to be able to launch the script graphically too.  Is there a way to prompt for a password graphically?22:24
cousteauBack in the day there were gksudo and gksu22:25
PsciCOdeliXHAtso.... anyone can help me22:32
PsciCOdeliXHAtI' m trying to make radeon GPU be using by default.22:32
sprokkelcousteau: pkexec is your friend.22:35
oerheks 23:54

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