[05:19] w [12:31] Hi all === pick is now known as pickanick [12:58] Bien le bonjour, je viens à l'instant d'installer Ku mais, le discover ne fonctionne pas (Ne detecte pas ma connexion internet ) avez-vous eu la même problèmatique ? [13:01] !Fr [13:01] Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper «/join #ubuntu-fr» ou «/join #ubuntu-qc». Merci. [13:03] sorry for that [15:02] Hello I am looking to use my Google drive on kubuntu 24.10 but. I can't find a working method, do you have a solution [15:12] I haven't bothered to do this myself. I'll get back to you in a bit, I'm setting this up right now (re @mat: Hello I am looking to use my Google drive on kubuntu 24.10 but. I can't find a working method, do you have a solution) [15:22] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=480779 [15:22] seems like the official way to handle google drive integration to kde is broken at the moment. On discover there's a comment with someone saying they got google drive integration to work with google-drive-ocamlfuse (re @mat: Hello I am looking to use my Google drive on kubuntu 24.10 but. I can't find a working method, do you have a solution) [15:22] -ubottu:#kubuntu- KDE bug 480779 in systemsettings "Can not add Google to Online Accounts anymore using a recent version of signon-ui" [Grave, Confirmed] [15:23] for me this isn't a high priority thing so I'm just going to wait for a kde fix [15:38] Thanks for your answer 👍 I will look at the link and at worst I will wait for the resolution (re @TimoSalola: for me this isn't a high priority thing so I'm just going to wait for a kde fix) === mikeb is now known as ipsoi === ipsoi is now known as ipso