[00:05] UWN: Opening 868 shortly for the day's update. [00:12] Eickmeyer: Not too shabby :D https://www.howtogeek.com/what-is-ubuntu-studio/ . [00:30] Saved and out. [01:57] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::security:: Episode 242 @ https://ubuntusecuritypodcast.org/episode-242/ [02:02] Bashing-om: NICE! Showed up on MSN Start too! [02:10] Eickmeyer: \o/ - more exposure better. [16:12] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Calibre 7.22 Offers Better Support for Tolino eReaders, Easy Restart Option @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/11/calibre-7-22-released [21:56] guiverc: Your thoughts - too soon to start a Discourse top thread section on UWN ? // " Ubuntu Community Discourse: Support and Help - Top 5 Threads " to long of a description or something else ? [21:58] sorry, I'm not sure what you're asking & mean. Not sure what it'd say, though can't see how 'too soon' would apply [22:02] If you know what can go there; please add it.. (i think i'm understanding finally..) [22:07] guiverc: Migration of the Forums - Been busy on Discourse this last week :D [22:07] guiverc: I still got to poke at " top 5 threads " to see what can be done :( [22:08] I'd not considered the top five forums posts.. [22:10] UWN: In that mean time - opening 868 for my Friday's updates. [22:10] ack... be a few hours before I start uwn summaries [22:10] guiverc: Forums begins closing down in a couple more days ! [22:11] yeah I've been watching.. i think migration has gone well (mostly due to hard work by those doing the work) [22:24] Saved and out.