[01:48] Bashing-om, how about we include (Forums) in the title of the old UF list; eg. 'Ubuntu [Forums] Community Discourse Top 5 Threads' ie. some link back to UF maybe; even if not kept long-term. [01:52] guiverc: Sure - will help in the migration too. [01:57] guiverc: Will have to try again on a bit --- other user in the page. [01:57] ack.. no hurry (yet) [01:59] could also be a 'Ubuntu Community Discourse Top 5 Threads (includes Ubuntu Forums)' or somethign else.. Maybe also just a line & not in heading. [02:03] guiverc: Well - was my plam to also do the Ubuntu Forums threads too. [02:08] Saved and out. [18:38] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Discord Screen Share Sound Finally Works on Linux @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/11/discord-screen-share-audio-support-for-linux [19:58] UWN: Opening 868 to add stats/reports - thin out the robot entries. [21:13] UWN: Issue868 up for review and final edits: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-868/50152 :D [22:13] thanks Bashing-om , I'll get to it (when I can) [23:34] thought i had yesterday was replacing 'top 5' with 'selected/chosen 5' (less 'rating' focus) [23:41] ubuntu studio post s/Audio Audio/Audio/ [23:42] * guiverc just corrected ^ [23:43] removing \n on ubuntu.on.air summary [23:44] an extra \n (within quotes) removed from next one too [23:47] we do have some archive robots.. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/focal-changes/2024-November/050831.html [23:55] s/some/one in my last comment; you did well at removing Bashing-om [23:55] Looks good to me.. I've edited what I felt needed doing..