
VanUnamedi start to question if i was right to install kubuntu at all.00:52
VanUnamedi had mint before, and never, it got frozen00:52
VanUnamedsince i put this, almost every day i find it frozen and have to do a a hard reset00:52
oerheksKDE hardly fails on me. maybe baloo indexing is taking unused cpu power.00:54
VanUnamedmint was kde too..00:59
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BluesKajHi all12:00
mparilloIt has been a long time since Mint had an official KDE spin.15:23
oerhekswas he on kde5 and now on 6?15:32
IrcsomeBot<C0uriers> Hi, i accident Lady deleted the Hotspot /option in the GUI that comes with kubuntu 24.1. is there an easy way to get the optipn back as i am newbie. thx16:39
IrcsomeBot<C0uriers> thanks in advance16:48
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