[04:57] hello i have recently installed xubuntu minimal, its great accept the touchpad settings are lacking. i am unable to to enable tap to click or two finger right click, is there something else i need to install in order to enable these options in the touchpad settings. i am coming from gnome and pantheon so a little new to xfce. i have xfce mint [04:57] installed on another machine and i see the disred settings options for the touchpad on that inhstall [04:58] except* desired** install*** [05:12] patx: A thought - libinput installed ? - dpkg -l xserver-xorg-input-libinput ' . [05:13] Bashing-om: interesting let me check [05:13] i saw something about that on reddit now that im thinking about that === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc