
IrcsomeBot<outeremush> Nice to see kubuntu 25.04 daily builds are being worked on i may try build an iso with my tool see how far i can get but now the recent KdeLinux is out ive decided to fork it and its been working well on plasma 6.3 dev 😁02:45
IrcsomeBot<outeremush> Nice to see kubuntu 25.04 daily builds are being worked on i may try build an iso with my tool see how far i can get but now the recent KdeLinux is out ive decided to fork it and its been working well i love plasma 6.3 dev 😁02:46
=== Unit193 is now known as JackFrost
BluesKajHi all12:03
olgutaHi. I have a small issue i just installed Kubuntu on my Early 2015 Macbook and the back light of my keys don`t work no more.13:51
olgutaIs there any way to light them up13:51
olgutaAnyone in here ?13:52
* olguta Hi. I have a small issue i just installed Kubuntu on my Early 2015 Macbook and the back light of my keys don`t work no more. Anyone can help me out ?13:54
olgutaAnyone can help ?14:10
olgutaHi there14:21
IrcsomeBot<C0uriers> ji14:21
IrcsomeBot<C0uriers> hi14:21
IrcsomeBot<C0uriers> Hi, i accident Lady deleted the Hotspot /option in the GUI that comes with kubuntu 24.1. is there an easy way to get the optipn back as i am newbie. thx14:21
IrcsomeBot<C0uriers> some1 there?14:21
olgutanobody here14:22
IrcsomeBot<DiogoConstantino> people are here, just busy with their lives, and/or don't know how to answer your question14:24
olgutaok i will wait14:29
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=== xxxxxxxxxxx is now known as aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
IrcsomeBot<DiogoConstantino> try asking also on the Ubuntu Discourse (https://discourse.ubuntu.com)14:35
tomreynaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: i just searched the web for "linux Early 2015 Macbook keyboard lights OR lighting" and got this as the first result - https://askubuntu.com/questions/26248/how-to-get-keyboard-light-keys-working-on-macbook - and this on the third: https://gist.github.com/nwjlyons/c66bbdeb62ae60ee0ef4 - do any of these help?14:36
tomreynC0uriers: i'm not going to be able to help (not used to kubuntu), but you probably mean 24.04(.1) LTS (?)14:43
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai will check now if any of those links help14:45
tomreynlooks like the PPA (first link) only provides packages for no longer supported Kubuntu versions14:45
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaathe  kubuntu is new14:46
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaathe laptop is old is 201514:46
tomreynright, i'm trying to say that the 'solution' provided on the first link will probably not work for you.14:47
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaE: Unable to locate package applesmc-dkms14:48
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaudo apt-get install applesmc-dkms14:49
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai gave it this comand but it didn`t work14:49
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=== JakeSays_ is now known as JakeSays
adalbertocome funziona?21:09
adalbertoBuonasera a tutti21:09
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi «/join #ubuntu-it» senza virgolette)21:09
oerheksenglish only please21:10

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