
=== alucardromero0 is now known as alucardromero
=== abydon57 is now known as abydon5
=== Avago_Broadqual2 is now known as Avago_Broadqual
manis05Hello! We're running a web service through a Docker container on a docker-compose file with this example command: "python3 -m webapp.web". We've configured the docker-compose file with "" and nginx is configured with proxy_pass http://localhost:8888. Everything is working fine on our dev environment. Now we're ready to move in to production and we're going to use gunicorn. Is this an appropriate command to use in produ06:01
manis05ction? gunicorn --graceful-timeout 300 -t 120 --workers 1 --log-level=debug --bind localhost:5000 webapp:app06:01
tsimonq2manis05: You may consider more workers depending on your production server capacity.06:46
tsimonq2`--workers $(nproc)` may work until you can fine-tune it06:46
manis05tsimonq2: Will check on this. Thank you for taking time to respond, I really appreciate it!06:53
mloutHi, I'm playing around with landscape. In the web portal when I go to my device is says that there are no updates available. However locally on the device (apt list --upgradable) it seems there are 76 available. It seems that the landscape web UI only displays the packages from 'noble' and not shows the available updates from 'noble-updates'. Is14:57
mloutthis intended?14:57
=== tsimonq2_ is now known as tsimonq2
=== JanC is now known as Guest3359

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