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spinningCatcan i do sftp connection in nautilus?00:22
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oerhekssftp://user@host:port/path or sftp -P port user@host:/path/to/location00:54
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manis05Hello! We're running a web service through a Docker container on a docker-compose file with this example command: "python3 -m webapp.web". We've configured the docker-compose file with "" and nginx is configured with proxy_pass http://localhost:8888. Everything is working fine on our dev environment. Now we're ready to move in to production and we're going to use gunicorn. Is this an appropriate command to use in production?01:59
manis05gunicorn --graceful-timeout 300 -t 120 --workers 1 --log-level=debug --bind localhost:5000 webapp:app01:59
devslashGot Ubuntu 24.04 that stopped booting recently. It hangs at loading initial ramdisk. any suggestions what to do?02:26
MrPirateWhat's going on peoples? Anyone alive to answer a question about a mysterious proxy configuration? it seems like i've set it somewhere few years back, and for the life of me, can't find where it's set, so when i use the update manager now, i'm running into issues02:31
devslashwhen running apt update ?02:32
MrPirateapt update doesn't yield errors interestingly, the errors only pop up via update manager.02:33
d3_2024i thought there was a spot in update manager to specify a proxy?02:34
d3_2024nvm, i thought there was a spot in the gui when you define your mirror to set a proxy, i'm wrong02:36
MrPiratei should be more specific, the errors appear when i reload the software cache in "software & updates" every time i prompt this action.02:37
devslashdo you guys know how to fix an ubuntu installation that wont boot02:37
d3_2024grep -nr '*proxy*' /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/*02:38
d3_2024must be set in an apt .conf somewhere I would assume?02:39
nick____devslash: what messages are you receiving? is it grub related? is it a fresh install?02:39
devslashnot a fresh install no errors02:39
d3_2024devslash, boot a live usb and check journalctl would be my first start, what is the error that's stopping booting?02:39
devslashjust hangs at boot. it shows starting cups service then hangs after that02:39
devslashno errors02:39
devslashwas working fine then one day just stopped booting02:40
d3_2024from power on, boot to recovery console and do journalctl -xb i think -xb is last boot only02:40
devslashim in a recovery console02:40
devslashwhen i run journalctl theres a crap ton of output02:41
MrPirated3_2024 I greped the entire /etc/ directory without anything useful popping up. your command didn't yield anything.02:41
MrPiratei mean, i tried doing this before i asked here.02:41
d3_2024I might have fudged it up, do ls /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02:41
d3_2024is there like a 40proxy.conf or XXproxy.conf?02:41
d3_2024devslash, -xbr is everything from last boot in reverse order, so problem should be near the top02:42
MrPirated3_2024 yes there is, but i cleared it previously.02:42
MrPiratemaybe i have to apply the changes somehow?02:43
devslashi dont see any errors02:43
d3_2024devslash, journalctl -p 002:43
d3_2024then -p 1, p for priority, 0 being highest02:43
devslashIm running apt upgrade just in case a bad package gets fixed by running this command02:44
d3_2024don't remember what they stand for, i think 4 is just warnings, maybe it's 5 :P02:44
devslashwhen its done ill try that02:44
MrPirated3_2024 i also cleared the environment file, and the proxy settings via the gui are disabled. but the error i get is definitely using the proxy address i was using before.02:45
d3_2024what's the exact error?02:45
devslashI just noticed something but im not sure if its the cause of my problem02:46
devslashwhen i boot it says failed to start snap.cups.cupsd.service02:47
d3_2024MrPirate, maybe it's cached still? sudo apt update still errors?02:47
MrPiratepk-client-error-quark...... was there some way to grab the text without manually typing it? in windows you can do ctrl+c to copy and the you can paste, maybe i'm forgetting the ubuntu way?02:47
d3_2024ctrl-shift-c -v from a term, or highlight and right click copy/paste02:48
MrPiratei'm using the gui, seems like there's no errors via terminal02:48
devslashhuh so I just found out something interesting Ctrl+Alt+Fx does show me another terminal where i can log in at the command line02:48
d3_2024ya, that's your tty's devslash02:49
d3_2024if you can login then the login manager might be the issue, not cups02:49
devslashi dunno02:49
devslashwhat are my options02:49
d3_2024if you can login your system is booted, just X/Wayland session is borked by the sounds of it02:50
d3_2024does dmesg give any more info on what is failing?02:50
d3_2024are you on stock ubuntu with gnome?02:50
devslashI did noticed that if i type startx it shows me the ubuntu crashed screen02:51
devslashthat only says log out02:51
nick____yeah sounds like x is borked02:51
d3_2024check dmesg, ill find the systemctl command to show you what service has failed to load gimme a sec02:51
d3_2024systemctl list-units --failed or systemctl list-units --state failed02:52
devslashif i type just systemctl, cupsd02:53
devslashit says snap.cups.cupsd.service02:53
d3_2024systemctl stop snap.cups.cupsd.service02:54
d3_2024then maybe try startx?02:54
nick____is there any reason why CUPS would bork X/Wayland02:54
d3_2024seems weird that the printer service would stop the x/wayland from loading02:54
devslashyea i know02:54
devslashI dont even have a printer02:54
d3_2024it might be a dependancy i guess?02:54
d3_2024does startx work?02:55
devslashI mean i have a wireless one but it is not connected to ubuntu02:55
d3_2024if so, and you don't print, systemctl disable snap.cups............ and reboot02:55
d3_2024complete the full command obviously, im just lazy and didn't want to type out that long service name02:56
d3_2024also weird that cups service is installed from a snap?02:56
d3_2024oh, gnome 42 is listed as a system snap, that explains it02:57
d3_2024cups is rolled up in gnome i'm guessing02:57
d3_2024if you disable cups you should be able to boot normally, if that is the only service unit that is failing02:58
d3_2024and we never saw him again.....03:03
devslashno im here sorry I am checking something03:03
devslashI think that my issue has to do with the graphics card03:05
devslashIm tring to bypass my graphics card and plug into the onboard vga for testing03:05
d3_2024did you recently do an update?03:06
devslashI may have updated apt the last time it worked I dont remember03:06
devslashbut nothing else unusual03:06
MrPiratehere's the error message in question for me: https://pasteboard.co/kWYRq8tSifVs.png03:12
MrPiratei disabled the additional sources,but it repeats the same way for any other ppa, like spotify or sublime03:13
MrPiratei definitely set that proxy address somewhere, but where!? lol. i even checked dconf03:15
devslashok so I got my 2nd monitor to work and disabled cups.cupsd.service but it still hangs at starting gdm.service03:16
d3_2024MrPirate, network manager?03:21
d3_2024devslash, systemctl status gdm.service might give you an error03:21
devslashno actually its not showing me an error03:23
d3_2024MrPirate, can you pastebin your apt sources file?03:23
MrPirateone second, i will become disconnected for a moment, i want to try something03:24
d3_2024MrPirate, oh, you said you had it set in an environment variable?03:24
d3_2024did you reload your profile?03:24
MrPiratebut that file is now empty03:24
MrPiratehow do you do that?03:24
d3_2024which file did you modify?03:25
MrPirateboth are empty03:26
MrPirateat this moment03:26
d3_2024log out and back in?03:26
d3_2024back in my day it was source ~/.bashrc or similar03:26
MrPiratealready done, including shutting down03:26
d3_2024didn't realise it was stored in /etc/environment now :P03:26
d3_2024what does evn | grep -i proxy return?03:27
MrPirateenv right? it yields nothing.03:28
d3_2024and you said the apt proxy.conf was blank?03:29
d3_2024and apt update fails still?03:29
MrPiratei greped the entire /etc folder03:29
d3_2024hmmm..make a new user, add them to sudoers, then login with the new user and see if you can update apt?03:29
d3_2024no, i guess that error you posted clearly shows it's trying to use an ip you've set....so not a user config issue03:30
MrPiratethe funny thing is that it worked great once i set this up, I need to start logging wtf I've done, but even the bash history is not helping me haha03:31
d3_2024what version?03:32
d3_2024and you're sure in the settings menu the proxy toggle is flipped off?03:32
d3_2024like gnome settings at the top right of your desktop03:32
devslashI guess I'm gonan have to reinstall ubuntu03:33
d3_2024sometimes it is the fastest way :P03:34
MrPirateyes, it's definitely off, since i am on the wifi, i thought to remove it, and try to reconnect in case that might help03:34
devslashpisses me off cause i didnt do anything unusual03:34
d3_2024even if you only have a single disk on your system, zfs on root is handy, if you can train yourself to make snapshots prior to config changes/apt package upgrades, it's ezpz rebooting and going back to the known good working boot environment03:35
MrPiratebrb, i won't receive message for few moments03:35
d3_2024snapshots don't take any disk space either, so you can literally have hourly snapshots to roll back to03:35
devslashreally I will have to look into that once I get back up and running03:36
d3_2024oh wait, that might not be a thing in linux zfs03:37
MrPiratedang, that didn't seem to work. so i tried greping var and etc before, but since i didn't find anything, i wonder where else should i be looking?03:39
MrPiratei'll just make a new user as well, and see what happens03:40
devslashI'll be damned....03:40
devslashI fixed it03:40
d3_2024hip hip horray!!!03:40
devslashI found a post on askubuntu.com that suggested removing and reinstalling gdm3 and that seems to have done the trick03:41
d3_2024oh no shit, someone actually brought the freebsd/truebsd zfs root environment rollback to linux https://klarasystems.com/articles/zbm-101-introduction-to-zfsbootmenu/03:44
d3_2024^^ friggin life saver right there :P03:44
devslashthat was productive....03:47
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meustation22.04.4 LTS here, got a handful of exotic fonts in .ttf format that I would like to install in a way that makes them available system-wide to all possible users; I can deal with acting through a terminal and not just the gui. how should I proceed? a link to the proper how-to on the forums can do if it's too long to explain in here.06:30
ravagesudo cp ~/myfonts/*.ttf /usr/local/share/fonts/truetype/06:41
ravagesudo fc-cache -fv06:42
mgedminfun fact: if you want your custom fonts to be available to snap applications, you also need to put them in /usr/local/share/fonts, because ~/.local/share/fonts/ will not work06:54
merzu"~/snap/*/current/.local/share/fonts" should work also06:57
mgedmincurrent/ implies you have to manually copy it over after every snap update, no?06:58
merzuno, on snap update, the snap daemon will copy it for you automatically06:58
mgedminso it's just one manual copy for every snap app that needs to use the font then06:59
merzuotherwise you would lose all your data always when updating snap app to newer version :)06:59
dak_I'm still not sure how I feel about snaps. I tend to steer clear of them. I still lean towards debs over snaps, flatpaks etc. Is the tide changing on snaps in general?07:19
merzuwhy do you need to feel about snaps anything. It is not important how an app is distributed for general user. Just use it.07:27
mgedmindunno about public opinion, but the experience of using snaps is better than it was a few years ago07:28
mgedmin(back when silent unannounced background snap updates would copy your chromium profile over and not tell you, so when you next restart the browser a few days later, your open tabs and history are missing the last couple of days)07:29
merzusilent announcement is usually better for user expirience07:31
dak_merzu, Well, as I understand it, the backend was (is?) closed-source. I was not a fan of the slow start up and performance for many applications that were snaps. And the size of the packages were/are larger than native. I recall there being plenty of reasons to feel a certain way about them when I first tried them. Granted, its been a while...07:51
dak_maybe they are much improved now?07:51
dak_mgedmin, thats good to hear... that things have been improving. I still know plenty who stay away from them, uninstalling the daemon etc.07:53
toddcdak_: https://snapcraft.io/about  yes they are self contained with all dependencies and work on any linux and in a container so they more secure but they are bigger and may take a bit longer to open but overall faster to develop safer07:56
=== voonij is now known as cokpolbb
TyakuHello, We have a problem since some update of ubuntu 20.04, now when we plug some USB<>Serial to the computer, the device appear in /dev/ttyUSB1 and then disapear, after some research i found that the device is taken by brltty "usbfs: interface 0 claimed by cp210x while 'brltty' sets config #1"10:44
ravageYou could probably just uninstall brltty10:45
TyakuYes I understand, but I think it's not a normal situation10:46
TyakuIt should be considerated as a bug10:46
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.10:46
TyakuIn my opinion, this is not supposed to appens.10:46
oerhekstyaku ..  systemctl list-units | grep brltty11:20
oerheksoh gone11:20
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BluesKajHi all12:06
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pangeaultimai just installed zapret13:20
pangeaultimahow do i use it13:20
oerheks'Using zapret to bypass censorship' ...13:27
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tanyujust installed armbian on an orange pi14:26
lotuspsychje!discuss | tanyu14:29
ubottutanyu: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!14:29
mloutHi, I'm playing around with landscape. In the web portal when I go to my device is says that there are no updates available. However locally on the device (apt list --upgradable) it seems there are 76 available. It seems that the landscape web UI only displays the packages from 'noble' and not shows the available updates from 'noble-updates'. Is14:44
mloutthis intended?14:44
lotuspsychjemlout: i think landscape is a canonical side support, volunteers here might not be able to help much14:51
ubottuLandscape makes the management and monitoring of Ubuntu systems simple and effective by combining world-class support with easy to use online management tools. https://landscape.canonical.com/14:51
oerheksor #ubuntu-server perhaps?14:52
karenwWhat's the command to just say "Screw phasing, I don't mind getting updates as soon as they are released"?14:53
leftyfbkarenw: sudo apt install <package name>14:53
karenwAh, I meant as a more general solution, but that works for my immediate problem.14:54
leftyfbkarenw: there isn't. It's all server-side14:55
leftyfbit's not your machine that tells apt to hold back packages, it's the servers14:55
karenwNo way to set APT::Get::Always-Include-Phased-Updates system-wide?14:56
mloutoerheks: I will try in that channel, thanks14:56
oerheksdisable phasing, tons of guides.. use this one https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/about-apt-upgrade-and-phased-updates14:57
oerheksit contains 2 lines14:57
leftyfbah, tricky14:57
oerheksthank you for helping testing14:58
karenwoerheks: Thanks. Yes, I don't mind testing newer updates on my laptop. It's mainly a test rig with every wayland compositor (and X) installed.14:59
karenwI wouldn't do this on a server :D14:59
oerheksMe neither, for production machines14:59
karenwYeah. If it's a server or the user wouldn't know how to diagnose a bug and report it themself, don't do it.15:01
oerheksi would like to add; create a launchpad account first15:01
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karenwOh I do. Although sometimes I fear my bug reporting is shouting into the wind.15:03
karenwReported 3 bugs in 24.04 that are still in NEW and have no activity and have been fixed in 24.10.15:03
karenw(Still broken in 24.04 though)15:04
lotuspsychjewich ones karenw15:16
karenwCan you see this page? https://bugs.launchpad.net/~karen-webb (Disclaimer: 2 of them are kubuntu/kde specific. and the other is from an ancient driver)15:20
lotuspsychjeyes we can15:20
oerheksone must be security related, no access15:20
oerhekshttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-workspace/4:5.27.11-0ubuntu4.1 fixes CVE-2024-36041, maybe related..15:22
-ubottu:#ubuntu- KSmserver in KDE Plasma Workspace (aka plasma-workspace) before and 6.x before allows connections via ICE based purely on the host, i.e., all local connections are accepted. This allows another user on the same machine to gain access to the session manager, e.g., use the session-restore feature to execute arbitrary code as the victim (on the next boot) via... <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-36041>15:22
lotuspsychjeyeah browsing upstream bugs might be an idea on plasma15:23
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karenwoerheks: They all look public to me. Total of 4 bugs, 3 reported by me, NEW, 24.04, and one I acked as also experiencing that's CONFIRMED, 24.10.15:47
oerheksoh, i see 4 now, just 2 30m ago..15:48
oerheksmea culpa15:48
karenwO.o, I haven't reported anything new for months15:49
oerheksi read the 2 oldest ones, 202 and 177 days old15:49
karenwNo idea why you only saw 2 then15:52
karenwIf there's a bug in launchpad itself, that is an amusing tautology15:52
pietroopa meu nobre16:00
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henriquevamooo gozaaaa17:54
escolavai tomar no cuuuuu17:54
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rubickwhat is the appropriate way to alter the background color of the login screen in ubuntu 24.04?20:29
enigma9o7There is a method in the archwiki that would likely work.  https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GDM#Log-in_screen_background_image20:32
enigma9o7You could also try https://github.com/gdm-settings/gdm-settings20:33
enigma9o7(which is available as appimage and flatpak, but not snap)20:34
oerheksgdm-settings https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2022/04/login-screen-background-ubuntu-22-04/20:37
lvaluehello. my network provider is for some reason blocking http access to ubuntu repos. can someone help me switch over to https for apt sources?20:50
tomreynlvalue: for 24.04 LTS ("noble"): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine20:54
lvaluenvm, got it20:55
tomreynsome later releases may use (or mix with) a different repository configuration file format (deb822), but the locations are similar.20:56
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tomreyngreetings, royer23:03

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